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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. I would suggest caution depending upon online "DIY" articles; many of them have been the sources of vehicles that showed up at the shop on flatbeds after that DIY went very, very wrong. You would be infinitely better off depending upon sources like LN Engineering and Jake Raby.
  2. It always remain a possibility that tomorrow will bring the proverbial "better mousetrap". Funny story about LN's IMS products: Every kit includes a numbered sticker to be mounted on the driver's door frame to demonstrate that the vehicle has been retrofitted, always a plus at resale or trade in time. These became so desirable that counterfeit stickers began to show up online so that dubious owners could try to trick unsuspecting buyers. To counter this, LN developed a web site where you can key in either the sticker number, or the VIN number of the vehicle, and the site would tell you if the number was real and give you the VIN number of the car it was installed in, or if you only had a VIN, it would tell you if the car had ever been retrofitted, what product was used, and the date of the installation. Copying has always been the sincerest form of flattery...………….
  3. And here is what we do not know: The fit and finish of the system components; the LN units are works of art, everything fits together perfectly, all component's are included (I noticed a lack of a spin on filter adaptor set up to connect the oil feed line to with the Guldenberg kit). The LN units have been tested under some of the most adverse conditions and did not fail. During development, test engine's were run until failure (spun rod bearings, dropped valves, etc.) to test the system, including running the Solution without and oil feed, with no adverse affect of the Solution. If fact, IMS Solutions units were actually extracted from failed engine's and reinstalled in other test engines, just to see what would happen. Nothing ever did. LN literally includes a book with lots of photos to assists first time installations. Any questions or installation problems, the LN team is a phone call away and very helpful. The LN units have a large installed base of successful installations, and a record of zero unit failures in the field. No similar information (or installed base) is available for the Guldenberg system to my knowledge. Sometimes, like when the life of your engine depends upon the outcome, component cost should not be the limiting factor in decision making...………...
  4. Jake did say that it is a rip off copy of his patented product.
  5. And I just heard from Jake, he is aware of it and has taken steps to limit the sale of it.
  6. According to a patent search, they applied for world wide coverage in 2013 and 2016: IMS Solution Patent coverage
  7. Interesting, that product is a direct rip off of the LN IMS Solution, which is patented to Jake Raby. Stand by for this to be shut down in a lawsuit...…..
  8. Problem is that Porsche stopped publishing service information around 2005, switching to an online subscription system; and has never conceded that the IMS bearing on engines up until 2005 could change the bearing without splitting the cases. By far, the best compilation of torque specs is found in the two book set titled "Fastening Specifications" that Jake Raby published, as he has provided data the Porsche never published. LN Engineering published the best set of instructions for IMS retrofits. There are some internet sources for PDF's of Porsche's service data, but be careful and some are woefully out of date.
  9. We have seen a couple in customer' cars. High miles does not exempt you from the potential of IMS failures.
  10. I remain unconvinced that the debris in the filter is the result of running Techron. We have seen the oil turn dark on poorly maintained cars when Techron was used, but have never seen solid particles in the filter. As for the lab results, I have never used that lab, so I have no idea about them finding it or not.
  11. It matters on most Porsches. This is a very common mistake as most people do not understand that the sensor shutter is internal to the bearings. It is also possible to buy cheap bearings without the shutter wheel and get the same results.
  12. If that is carbon build up, it is the worst case I’ve ever seen. We have used Techron for years in all types of engines and have never seen anything even close to that...........
  13. If it is blowing a 15 amp fuse, leaving the fuse out is courting disaster! You have something wrong,, you should not be blowing the fuse.
  14. There are multiple different controllers, and a lot of chatter that they are not interchangeable: 1.) Leuchtweitenregelung Steuergerät = Lamp level controler 000 044 900 38 996 618 151 15 0307870007 2.) head lamps Litronics European Version factory installed 99663105701 99663105801 retrofit kit item (still available) 99663115701 99663115801 Wiring harness (retrofit kit part) 99661298800 The retrofit controller and wiring harness work perfectly, have no idea what the other combinations do.
  15. Don't know how you managed to do that, but yes, you need to replace that component, Suspension Support 996-331-055-02, $1464 new at board sponsor Sunset Porsche. Replaceable without dropping the engine.
  16. Never a good idea to talk down to the site owner, particularly when he was trying to be helpful...…………………..
  17. Welcome to RennTech Porsche did a pretty good job of setting the car up from the factory, so to get more power you are going to need to part with some serious $ before the difference is even noticeable. Be very cautious about marketing claims you may encounter for significant HP increases for only a few hundred dollars; by far, most of them are complete nonsense, and many have been proven to actually reduce output. You would probably be better off spending some bucks to attend a Porsche Driver's Ed program to learn how to get the most out of what you have.
  18. I cannot see the photos you attached. As mentioned, Porsche only use two color coolants: Green up to around 2003-2004, and pink afterwards. They have never used a yellow coolant to my knowledge. And, as I mentioned, the only "Porsche" parts retailer that used part numbers ending in "M100" is Pelican; it is not a Porsche part designation. If the car was in my shop, I would recommend dumping the entire system, flushing it least once with distilled water, and then refilling it with the correct coolant mixed 50/50 with distilled water. We have seen too many crapped up cooling systems from people using antifreeze that "they read on the internet would work fine with the factory coolant", usually to save a few bucks. Then when we hand them the bill for cleaning the system, the "savings" didn't look so attractive.
  19. I've been working on Porsche's for more than 40 years and never heard of a premixed coolant, and the 000-043-301-05-M100 number does not come back with anything in the Porsche parts system. Closest I could find was 000-043 -301-05, which is the old green coolant that was discontinued years ago. Most "Porsche" part numbers ending in M100 are actually Pelican parts products, and they have a bad reputation for substituting all sorts of stuff and passing it off as the real thing. If you want to get the real thing at a good price, go to board sponsor Sunset Porsche's part web site: https://www.sunsetporscheparts.com/auto-parts
  20. Just be sure you understand the complete rules on waivers. In PA, the published repair waiver cost threshold is $150. That said, the actual rules are a lot more complicated as only emissions devices (EVAP, PCV, catalytic converters, etc.) equipment (no labor) are covered; fails caused by cam timing devices are not part of the waivers program and would not be considered applicable. The shop doing the inspection has to put their butts on the line by stating what is causing the failure(s) and the testing equipment has to transmit confirming data to the state system via a direct data link or the waiver fails. The shop also has to certify that there are no non factory modifications to the vehicle, and that all the covered systems are OEM and not aftermarket. That opens a can of worms as the state auditor can require you to show them the vehicle involved. If they don’t agree with the shop’s assessments, they can pull your certification on the spot. Net result is that very few repair cost waivers ever get issued, for obvious reasons.
  21. You should be able to activate both systems with a Porsche specific scan tool such as the Durametric or the all mighty PIWIS system. If that doesn’t work, you need to start looking at your harnesses........
  22. P2187 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 (RKAT1) - Above Limit Possible fault cause - Incorrect main charge signal - Intake air system leaking - Fuel pressure too low - Volume supply of fuel pump too low - Mechanical fault in injection valves - PCV valve leaks - Cap of oil filler neck leaking - Leaks in exhaust system - EVAP canister purge valve mechanically faulty (hangs open) - EVAP canister purge valve output stage faults P0011 - Adjustment of Inlet Camshaft in relation to Crankshaft, Bank 1 – Signal Implausible Incorrect camshaft timing Wiring problems (harness/wiring) in intake timing control valve control solenoid system Continuous oil flow to VarioCam piston chamber Failed timing valve control solenoid (stuck open) Failing cam position sensor There is no way they are going to let this slide and risk their license. Most likely, the 2187 is caused by the 0011 fault. That is not a "vacuum leak" issue, it is a mechanical or electrical fault with the variable cam timing control on bank 1.
  23. Welcome to RennTech Why not find out why you are getting the MIL lamp and fix it? What code(s) are you getting? It may not even cost the $450...………..
  24. Test is run at idle, engine fully warmed up (15-20 min drive), should not see greater than 5 inches of water vacuum signal.
  25. Becoming non functional, normally due to age, but could be a faulty sensor.
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