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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. That was what I was just looking at.
  2. OK, let's start with the basics: What year and model is your car? What is the part number of the AOS you are trying to install?
  3. Was this photo taken from under the car? The AOS looks' like it is hitting the case to the left of the tube....
  4. Something is seriously wrong here. We have never had to "hammer" an AOS into position, the normally just pop in with minor pressure. Are you sure you have the correct AOS? Are you sure it isn't hitting something that is preventing it from seating?
  5. That is the neutral safety switch; the reverse light switch is under the console as pictured above.
  6. While someone has obviously butchered the car for some reason, you should be able to either recreate the harness, or get one from a breakers yard to put the car back together correctly.
  7. Opps That is for the manual, yours is a Tip, so it is under the center console:
  8. Welcome to RennTech It is under the car on the transmission, replacement procedure: http://www.locodemoto.com/transfer/Replacing-Reverse-Lights-Back-Up-Lights-Switch.pdf
  9. Did you lubricate the seals before installing? A little silicone lube goes a long way here...………...
  10. Not really, other than the battery (always be safety mined). The trick here is you are only dropping it a couple of inches to give you access to the AOS. As long as you don't go nuts with the process, it is quick and simple. We always used a fabricated cradle to hold the engine while doing this, but it can be done with a block of wood and a jack if you are careful.
  11. That is very true. Many shops, mine included, while offered certification, never obtained it as it was both time consuming and expensive. In reality, if your shop already had more business than it could handle, becoming certified really didn't offer you much.
  12. I believe that you will find that list is for the IMS Solution only, there is a sperate list for their ceramic hybrid retrofits.
  13. Removing, or disabling, a Federally mandated safety feature, like an air bag, will require failing the car at state inspection in many areas of the country.
  14. I would suggest contacting LN Engineering, they have a list of preferred installers all over the country.
  15. No, it is lower right side of the engine.
  16. As they are both $40 parts, you are at no great loss either way. Your dealer should require your VIN to get the correct one.
  17. Oil pressure and oil temperature are two different senors.
  18. Pelican is infamous for publishing questionable maintenance procedures, just look at their IMS procedures, which resulted in more screwed up engines than you can imagine. I did this for a living; drop the engine down a couple of inches and you will be done with the AOS in one hour. Pull the intake off and you will have hours of reinstalling, followed by hours more of smoke testing to find the vacuum leaks. View simply is not worth the climb.
  19. Welcome to RennTech What problems are.you having?
  20. Interesting, as the parts diagram for that car in the NA market shows it having halogen bulbs.
  21. Normally, if the light cannot be soldered or otherwise repaired, it is time for a new light.
  22. The wires you need to test are the primary cables, the large battery cables.
  23. You would be better served to run a voltage drop across each of the primary cables, none of them should drop more than 0.5V across their length after the connections are clean. Any greater voltage drop is a sign of corrosion inside the cable creating resistance and the voltage drop, which can only be corrected by replacing the cables.
  24. Start by posting your request in the radio code forum section set aside for this...…………... Lost Radio Codes set aside for this...…………...
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