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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. It is actually quite easy to mistake one for the other as the CPS shuts off the fuel pump because it does not see the engine turning over.
  2. Dual rows do still fail, just at lower numbers; but they definitely do fail. Which is why I told him to pull the oil filter and look for metal. If it is full, it really doesn't matter what the exact cause of the failure was, the outcome is still the same. And while some 2.7L engines had the dual rows, many did not; same applies to the 3.2L,
  3. Signs of a dying crank position sensor, they get heat soaked and quit, come back to life when cooled off.
  4. Try plugging a cell phone or other charger in it, it should be hot all the time. Porsche did this so you can plug in a maintainer, run the cord out under the driver's door, and keep the system fully charged while the car is locked and the alarm is on.
  5. CTEK had multiple models, all of which are excellent performers, and can be obtained from online sources like Amazon at reasonable prices.
  6. I have had customers with 100,000 and over 200,000 miles on the M96 engine without issues, but I have also seen IMS failures at 5,000 miles as well. Probably the worst case scenario I am aware of was a customer that had one blow with less than 10K miles, Porsche honored it, and the new engine blew 6K miles after being installed. He got a third engine under warranty, drove down the street and traded the car in on another make. Fecal matter occurs. When the vehicle was sold new, it had a four year or 50,000 mile warranty for the original owner. As you are at least the second owner, if not further down the ownership chain, the car is 21 years old, and us nearly 20,000 miles over the warranty limit, which ran out of time 17 years ago, no, they will not be going out of their way to help you. PCNA was balking at warrantying engines with IMS failures that were inside the time limit, but slightly over the mileage limit way back when, so unless they are feeling overly philanthropical, you are out of luck. I’m sure they will be happy to sell you a factory reman engine and install it, but on your dime. Porsche really wishes the IMS failure issue would simply disappear, and has long since (eleven years ago) replaced the M96 with the 9A1, which does not have an IMS.
  7. Exactly why would Porsche even give you the time of day? The car is WAY out of warranty, so unless you purchased it from a Porsche dealer and they issued you a CPO, they realistically (and legally) owe you nothing.
  8. While you did give the year and model, I think you are in trouble. What you describe is the typical description of an IMS failure. If anything let go in the cam drive system, you bent every valve in the engine, or worse. I would suggest dropping the oil filter and looking for any signs of metal; it there is, the engine is toast. Let us know what you find. Good luck.
  9. No, but you have access to Porsche's part system via their website..........................
  10. Try using board sponsor Sunset Porsche's parts website: Sunset Porsche Parts
  11. Anyone wanting to rebuild this engine would first need to have the cases re-sleeved, which is going to set you back a ton of $, and then you would need to drop another $10-12K to just do a stock style rebuild. Something like this would not be for the faint of heart or wallet.......................
  12. This is experience speaking. We never filled customers cars beyond two bars below the full mark, specifically to prevent issues with the AOS.
  13. If the sensors are going to be changed out, a good penetrating oil should not be an issue. If they are going to be reused, I would heat the sensor bung with a torch before pulling on the wrench. In either case, a very small amount of anti seize on the threads of the sensor before installation is a wise move to avoid future maintenance issues.
  14. While the vehicle may contain VW parts, some of them are running Porsche software, which the VCDS cannot even see. Sometimes these modules drop offline when there is a water short, assuming it is not totally dead, the PIWIS should be able to see and communicate with the module, bringing it back online so it can be calibrated. If the PIWIS cannot communicate, you will need a new module, which will need to be coded to the vehicle, which the PIWIS can also do. Just remember, the 911 and Boxster vehicles also carry VW components, but the VCDS is useless with them.
  15. Yup, reactivate (assuming is it salvageable) and re calibrate the module in question.
  16. Suggest the following as I have learned to never trust pelican instructions: Post Delivery Litronics installation instructions
  17. Are you sure you have the Lits and the control module wired correctly?
  18. Welcome to RennTech Try the Durametric website.
  19. Get LN’s replacement oil pump drive shaft; the factory unit is investment cast junk, LN’s is chrome moly steel. Well worth the twenty some dollar price. I would also get all new hydraulic chain tensioners and their sealing rings, you have no idea the condition of the ones in the replacement engine, and while you have everything locked down to move the IMS Solution over, it is the prefect time to update them.
  20. Welcome to RennTech Most likely you have fried some components, particularly the voltage regulator. These vehicles do not like having polarity reversed. You need to get the vehicle scanned with a Porsche specific tool to see what has happened.
  21. We have a member here that has a 996 with a small block Chevy in it, he summed up the experience by saying he would not do it again...……………...
  22. Which may indicate a problem with the module itself, which will require the use of a PIWIS.
  23. Welcome to RennTech According to Durametric's published model and feature matrix, it should be able to read or clear codes for the Targa roof, but that's about it: Model and feature matrix What are you trying to do?
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