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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. A cooler on the return line from the rack to the pump will probably help.
  2. It can only be done with the PIWIS system, which Porsche does not sell, but only leases, first year lease is around $20,000..............yes, you read that correctly. 😀
  3. Yes, the tag would look the same. The photo I used was for a 986 Boxster, but all the later keys work exactly the same.
  4. Each key comes with a white tag that has a series of numbers on it that is critical for programing as it represents the code for the RFID pill in the key, without it, programing is impossible:
  5. The engine, the cylinder heads, and in particular, the radiators are full of very small passages, easily plugged. Crap like stop leak should never be used in these cars, and unfortunately chemical flushes are relatively useless for cleaning out the plugs that stuff creates, which are often hard as a rock. Let me ask a second set of questions: When you changed out the water pump, did you use a factory pump with a composite impeller, or an aftermarket brand with a metal impeller? And what brand of antifreeze did you put in?
  6. Why did you put stop leak in the car in the first place? That stuff is murder on small passageways, which these engine and cooling systems are full of, you may have partially blocked some rather expensive radiators................
  7. Welcome to RennTech To start with, you have it backwards: The car has to be programmed to accept the key. In order to do this, you need the little white tag that came with the key (it cannot be done without it), and access to the factory PIWIS system (dealer's computer diagnostic system). Once you have both, it takes about 5 min.
  8. Durametric has always run well behind the current model years as they have to obtain the latest models and then spend a considerable amount of time and effort to crack the DME's. Asking someone to lend you their brand new $150,000 car for a couple of weeks has its limitations.
  9. Don’t know about that statement, they keep releasing updates (May of this year) covering the newer Siemens DME’s.
  10. We are telling you that there are no legitimate PIWIS systems for sale, old or new.................
  11. Welcome to RennTech You don't buy PIWIS systems, they are annual lease only, and start at $20K for the first year.
  12. PST II, PIWIS, or even the Durametric system.
  13. Welcome to RennTech I'm sorry, but over the years I have learned not to necessarily trust "global" OBD II scanners on these vehicles, and would get it rescanned with a Porsche specific tool. That said, there does appear to be multiple air bag system faults, including the seat belt tensioner, the crash sensor, and the driver's side diagnostic monitor. Yes, it is feasible that this many things may have problems, and the only way to know if the airbag controller is involved is the Porsche specific scan tool.
  14. Welcome to RennTech You did not state the year and model of the car, but on most the oil level sensor and temp sensor are the same device that is underneath the intake manifold, which has to be removed to extract it.
  15. From your above description of issues it sounds like the car was not properly maintained prior to your purchase. Didn't your pre purchase inspection point out these pending repairs?
  16. You need to understand something about pelican, they have a long history of stretching the truth, particularly about what is factory and what isn't.. Yes, a Shell division makes the fluid for Porsche, but it is made to Porsche specs for Porsche exclusively, and not available through any other source but Porsche. So whatever they sold you may be made by Shell, but if it isn't bearing a Porsche label and in Porsche packaging, it is not the same thing.
  17. Redo this, you have no idea what quality the other oil is, while the Porsche product is well known.
  18. I would have to agree with this assessment. Porsche tends to be wildly over optimistic about lubricant life spans, particularly involving components that do not have lubricant cooling.
  19. It may not be pad material, which is usually very hard, more likely it is excess sealant from somewhere in the engine, or from the VarioCam system itself. The deviation values say you definitely are a candidate for some new pads at a minimum. Because labor rates and parts prices vary with geography, you should check with local credible shops to find out what you are looking at. And don't be surprised to find that shops may want to drop the engine to do this, it is actually quicker to do it that way. Good luck.
  20. How warm was the engine when you checked the deviation values?
  21. You should be check cam deviations at least a couple times a year after the car is fully warmed up (like after a 30 min drive). Life span is all over the map, so time or mileage are not a good measures. Looking for either green or amber/brown bits in the oil filter is a good idea. Regular oil changes, high ZDDP oil, with high film strengths help protect just about everything in the engine. You can find used Durametric systems from time to time, but you need to be careful of very old versions as they are no longer supported. Any other system is going to cost you several times what a brand new Durametric system will set you back.
  22. The way these transmissions are filled is from the bottom, thru a fill port with an internal riser which limits how much oil is in the gear box, the excess literally overflows back out, so there is literally no way to put that much oil into it and have it stay there. I would also suggest that the shop told you somewhat less than the truth about how much oil they put in the gearbox. For the sake of the safety of the car, an your sanity, take it to another shop that fully understands the correct procedures for servicing the Tiptronic (a quick search here will turn up the correct method below), and have them check to see that the trans is filled to the correct level. https://www.renntech.org/tutorials/article/68-tiptronic-transmission-service/
  23. I'm not surprised it overflowed with 9 liters added, the trans cannot hold that much fluid. You are correct, it should have drained around 4 liters during the change.
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