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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Depends upon how large your hands are, dropping the engine down slightly always gives you more room.
  2. Sounds like a vacuum leak.
  3. The correct test for the primary cables is voltage drop rather than resistance. No primary cable should show a drop of 0.5 V, if they do, they should be replaced regardless of what resistance testing shows.
  4. No, but hard clutch pedals in these cars is usually a sign the clutch itself is on its way out,
  5. Good luck, these types of issues are diagnostic time consuming; with luck you have a wiring or connector issue.
  6. Your next step would be to see if the DME is actually seeing any signal from the CPS, which requires a PST II, PIWIS, or similar oscilloscope diagnostic tool. You could also check the wiring harness for continuity to the DME; pin 1 on the sensor should lead to terminal 78 on the DME, pin 2 to terminal 20, and pin 3 to terminal 28. If any of those circuits shows a lack of continuity, you have a wiring issue.
  7. Unidentified sounds like this can be something small, like a loose part, or they could be something much more serious. Unless you can isolate the sound source, I would recommend not driving the car and flat bedding it to someone that can do more intensive diagnostics for you.
  8. I think the biggest obstacle you face is the leveling system, as even though you fit the mechanical parts, your DME does not have the programming to make it work, and even Porsche has proven to be reluctant to reflash the computer for this purpose. And without that, the car will fail inspection anywhere in the EU. The washer stalk does have a distinct cap which indicates the action required to activate the washers. This is a file done by someone that tried this, but it does not address how to get the DME functional: http://986forum.com/forums/attachments/performance-technical-chat/20080d1455322905-adding-headlamp-washers-litronic-retrofit-automatic-dynamic-headlight-beam-adjustment-minimum.pdf This may also prove useful: http://www.skylersrants.com/Porsche/Litronics/Instructions/Litronic11-02.pdf
  9. I am a "professional" that has run his own shop for many years, and my lawyer was advising me as a business owner, based upon multiple legal actions brought against similar businesses, and it two cases, individuals who did it for former buddies that later sued them for damages, and won big $. The potential consequences simply are not worth the risk. And no one here is offering legal advice, only our experience.........
  10. According to all the related industry literature I've read, and what my shop's legal consul has told me personally, it is a Federally mandated safety system, meaning that if you disable it, or show someone how to disable it, and the vehicle is subsequently involved in an accident, whomever did it (or showed someone how to do it) can be held both criminally and financially liable. And in many states, the vehicle is considered "unsafe" and would not pass local inspection standards. The same thing would apply to removing seat belts or disabling or removing the air bags. Proceed at your own risk..............................................
  11. Just take the bulb out.
  12. You can also look for a shop with a system called an “electronic ear”, which uses six separate noise sensors mounted at various parts of the car that can quickly triangulate an isolate the location of the sound. We have successfully use this system to locate very hard to locate sound sources.
  13. By far, the larger issue with the power steering systems on these cars is heat, not debris. More power steering pumps fail from overheating than anything else. There are a couple of aftermarket companies producing add on coolers because of this issue.
  14. On thing you are not considering is that the control module itself may be involved. If that is the case, you are going to need a sharp tech and access to the PIWIS system.
  15. Welcome to RennTech As noted above, Porsche, like may other OEM's, has restricted what repairs are permitted in the field with their SMG (read PDK) transmissions. Dealer techs are limited to a very short list of things to check, including software updates, before they resort to replacing the gearbox. And, like other brands, there is no plans for an exchange program where the vehicle owner gets anything more than a core value for the used gearbox because it would be impractical for Porsche or any other OEM to tear down and access the level damage to the components in a timely manner, so a value retention program is little more than wishful thinking. Porsche, again like other brands, has also dramatically restricted the availability of parts for these transmissions, partially because aftermarket vendors were purchasing them and then significantly modifying them before selling them to the public. The wet clutch assembly is a good example; Porsche had made it available as an over the counter part number for around $5K (US), but stopped doing so when cars came in with the modified clutches failing and damaging other component's in the gearboxes. Net result is that you can now only find sump pans, filters, and fluids for these gearboxes; anything beyond that gets very expensive very quickly.
  16. Consider the $600 "tuition"......................😉
  17. A belated welcome to RennTech While I hate to say this, you have just joined a lot of other people that discovered the exact same thing: Nearly every aftermarket exhaust system ever made for the 986 has droning issues. Perhaps even worse, before and after dyno sessions have repeatedly also shown that most of these system do not add any measurable level of performance, and some actually lose horse power. All they consistently do is make noise................
  18. No, but it very well could be the "speed gong" associated with the on board computer.
  19. Shouldn't be an issue if you use a good ball joint separation tool.
  20. All of the larger cables are susceptible to this problem. The longer the cable, like to the starter, the worse the problem because their length exacerbates the resistance issue, leading to larger voltage drops. The only real trick to checking each one with either a multimeter or Power Probe unit (Power Probes actually have a specific setting for checking voltage drops, plus the Power Probe's long leads back to the battery make the testing process easier).
  21. 👍Glad you got it sorted. This is exactly why we always suggest running voltage drop tests on the primary cables, they are a known issue with these cars and even Porsche released "new & improved" cables to try and address the issue.
  22. Welcome to RennTech It came from the factory without that bolt. Adding a new one is fine, but not necessary.
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