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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Price on the clutch is pretty good, but I would ask what it includes parts wise and what brand parts they are using; I doubt it includes the IMS, which is a nearly $600 part by itself, much less its installation. The RMS is a $20 part that only requires a few min. to install.
  2. Try bleeding the slave first, it you somehow got air into it, that should clear it. If it does not do it, the problem lies deeper...........
  3. As a benchmark, to do an RMS/IMS update on a Tip equipped car, you would be looking at $2-3K range, including everything (and a new AOS, which is fully exposed when doing this, so it is the perfect time). And before you ask why so much, Tip cars a always a bit of a handful when doing one of these updates.
  4. Yes, the latest RMS can be installed without the $400+ tool (Porsche only source) by using a 3" CPVC pipe union (Lowes or Home Depot) and the original flywheel bolts. The pipe union has an internal ridge that the flywheel bolts rest on, and by slowly cross pattern tightening, you can set the RMS to the required 13MM depth from the face of the crankshaft for less than $4. The OEM tool is real sweet and quickly sets the RMS to the spec (we have one), but $400 for a tool you would probably use once in your lifetime is just a bit much for the average DIY'er…………..
  5. The converter is completely enclosed by the Tip's bell housing when mated to the engine, you have to work through the starter opening to remove and replace the six bolts attaching the converter to the flex plate, rotating the engine 120 degrees between each set of bolts. And as someone has already mentioned, don’t drop any as that will require pulling the trans again to get them out.
  6. "Special tool fee"? Sounds like they are charging you to buy the $400+ tool to do the job, very poor form for a shop to charge the customers for their tools..............particularly when you can fabricate the tool from a $3 CPVC pipe union.
  7. Don't be too over joyed; that means you have the unit that cannot be serviced without tearing the engine apart...... :eek:
  8. I have no idea what the poster was using those bolts for, but they are in the holes that bolt the converter to the flex plate. The Tip is much like other automatics, with the exception of how you get at the bolts holding the converter to the flex plate; on most cars it is more out in the open.
  9. The only systems that will reset the service interval reminder are a PIWIS or the Durametric software; nothing else works. Neither of these will work on your BMW, they are Porsche specific...............
  10. http://www.porscheblogs.co.uk/free-download-2000-porsche-boxster-owners-manual-pdf/
  11. Unfortunately, that has proven to not be correct. There have been several "number ranges" bandied about for this over the years, and ultimately all have come up short. The only proven way to know for sure which bearing is in a 2005 engine is to pull the flywheel and look for the 22MM center shaft nut
  12. Have you tried clicking on the "Documents" tab on the blue banner at the top of this page?
  13. All manual gearboxes make some level of noise, how much is akin to “beauty being in the eye of the beholder”. Some seem to find fault where there really is none, others it would seem could miss a nuclear weapon detonation. That said, we have seen several cars that were louder than most, all for the same reason: Wrong gear oil. Switching them back to the OEM fill usually solved the problem.
  14. P 0420 and 0430 are codes for low three-way catalytic converter conversion on both banks. The system is looking at the O2 sensor readings before and after the TWC and not liking what it sees. Problem is that it would be very unusual for both TWC’s to crap out simultaneously. Five separate test sequences should be run in order to see if the cat is bad or the problem lies elsewhere. As the TWC’s are expensive, it would be worth getting the tests run by a competent tech.
  15. Two things to consider; first obtain and add a bottle of coolant system infrared dye, then run the car for a day. Second, pressure test the system while looking around with a infrared inspection light in a dimly lit area; where ever the leaks are, you will see a bright fluorescent color from the dye. Most shops are fully capable of doing this for you and the procedure will find all external leaks quickly.
  16. Is it clear or murky? Are there any signs of oil drops floating in it?
  17. Take a turkey baster and pull out the contents of your surge tank into some sort of glass container; if it is cloudy and looks a lot like hot chocolate, or multiple layers, you have an intermix condition. Regardless of the color, coolant without oil in it will be clear...........
  18. Depends upon how much you can fabricate yourself. The list is quite formidable with many fixtures being single purpose, and includes RMS and IMS tooling, cam timing equipment, special tools to hold the rods while putting the cases together, etc. You can easily spend more than a few quid getting ready to do one of these engines.............. If you can find one of the early printed OEM manual sets, they list the required tooling and fixtures.
  19. The six speed weighs in at around 175 lbs, the five speed a little less. If the car is on two or four jackstands set at the proper locations, the car will not move when it is taken out.
  20. You are correct that the 202 is compatible (they are only slightly different in viscosity), but the TSB came out at a time when the 11S was unavailable to buy (a Pentosin decision), but that was subsequently reversed and the product is available again. My Pentosin suppliers had jacked up the price for the11S when supplies dwindled (some cars do not like the viscosity difference, particularly in colder climates), but pricing has also reverted to normal.
  21. Along with the clutch (pressure plate and disc), throwout bearing, all new fasteners, IMS, RMS, check the flywheel for twist, and do the AOS while it is out in the open.
  22. Messing around with damaged cooling systems on these cars has worse odds than Russian roulette. There is a poster on another site outraged because shortly after having a car serviced, he had and overheat complete with a flashing cooling light, but still drove the car home. Now he is in the market for a new engine that exceeds the resale value of the car and is griping about suing the shop that did the work. Nevertheless, as he inexplicably drove the car with the light flashing, I would be willing to bet any legal action would go nowhere. At the first sign of cooling system problems, shut the car off and call a flatbed; the tow will end up being the cheapest thing involved in getting the car back on the road………….
  23. Also be aware that bottoming out the nose on your car can also crack the radiator mounting "ears", causing leaks, and forcing you to replace the radiators.
  24. P0506 is usually associated with a sticking idle air control valve, which bleeds air into the intake to control idle speed conditions; sort of “controlled vacuum leak”. The IACV can often be cleaned of accumulated crud and placed back into service, but that does not always work and replacement becomes necessary. That said, considering your vacuum booster issues, you should also be checking it to be sure you do not have rust out problems causing a vacuum leak there that is upsetting the IACV.
  25. Pull the spark plugs and look at them; one or more may exhibit a very clean look. If they do, run a leak down test those cylinders; you may have a cracked head.
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