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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. If you are referring to the charcoal canister, it is self regenerating and should last the life of the car.
  2. Dual Mass Flywheel. These cars use a dual mass unit that is also the torsional and harmonic dampener for the engine, and it has elastomeric components that do not take well to being oiled down. Once damaged, they have to be replaced, and cost about $1K.
  3. Glad you got it sorted. The front mount is a common source of the problem you were having and always one of the first things we look at.
  4. Possible seal leaks, but I would also watch the air vent holes on the bottom of the bell housing area near the flywheel; if you severely overfill one of these, you can end up with gear oil seeping out the input shaft housing and onto both your clutch and the DMF.
  5. Welcome to RennTech Life is not that simple. You will need special tooling designed for the purpose, and access to the factory service manual as the process runs nearly a dozen or so pages.
  6. See Loren's post above; you need to see a dealer or OPC.
  7. Welcome to RennTech. Loren has listed all of the probable causes above, additional testing for each fault is now required.
  8. Simple diagnostics, with an appropriate electrical test tool like a Power Probe, try manually activating each one.
  9. I would not leave used oil, regardless of the amount of use, in an engine for more than one year as acids and other contaminants will be quietly breaking it down while sitting. I would also make the oil change just before it is put into hibernation.
  10. Remove the CPS sensor connector, connect your multimeter to pin #1 and pin#2, at 68F it should read 0.8-1.0K ohms; then connect the multimeter to pin #1 and pin #3 and it should read infinite ohms; if it does not read correctly in either range, can the sensor and replace it.
  11. We have not had any failures after removing the seal, nor have we heard of any.
  12. A lot of videos seem convincing, but what you should be looking at is installed base and long term performance; anyone can produce a slick video, but they can't fake results. If memory serves, there is a LN preferred installer in Maryland, which is a lot closer to you. Check their installer listings: Preferred Installers As you are looking at a 2007 car, you cannot retrofit the IMS without an engine tear down (this applies to all 2005-2008 cars as well), so I would be looking to pull the rear seal. Any decent PPI would include an oil filter inspection, which should reveal ferrous metal if the IMS was on its way out. The exact number will vary from shop to shop, but you are in the appropriate range. You want to do the clutch components and a fresh RMS while you are in there, and it is also a great time to update the AOS as it is out in the open and a 15 min. job with the trans out, rather than a couple hours with the car assembled.
  13. Usually, K line related issues are an electrical connection type fault. It could be a harness connector or something on the line, like a controller, that is killing the communications. This is going to require obtaining a wiring diagram for the vehicle and then start checking each component and connection on the suspect line. This could require pulling the dash and other sections of the car apart.
  14. Welcome to RennTech First of all, do not buy anything with a DOF kit installed, and the DOF is not the IMS Solution. The DOF pulls hot, dirty oil from the cylinder heads to overly flood the bearing and the IMS shaft, and has been known to cause VarioCam and valve train noise issues. The IMS Solution system draws its oil feed from a spin on oil filter adaptor and feeds a solid bearing (no moving parts) which is in an IMS shaft that is plugged to prevent oil flooding, and does not cause any other issues. One system has been proven to be the permanent fix for IMS related issues, the other not so much. Secondly, if you purchase the 2007 Cayman you are looking at, all you really need to do is remove the rear seal from the IMS bearing so that it is mist lubricated by the engine oil and you are in business. We have several customer's running this way for several years without any issues or the problems associated with the DOF. Cost is about the same as doing a clutch job.
  15. Suggest you visit the Sir Tools website for more sizing information, or give them a call. I'm sure they would be more than happy to tell you what you need to know. You need to also recognize that the ABN tool is a cheap knock off while the Sir tool is a top notch well made system that is widely used by shops (yes, we have one of their "master" sets as well).
  16. By looking for the engine number shown in the photos above, plus a 2001 car would have come with an M96 variant. To address the acceleration problems, you need to take your car to a Porsche specialist for diagnostics.
  17. Any Motive model will work, what you need is the correct adaptor for your car, witch would be either #1100 or 1109.
  18. OK, we have had issues with reflashed DME's. Window's 10 should not be the issue, I run Durametric Pro on two Windows 10 machines in the shop without any issue. As a next step, I would try reading the DME with a simple OBD II scanner, if you don't have one, many auto parts stores will lend you one. If that does not connect, you have an internal issue in the car.
  19. Question: Is the car running the factory DME software, or has it been reflashed?
  20. I would go back again and really look closely at the front engine mount, and both CV joints. These are common sources of your complaint.
  21. I would not use thread locker on these bolts as they are rather small and in a difficult position should they snap off. Instead, I would use a good quality anti seize compound and torque them to spec. We have not had any issue with them coming loose using this method, and they always came back out when needed down the road.
  22. The SAI works independently of the cats, so cat performance will not effect it in anyway. With your Durametric, you should be able to select both O2 sensors on each side, then graph their voltages in real time with the car running. If everything is correct, you should see a graph trace that looks like my first example; if one or more sensor is off line, it will be obvious.
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