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About gandrade1

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  • From
    Northern New Jersey
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2001 Boxster
  • Future cars
    2010+ Cayman S
  • Former cars
    Volvo S40 T4, BMW 330CI

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  1. Thanks, Loren Do you happen to know if there are instructions on how to locate the regulator. I assume I have to remove the door trim, correct? Thanks, Gus
  2. Hi guys...Is there a DIY for this fix? I haven't worked on my car in a while, but I guess it is time to resume :-) All the best Gus
  3. Hi guys... Going for the second cleaning, but the link to the Tutorial (first post) no longer seems to work. Has the DIY been moved? I saw one for the 996, but it is a bit different. All the best, Gus
  4. Hi Topless, I don't seem to be able to find the Raybestos ST-43 for the front. My car is a 2.7l 2001 Boxster. Are you running the OEM brakes in the front? Do you have an S? All the best Gus
  5. Hi Loren, Not sure I understand you. Perhaps I was not clear on my question...Two of the nuts that hold the wheels to the spacer seem to be striped, cross-threaded. They turn, turn but will not come out and I need to remove them badly. I was wondering whether you or any of the other guys following the topic have an idea of how to get those suckers out........ Thank you, Gus
  6. Hi Loren, I had a major problem today. Went to put my winter wheels and noticed that the shop that balanced my wheels cross-treaded 2 of the nuts on my rear spacer. I can't get them out. Tried to tighten, un-tighten, wiggle, etc... Would your method work for me? Any other suggestions? Please help. I attached a pic of the spacer.
  7. It is possible that I did. This car is my track car / Sunday driver, and so it sits a lot. I almost always fill it full when I get gas, but once or twice recently I only put in 5 - 8 gallons because I was concerned about having the gas sit in the car for a couple of weeks. When I did a partial fill, I found that the "miles to go" would not calibrate correctly, and so I went back to filling the tank full. I can't remember if this current problem occured immediately after the partial fills. Mike I seem to be experience the same problem... And I also let the car run low in fuel and did not refill it all the way.... Any updates on this? Thanks, Gus
  8. Selling my Boxster - Look for it in the Classifieds section

  9. Thank you Loren... Unplugged the MAF and drove to work (under 4000rpm) this morning without a problem. Just got a UPS notification that the new MAF arrived. Any tips on installing it? The plug on the back on the MAF only goes in in one direction also, right? Should I put the part in the intake first and then plug the connector in the back or the order doesn't matter? I am overthinking this, but I am s*** scared of spoiling another part :-) BTW AutohausAZ has the best price around for the part that goes in my car 125 01 Thanks again. All the best, Gus
  10. I can leave the MAF in place and just unplug the connector, right? Thanks, Gus
  11. Hi Loren, I drove with the MAF on. I have not tried driving without it. Should I remove the MAF and drive without it or can I drive with the MAF on despite the sputtering? I will get the part tomorrow and will install tomorrow night, but for now I have no other way to get to work :-( It is around 30 miles man...of bad traffic.
  12. The MAF can not be installed backwards on a stock intake. Guys thank you very much... The car still feels very bad. I drove it to work today and it totally sucks. It feels like it is misfiring, sputtering. Like a choked motorcycle or something. So I guess re-learning is out of the picture. I might have burned the thing from overspraying or not waiting for it to dry long enough, etc... I ordered another MAF, which wont get here until tomorrow. This is my daily driver. What can happen if I drive the car like this until tomorrow? All the best, Gus
  13. Hi Loren, I disconnected the battery and only plugged it back once the MAF was back in, but it feels very bad... How do I ensure the MAF is not burned? Thanks, Gus
  14. Hi guys, I just cleaned the MAF with the appropriate cleaner. I put it back on and the car is now sputtering and idling totally erratic...I test drove it and it almost stalled. WHAT HAVE I DONE? Can I have assembled it in the wrong position? Do you guys have a picture? Is it even possible to assemble it in any other way?? Please help. It is my daily driver. All the best Gus
  15. Thank you so much, guys! I found the part number in the PET diagram posted by geoff... You guys are the best. FYI the parts I was looking for were: 996 505 525 00 01C 996 505 526 00 01C All the best, Gus
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