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About Tonger

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    02 996 C2 Cab

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  1. I actually have a Tequipment RTS for a 996 Cab gathering dust in my garage. I never use it because we have another vehicle to haul things. Feel free to PM me if interested. Tonger
  2. Paul, Thanks for the useful information. I am looking at AOS repair myself and thought I'd resurrect this to see what other info I could get. Found this link searching for a oil separator DIY. Any more useful tips or a time estimate? I was actually thinking of using the Motorsports part p/n 996 107 926 00. A few specific questions: 1. Would lowering the engine a couple of inches help? 2. How long did this take you? I'm trying to decide whether to DIY or take to an indy. Thanks so much! Tonger
  3. Hey, I'd also be very interested in this since I believe that my oil separator went bad and it's on the very top of the motor. It would be awesome to learn how to safely drop the motor out of the cradle since some items clearly are accessed better that way - like the coolant tank that I paid someone to do. Can any of the RMS, clutch, or motor replacement. I'd love to learn where to unscrew and what I had better support. Any masters want to give us a little help? Thanks! Tonger
  4. C2 Cab, I have the Bose package in my C2 Cab and they sound "damaged" too. I had them checked out and I'm afraid that that's as good as they're ever going to sound. I am finally going down the slippery slope of an aftermarket system since I just can't stand the way the factory Bose system sounds anymore. If I were going to go through all the trouble of taking the door panel off then I would put a better speaker in there and Dynamat the whole thing. I'm going to pull out everything including the footwell sub, door/dash/rear speakers, and head unit and just start over. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg if you don't mind some used amps and do some of the fab yourself. Realistically, I wouldn't pay a nickel for the factory stuff. I'm just going to be happy not to be embarrassed anymore... Good luck! Tonger
  5. Hello, I know I've seen it before somewhere but I haven't been able to find it in a search. Does anyone have the instructions for removal of the 996 Bose passenger footwell sub? I'd love to get that thing out of there but can't figure out where it attaches. Thanks! Tonger
  6. Hello all, I have a crack in my coolant expansion tank and have searched the topic here extensively. What I have been able to find is a DIY for the first gen 996's with he 3.4L motor. There have been a few postings about the 3.6L expansion tank being larger and requiring lowering the motor to achieve sufficient room to get the new tank in place. I was just wondering if anyone had firsthand experience or shop instructions for replacing the 3.6L coolant tank (Loren?). I would also appreciate it very much if someone could summarize what was needed to lower the engine safely. I have also posted this question in another section of the 996 DIY repair and apologize for the double posting if objectionable to the moderator. Thanks very much! Tonger '02 C2 Cab
  7. Hello all, I also have the dreaded coolant tank leak and am looking to change it out myself. In searching the archives some have said that the '02 3.6L change might be a little more difficult requiring: 1. Cutting one of the tabs off the new tank to get it into position. 2. Lowering the engine to create more room to place the new tank. For the life of me I can't find a picture of which tab to cut or instructions on how to safely lower the engine. If anyone has more specific tips or advice I'd be most appreciative. Thanks! Tonger
  8. Richard, I have the same problem. May I email you for those instructions as well? Tonger
  9. Hello All, I've ordered the auto-dimming mirror for my '02 996 cab and received the installation TSB along with the mirror and wiring harness. I read the instructions but found them somewhat lacking. I've done a search and found some scattered threads but not a definitive "how to". I was just wondering how many people have done this mod successfully and if they had any special hints. I'm happy to purchase the 9x6 DVD but don't know if the 996 installation is the same as the Boxster that was filmed. Orient? Dell? Thanks! Tonger
  10. For major body work don't use Buckhead Collision by Lenox and Piedmont - I had to have to car moved to another shop and completed elsewhere. Poor work, poor responsibility, and poor human interactions despite multiple second chances. My suggestion would be to call Performance Imports on Peachtree Industrial and ask who they would recommend. There are many beautiful cars going through there. If it's just some minor stuff, then there is a paintless dent removal place on Peachtree Industrial just south of the Jim Ellis Porsche dealer. You can call someone in the body shop at Jim Ellis and they probably use them too (albeit mobile service). Good Luck! Tonger
  11. Thank you all very much! I tried the search but didn't have much luck (probably operator error...). I really appreciate it. Tonger
  12. Hello all, I am placing a garage door opener switch on the left side of my dash "horseshoe" using a Targa sunshade switch. The wiring to the garage door opener is very straightforward but I was wondering if enyone knew what I would need to do to get this switch to light up with the other dash switches when I turn the lights on. Thanks for any and all help! Tonger
  13. Hello, Does anyone have any information with regard to the size of the driver and how to get into the subwoofer "box" in the passenger footwell in a 996 Cab? I find myself turning the bass way down because the factory sub is so buzzy and boomy. Some people have replaced the door speakers with Focal 5" subs but what do they do with the factory Bose "sub"? I'm looking to replace the factory "box" with a sealed unit and utilize a dedicated sub and amplifier from the CDR-220 preamp output. I'll upgrade the remaining speakers as I have funds but it's the bass that's killing me the most... Thanks for any and all useful advice! Tonger
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