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About ArneeA

  • Birthday 07/19/1978

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  • From
    Southern California (Riverside)
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    Cayenne TT
    E63 ///AMG
  • Former cars
    996 C4S, E46 M3, AP1 S2000, W211 E55 ///AMG, W210 E430, W208 CLK430, R170 SLK230, 750i, 540iA

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  1. Do you have some sort of extended warranty? I agree with Loren, it's a major thing not to ignore.
  2. Yes, it is similar. It still sits high on the transmission near the bell housing. Remember PentoSin for the clutch circuit on TT/GT2. Ah thanks. I'm sorry but Pento-who? The 996TT DIY section is empty... I can't find any info. It's for a friend's car and I'll be helping him with the fluids. Look in your Owners Manual the clutch and power steering use only Pentosin CHF 202 (Pentosin CHF 202 supersedes CHF 11S and they can be mixed). Gotcha. Thanks.
  3. Yes, it is similar. It still sits high on the transmission near the bell housing. Remember PentoSin for the clutch circuit on TT/GT2. Ah thanks. I'm sorry but Pento-who? The 996TT DIY section is empty... I can't find any info. It's for a friend's car and I'll be helping him with the fluids.
  4. Loren, the transmission for a 996TT is simliar to a 996 N/A? I ask because I wonder if a clutch bleed valve is in the same position as my 996 N/A. Thanks.
  5. Hmm thanks for the info! To be on the safe side, I will purchase the newer style tool. :D
  6. Loren, any reason why not to use the pickle fork? I used a pickle fork for my 944 without any issues. Thanks.
  7. Have you guys tried cleaning the MAS and/or the Throttle body also?
  8. What kind of car do you have? For the C4S, an 11" wide rear rim from factory comes with 295 wide tires but in 18" diameter. Since you have 19x11, maybe 315/30/19's would fit better with sufficient sidewall to handle the load the protect the rim.
  9. Are there any downfalls in removing the clutch pedal's booster spring (aside from a stiffer, more direct clutch pedal feel)? I've done a few searches and couldn't find any info/DIY/photos on how to remove the spring. Any help would be appreciated also. Thanks.
  10. Hi Loren. What's a good piston reset tool would you recommend that works well with the C4S/Turbo brakes? I found this tool below, is this sufficient? Thanks in advance. http://www.zdmak.com/wbstore/main.asp?acti...P=1&LowCt=0
  11. Nice car! Time to do Palomar Mtn!
  12. Stories like this infuriate me as I'm sure it does to most, if not all, of you guys. :cursing: :cursing:
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