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About tomf

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  • From
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    996 Carrera 2
    VW Golf
    VW Sharan
  • Former cars
    MGBGT V8
    Mustang Cobra 5.0L
    Mustang LX 5.0L
    Triumph Stag
    Z 260

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  1. Thanks for your reply Kevin.
  2. Hi, I have a problem with the "Taco" wing on my 99 996 C2. I have always had a loud banging noise from the rear of the car when going over speed bumps (which is around every 100yds where I live in the UK). This was traced to the deck lid bouncing. I have adjusted the deck lid stops so the lid only just shuts, but the lid still moves at the back (closest to window) when pushed down, causing the noise. I noticed yesterday that the spoiler now has a "hairline" crack in it. One thing I also noticed were the two tapped holes (6mm) on the underside of the rear deck lid that look like they would accommodate another two deck lid stops. My questions are: 1: Should there be four of these rubber adjustment stops or just the front two in a fixed wing deck lid and how do you set them up? 2: What can be used to repair the composite spoiler? It may be the paint cracked, but as the photo shows (Hopefully), the crack location is at the stress point of the spoiler. PS: Apologies for using your 996 photo Loren, I hope you don't mind (Cheques in the post).
  3. Your were right Loren, the 8 month old reservoir has a crack in it !! Iv'e only done 800 miles since it was replaced at my local Indy, (Bad luck or what)? The instructions on how to remove the tank were great (Thanks), so I thought I'd give it a crack. The only problem I had was draining the anti-freeze. I could not budge the drain plug and feared breaking something. I decided to remove the small hose from the "T" piece hose at the bottom of the reservoir and poured it straight into an empty 2ltr pop bottle. A tiny amount of coolant fell into my "plastic paint roller tray" on the floor below the exhaust. I'll see if the manufacturers will replace the defective tank, But I doubt it. Update: The reservoir was replaced free of charge.
  4. I'll get on it today and see if I can actually see where its coming from. Cheers.
  5. I also have a leak coming from around the tank area. One problem, the coolant tank was replaced a few months ago and therefor is new ! I came back from a "spirited" run to find coolant dripping quite badly from very close to the top of the black overflow tube (Under the top of the resevoir lip). It looks like the coolant is "tracking" around the back of the resevoir and dripping down beside the overflow tube? No coolant is coming out of the overflow tube. I cannot see where the leak is coming from. Could it be the new tank has failed, or is there a coolant pipe leaking that would allow the coolant to travel around the top / back of the resevoir and drip off the lip? Any help appreciated. Have you check the tank cap? If the part number ends in 00 it likely needs to be replaced (with the 01). Seems all of the 00 part number caps eventually leak. The cap was also replaced a couple of month's ago when the tank was fitted. The leak is not from this area as it was dry when I was checking for the source of the leak. It appears to be coming from the "upper front" of the tank and then flowing to the back (closest to the rear of car). Is there a pipe anywhere is this forward area or will I have to remove the tank and check if its split after only 8 month;s use !!
  6. I also have a leak coming from around the tank area. One problem, the coolant tank was replaced a few months ago and therefor is new ! I came back from a "spirited" run to find coolant dripping quite badly from very close to the top of the black overflow tube (Under the top of the resevoir lip). It looks like the coolant is "tracking" around the back of the resevoir and dripping down beside the overflow tube? No coolant is coming out of the overflow tube. I cannot see where the leak is coming from. Could it be the new tank has failed, or is there a coolant pipe leaking that would allow the coolant to travel around the top / back of the reservoir and drip off the lip? Any help appreciated.
  7. You can get to these Allen bolts (honest, I've just had to do it myself after my battery went flat and I could not get to the engine to jump start the car) without removing the seat. Move the seat back and forth / up and down to gain access to each one. You then use the long end of a 5mm Allen key, at a slight angle. Undo the bolts three turns and then carefully prise up the mechanism. Good luck.
  8. Thanks Loren, helps if you search correctly!!
  9. :help: , I have a 99 C2 (in England) and need to change the dash bulb behind the oil pressure guage. I've looked through the site (for ages, honest !) without finding how to get to this bulb and what type/size it is. Any assistance appreciated. :thumbup:
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