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About wizard263789

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  1. I have 2008 Cayman S, tip with no sport chrono. Can I just bolt new PSE without any electronics to have it loud all the time??? Yep will be fine :)
  2. Sorry the link broke a good while ago and I haven't got around to fixing it. Please just PM me your email address and I'll send you the instructions. Thanks Nick
  3. Hi For those of you interested please see attached link to my notes on seat belt replacement for the 981. http://www.freedrive.com/file/1714164 Cheers.
  4. Options are always a tough call, add value to you, little added value at sale time :) I must admit I ticked most of the boxes, but you only live once! Driving is a bit limited here an hour and you would have completed a circuit of the island not that detracts from the car's daily use but fortunately France is only a short ferry ride away. Actually took the car for a 1500 mile around trip to the south of France in the second week I had it in early October; it was a good trip :) Sounds like you've got a couple of months plus to wait then? I'm not sure what the timeframe is for you guys from completion to delivery? It was only a couple of weeks for me but we're a good deal closer to Germany. Good luck with the options, I guess you've got a few weeks before the spec locks and enjoy the car when it comes, the time is probably ticking by a little too slower for you. What colour/spec/options have you gone for? Cheers Nick
  5. I may consider the addition of this option after delivery... Hi Al, Yes I'd seen that note before, I think in Porsche terms that means they fit the wiring loom for free, which is kind of helpful as it wouldn't work without it! Anyway, the retrofit kit should be fine for all 981/991s regardless of the original option specs (having reviewed the Porsche tech note). If you decide to add at any stage and need any assistance just PM me. Hope you don't have too long to wait for your car? You're going to love it :) Cheers Nick
  6. Ordered from Suncoast parts in the US as they where cheaper than the UK dealers, price was 599.95USD, the factory installed price in the US appears to be 775USD. I paid about 100GBP more as I had to pay postage etc and the UK factory price is cheaper (£445). But ordering the factory option wasn't possible for me as it wasn't available when I ordered the car. If you add a dealer install at 5 hours+ it obviously going to be a good deal more expensive ........ Nick
  7. For those interested please see the following link for my 981/991 illuminated door retrofit instructions. http://www.freedrive.com/file/1697367 Let me know if I've made any typos!
  8. It's like the other switches i.e. it has no defined press in and held for on if that's what you are asking? What's is going on with the electronics, whether the switch is supply a continous 'on' once it is 'pressed' I don't know. I guess it is doing the same as the other switches whatever that is!!
  9. You need two extra parts if you don't have Sports Chrono. 997.613.129.00 FMH if your car doesn't have PASM or 997.613.131.00 FMH if your car does have PASM both of the above are the full switch panel and 987.612.905.01 The switch wiring harness. The wiring harness connects the switch on the DME in the rear boot. Don't have a picture of the button (but it has been posted before on this site) essentially it looks like a double exhaust pipe. Pre MY07 have no connection point in the engine bay for the solenoid switch and hence the button would not function on a pre MY07 car. You can install the exhaust but it will be permanently in sport mode. There is a documented case of someone who has installed the appropriate additional wiring for a pre MY07 car but the wiring doesn't come as part of a Porsche kit and I guess it is not an approved procedure. Berty987 may be able to help you more with this as I believe he knows about the documented case and I think he is going to try it himself. Cheers, Nick
  10. For info be aware part 23 is fixed by 'heatable' plastic lugs and not screws or bolts, obviously the whole door panel needs to come off and it requires a specialist tool to 'heat and squash' the fixing lugs on the trim. These parts once removed are not refixable.
  11. Please find attached notes for those interested. The Porsche Music Player interface is in my view significantly overpriced and if you are not concerned about the 'OEM look' then a Dension unit gives better value for money and significantly more features. The Porsche interface only supports Ipod charge and basic play essentially it only being an 'FM transmitter' type device. Hope the attached assists those who want to know how it's fitted or want to know how to get the PCM unit, centre console, gear knob etc, etc off/out. Cheers. Porsche_Music_Player_Interface_Retrofit___Compressed.pdf
  12. Ok the VAG part number is N 906 844 05 The following are useful links for reference if anyone needs any cables/pins. http://www.vagcat.com/epc/cat/sz/EL/2005/198/57/2373228/ need to register but it's free. and http://www.vaglinks.com/Docs/Catalogues/ns...om_Audipins.pdf Hope the above helps? Thanks.
  13. Fitted the above only a few days ago. Works fine. It's pretty expensive for essentially a glorified FM transmitter. A dension unit may be a better idea they are similarly priced, and allow selection of tracks etc from the PCM etc, the Porsche Music Interface doesn't! However, the Dension unit is normally fitted in the bonnet which adds a level of inconvenience! Guess it depends on whether you prefer OEM and of course whether you have a PCM in your car!
  14. If it helps anyone identify the part no. This link I believe acurately shows the part and dimensions. Part Cheers
  15. Hi, I need the part number for the connector pins in the radio/pcm power connector. (See attached) I have recently installed the Porsche Music Player interface and one of my crimps is not the best (Fine for now!) just want to get it perfect! They only give you three connector pins with the kit (i.e. no spares). The part number for the extractor tool would also be useful and that will make removing the pins a little easier when I redo the dodgy one. Cheers.
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