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About CoreyNJ

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  • From
    New Jersey
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2003 996
  • Future cars
    Cayenne S
  • Former cars
    2001 boxster

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  1. OK looked at the socket, looks clean.... I also sprayed contact cleaner on it and on the connector for the whole headlamp. BTW now the bulb always doesn't work. Is there anything else to check. Which grounds? Is there a pin out for the headlamp connector so I can test it to see if there is any voltage without the lamp in the car? I'm at wits end on how to fix this... Could it be the emergency flasher switch. And I forgot how to remove it. Also if I remove it should the flashers work or if it's gone no flashers at all should work. Trying to figure out if I can test it without buying a new switch.
  2. when you say bad ground, wouldnt that also effect the headlamps. They work.... So I guess I need to look at the socket correct?
  3. The socket for the lamp???? Which relay is it, I want to inspect it also....
  4. On my 2003 996 with Xenons, I get the fash-flash indicator that I have a bulb out when I turn on the drivers sides turn signal. I changed the turn signal which does not light up (the rear works and the hazards don't flash fast, but the bulb dows not work). I should mention every so often it works for a while, then it stops. Could this be the relay, and where is it. Does the relay control the front and rear individually, so that the front could be off and the rear works or are they tied together in the wiring harness(that would suck), Could it be the turn stalk? How can I troubleshoot this without costing me a fortune. Thanks, Corey
  5. I'm going to get my car re-aligned and I have the ROW 030 and not sure if the dealer has the euro specs in their book or not.
  6. in case anyone was wondering... you use regular 3m spray glue.
  7. Just incase anyone was wondering... A chunk of the cushion has no wires in it so it can be trimmed. I just had to hold it up to a bright light to see where the wiring stopped.
  8. I have heard they attach to the seat not the body for the 3 point harnesses. Is this correct?
  9. I know they come with an adheasive back, but I need to reglue a set of elements onto different cushions. Do I just use 3m foam adheasive #78 or 3m #73 Does anyone know...
  10. I just need to know what to buy before I start my GT3 seat swap project.
  11. Is the lower cushion element calculated to an exact resistance depending on the "size" of the element or can I trim it. If not I will have some of the element on each bottom cushion wrapped under the cushion directly on the seat. Not sure if that's OK. I do know I have to split the element into two already and jumper between the two elements since the GT3 seats have 2 separate cushions on the bottom, I just want to trim a little more.... Thanks, Corey
  12. Well I think I need to have key in the ignition to remove the bolts, I just won't unplug the seats till I take the key out. But the big question is the connector... Does anything need to be removed from the seat if I have new seat recepticles or is there a connector on the floor that the recepticle can just plug into.
  13. I just orderd my GT3 seats, currently I have heated power seats. I also ordered both side seat belt recepticles so that I don't have to mess with my orig seats to make sure it's easy to put the old ones back in. Is there anything else... Some of the DIY show that there is a connector that needs to be removed from the seat. Is that correct? Can you order just the connector so that I don't have to dissasemble old seats. Thanks... Corey
  14. First thing is don't assume a porsche will be a cheap car to keep running in tip top shape. I would think your mercedes would be cheaper. Next go for the newest model in the best condition. Mileage is important, but less than 5k a year I'd worry that problems havn't appeared or the car has sat too much. Have an expert do a PPI. FYI, 99 was the 1st year, a lot of stuff got upgraded in 00 and then again in 02. The 02 car looks similar to the 99, but the amount of changes between an 02 and 99 is along the lines of the amount of changes between a base 2005 997 and 2004 996. And in 03, a bunch of stuff went fiber optic also.... FYI: Even though the interior looks the same in the 99 and the 2002, they are not and many pieces are actually different, these changes started in 2000 with the soft touch and the headliner and continued to the actual piece design on a lot of the interior. the 02+ parts will typically fit a 99, but the 99 parts won't fit an 02 for example....
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