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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Nah... It aint an RMS. You couldnt bolt the bell housing if that was in the way.. Possibly could be a bit of an IMS but my bets somthing else. Have you tried to pull it out?
  2. Maybe I am missing something but I dont see anything except an RMS/IMS oil leak. Where in the pic exactly is this piece of stuff you mention? The RMS is rubber molded over a metal flange. It is highly unlikely to break up wthout you getting to know about it in a serious way. I cant see anything in the pic as I said but if its going to be one of the seals it would be the IMS. But it cant exactly fall out of the belll housing and if the IMS felll out its housing it is likely to be very serious. A leaking IMS is a different problem to a missing IMS...heaven forbid.
  3. I agree. Knowing that it could be the ISS also, then it's going to a shop for a checkup. At 12k miles, it's too early for a new clutch but I may just get a new one anyway. I think I'll tell my indy to try the GT3 motorsports seal. :renntech: Did you try the GT3 motorsports seal and how did it work out for you? I have the 997 seal in my 2001 engine and it leaked within 3 hrs driving time. If the new seal worked what was the PN#. Hopefully find out soon what to use since it is going in the shop tomorrow. I guess I should have updated this thread a long time ago. I had the GT3 Motorsport seal fnally fitted May last year. Since then I have done about 6500 miles. The seal does not appear to be leaking. While I will hold my breath on it. It is certainly a record. Typically the last 7 seals have leaked within weeks of being fitted if not days. The underside of my bellhousing is dry as a bone. But.....I still will hold my breath. One other thing.... yes.....its fitted in reverse.
  4. I agree. Knowing that it could be the ISS also, then it's going to a shop for a checkup. At 12k miles, it's too early for a new clutch but I may just get a new one anyway. I think I'll tell my indy to try the GT3 motorsports seal. :renntech: Did you try the GT3 motorsports seal and how did it work out for you? I have the 997 seal in my 2001 engine and it leaked within 3 hrs driving time. If the new seal worked what was the PN#. Hopefully find out soon what to use since it is going in the shop tomorrow. I guess I should have updated this thread a long time ago. I had the GT3 Motorsport seal fnally fitted May last year. Since then I have done about 6500 miles. The seal does not appear to be leaking. While I will hold my breath on it. It is certainly a record. Typically the last 7 seals have leaked within weeks of being fitted if not days. The underside of my bellhousing is dry as a bone. But.....I still will hold my breath.
  5. It actually is cleaner than factory delivered because I removed all of the Cosmoline, and clean and polish the undercarriage. Not bad for a 65K mile car. The car always wins top prize at any Concours it is entered in. I can see why! Quite amazing.
  6. I have 19" tryes and have done since I got my 996 years ago. My ride is factory M030 lowered too. The ride is very tight. Sticks to the road like glue. At high speed handling is superb. At low speed comfort is an issue but I have got used to it now. One thing, you will need to roll your fenders to get 19" wheels to turn without rubbing the front fenders. Just my own point of view.....I recommend 19" wheels. I also think they look great.
  7. Woah! how do you keep you car so clean Orient? That looks cleaner than factory delivered! Amazing.
  8. Take a look at pics of my factory M030 porker in the garage. Also I have 19" tyres fitted.
  9. I dont know. That's exactly how its listed however. I guess it means switched door mirrors. I.e., the electric switch used to select the mirror (which side) to manipulate. But I dont have that option on my MY00 996 but I do hace switched door mirrors. So your guess is as good as mine. If you find out please let us know.
  10. C00 Eurospec emissions XCA Aluminium Look Trim Strip XCB Alluminium Look Instrument Panel XCC Aluminium Look Side Air Vents XCD Center air vent aluminum look XTR Switch door mirror
  11. Bingo! Thanks guys. Exactly what I am after. Amazing, I never realised that the hood should pop up. Mine has always been "finger insert and pull up". So it looks like that latch and its microswitch needs a full overhaul. Better get my parts list sorted before I attempt it. Cheers again
  12. Anyone know where it is on a MY00 C2 Cab? I checked the light and fuses but they look fine. Can seem to get the internal light to come on when I open the hood.
  13. I tried two mics in the little mic slot in the dash pod. They simply dont work. That ic position is crap and pics up all sorts of noise and if you have a cab its even worse. I am talking here of using the mic for a bluetooth phone connection. I ended up wiring a mic up on the A pillar and it works great. Even with the top down.
  14. Seems that they all do it. But anyone know why? My Alfa doesnt do it. It wipes while it sprays. Weird. Maybe a DIY mod lurking in this
  15. Thanks heaps GOB. I checked them this eve and sure enough there is a lot of play there. Will order them up and replace. Cheers again
  16. Sounds like your ECU is mucked up. You may need it reseting by the OPC. Try this, Open the bonnet, disconnect the battery and then reconnect it. As long as your battery is fully charged, this may fix it. The top is a weird beast. If it got stuck mid way and didnt complete then I have seen it where the windows wont opereate. Prpbly a micro switch isnt connected or something. I had this happen to mine once when the battery failed. I manually cranked the top closed, replaced the battery and everything went back to normal.
  17. Shouldcome up at 74 mph. Open the rear engine bay, to the right of the engine just behind the rear light cluster in the engine bay itself you will see a connector that should be attached to a clip. Unlcip it and disconnect the conector, reconnect it and repeat a few times. This should fix it. Muck gets in the connector and meses with the circuit.
  18. 57,500 miles MY00 C2 cab manual 7 RMS 1 Greabox 1 Clutch 1 waterpump 1 replacement roof Apart from that still running like a baby albeit still dripping the odd penny of oil on the deck once a month (Finally getting around to the 8th RMS on next major service in May).
  19. I think I have this problem. I too get a clunk from front when I go over a hump. I have a feeling a drop link has a different name here in the UK though albeit I dont recall what its called. Maybe rod ends. Anyway, can someone please post a pic of what the drop link looks like so that I know what needs replacing. Also part numbers would help. Cheers
  20. Porsche sells a lubricant called Krytox part number 999.917.557.00 that fixes squeaks and noises. However, I am not sure how effective it will be on top of surfaces already smeared with silicone grease.
  21. That's too funny. ROFLMAO. That has to be a bablefish translation surely?
  22. That's too funny. ROFLMAO
  23. That's quite high. I still have an RMS leak and I rarely have to top up my oil even after 5000 miles, albeit I change the oild every 5000 miles or so.
  24. ANother sound I used to get which was similar to what you describe came from the alternator pulley. The belt was tightened and it went away. Is there any way you could record the sound and post it so that we can hear it?
  25. John, I am no expert nor do I have any inkling on this. Everything I say here is purely speculative. I doubt very much if PorscheGB or PosrcheAG monitor the PCGB forums. However, on certain hot topics they may well do. I know they were watching mine because I was told that by customer services from one of the girls in there that I knew (sh'e gone to another dept now). Before Porsche bought into PCGB, the club was trying to help me. But as soon as they came on board everything changed and I got no help. One thing is for certain though, the PCGB forums are open in the sense that they are only moderated by people like you and I and not by Porsche themselves. But you probably should be a little "weary" about what you say on the PCGB forum ;) If you go the legal route and end up sueing PorscheGB, which I hope you "dont" have to do but have a great wish that you would ;) you should be suing the CEO/President of PorscheGB not PorscheGB themselves. If you do that, he will make things happen. Ultimately he is the person responsible and represents Porsche in the UK. Also, just in case you didn't know. PorscheGB unlike Porsche US or PAM are wholly owned by Porsche AG. That is Porsche GB is a subsiduary of Porsche AG. So dealing with Porsche GB is dealing with Porsche AG if you know what I mean. Did I ever send you details of the worldwide service manager in Stuttgart to contact? My op went well. I am fully mended now...just have to take it easy for a few weeks. Cheers mate, Berny
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