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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Exactly 66666 miles on my MY00 996 C2 Cab on its 8th RMS. Change the oil every 5000 miles. Still runs like a baby.
  2. Ah yes. Meguiars. Of course!! Cheers that'l'do me
  3. I have a new cab roof since my old one was slashed by idiots! But there seems to be a build up of grease or "stuff" on the inside. I never had this problem on my old roof. Everything I have tried simply wont remove it and I am a bit worried about using something that may be abrasive. Can someone please recommend a good cab roof plastic window cleaner. TIA
  4. 2002 996 Targa 80K miles rwd. its not the wheel bolts, the sound is coming from the middle of the car where the fuel tank is. You can sit down and shake the front of the car and hear rattles like metal balls moving around. Im not familar with front end so have no idea where it is coming form. If it is the wheel bearings how can i check if they need to be replaced? Or could worn suspension cause this problem? Thanks Check your drop links. If you have 19" wheels are the fender arches bent in. They should be else the wheel will rub. Jack the car up, grap a wheel with both hands and turn it right to left. Do yo feel any play or clunking? While the car is jacked up, turn the wheel full lock and rotate the wheel. See if you can hear/see where the problem is.
  5. Scouser - I do hope this is public or you have permission to re-distribute this? Yup the link is a URL to the site who both authored it and is hosting it. Cant get anymore public than that. Don't need permission as I just posted a link to their site.
  6. I bought a replacement off ebay as mine is scratched cos I dropped the hardtop on it by lowering the hardtop winch too quickly . Doh! Anyone any idea how hard it is to replace this? Anything I should be wary of or any pitfalls I should know about. I doubt there will be many replies but worth a try. Cheers in advance
  7. For anyone who is interested, I found an extremely good papaer "BOXSTER AND 911, 996 ENGINE REBUILD". This document is generallt about Hartech engine rebuild services but it does go into some good detail on the engine issues, rebuild considerations and procedures. Highly recommended reading. http://www.hartech.org/docs/buyers%20guide...%20part%204.pdf
  8. 65,300 and still kicking......well sort of. Just did a 4,700 mile round trip to Spain/France again.... I think that;s my 5th! Absolutely no problems at all. But yesterday after getting home and 1st day back at work I drove 6 miles, drove over a 10" coach bolt which promptly entered and exited my tyre but not before shattering my wheel caliper and then exiting out through the bodywork of mt rear arch!!! Insurance job. Otherwise, the car is still like mint. No leaks now on my 8th RMS albeit the 8th is a Motorsport seal fitted in reverese. Fingers always crossed.
  9. It's been a while....... anyway on topic... RoW spec cars often have factory fitted M030. My understanding is that this can only be an option on US spec porkers. Key fobs operate the cab top. The alarm systenm is entirely different. We dont have bumper plugs.....thankfully. Rear bumper is slightly different to accomodate different registration plates. UK spec are RHD and that means a whole host of differences of course. Dash layout is different. Exhaust system is different. Intake config is different. Restraint system and air bag setup is different. Key fob lock does not sound beep. You only get 2 years warranty on a RoW spec Porker! but......... the roads we drive on in Europe are the best in the world ;)
  10. None. In all 7 of my RMS replacements no fluids are replaced at all.
  11. I have had this in my car for the last 5 years in about 60,000 miles. I change the oil every 5000 miles minimum. I see it prety much every time I go to check the oil. Car still runs great. I am not sure if its normal but I don't think it;s a problem.
  12. Yup. born in a house on Penny Lane. True Scouser.....and support the blues!!! The guy driving the other porker was a Toffie but not in the Scouse term.......if that means anything to you ;)
  13. Failed earth = bad ground? One people separated by a common language. ;) Yup. bad ground. The stop lamp has two filaments. One for the side lights and one for the stop lamp. They are joined at the center which is earth (ground). The ground was open circuit to ground and so the entire bulb was one circuit across the two filaments.
  14. Thanks for that. The search is now on ;) Is this piece that you are referring to the little rectangular shaped piece that covers the pop up roll bars? If so, $300 are you kidding me!!! Porsche has outdone themselves with that price. Bet you could get one from one of the salvage yards a lot cheaper than that. No it's the piece that surrounds those popup. The piece that goes right acoss the back seats (above and behind them). Getting one from salvage is exactly what I am trying to do. But finding one is not easy when you dont know how to explain what it is or what its called. I never see one offered on ebay either.
  15. Took the 996 out yesterday for a 400 mile run. Had a great time. On the way back I pulled in to fuel up and was behind another 996. It was a C4S. Man.....it sounded like a bag of spanners and smoke and stink coming out the back. Spoke to the old guy who owned it. He said he's had the car 3 years, bought it used and done 40,000 miles and that "IT HAD ALWAYS SOUNDED LIKE THAT AND ALWAYS SMOKED". He thought it was normal. He then said it has been his most reliable car. It really sounded bad as he drove off. Crazy I tell you.
  16. Thanks for that. The search is now on ;)
  17. this is a long shot but I once had a strange problem where the car would not switch off with the ignition key unless I took it out of gear and also took my foot off the foot break. The fault turned out to be a failed earth in a stop lamp!! The weird part is that the stop lamp worked including the side lamp when the lights were on. Obvioulsy via a leaky circuit. But you may want to check silly things like that. As I said.....a long shot.
  18. The part number is 996.555.083.02 It's the cloth cover that sits over the rear pop-ups. Mine has a bad scratch and I want to replace it. I am trying to search on tinternet to see if anyone might stock a good condition used one. But what would you call this. PET names it "convertible top cover" ???? bit ambiguous. Any ideas?
  19. I have put a Blaupunkt drx70 IN MY 996 which has a extremely good sat nav system. I use an iPod via a Dension module (which is not that good since it hangs evey now and then and their support sucks). I had an old Bose 901 series setup in my house where the spectrum head unit failed. The drivers in these speakers are absolutely mind blowing and they just happen to fit (with a little elbow grease) in the 996. That together with a 10" Aliante woofer and a 300w power amp. The sound is as good as it gets. Driving around Europe without satnav is very stressful so its a must for me.
  20. :o :o Did you really mean puddle or drip?
  21. Hi there and welcome. Tail should lift at 74mph and lower at 39mph automatically. But as has been said, you can manually lift/raise the tail using the footwell switch. If You can raise/lower the spoiler using the footwell switch then its possible that there is a problem in the connector to to the tail lift motor. its on the right hand side of the engine bay just behind the tail light. It's a strange looking connector and it should be clipped onto the inner bodywork. clean the connection then refit it. This worked for me. You may also want to take a look at my tail switch mod. This mod parallels the switch in the dash. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...;hl=tail+switch
  22. I was going to suggest you could pop it on the boat over to Liverpool but our local OPC is almost as bad albeit I dont think they are nearly as bad as that service you just had.
  23. Ditto what Loren says. A word of advice......when you take it to the shop, "demand" that they replace both and that they use the new "Blue" bolts for the IMS. That;s the ones with the seal glue on that Loren mentions. If you dont tell em they may not do it by default. If you do a search, you should find some pics of the new seal. Its the one for the 997 (green insert). Although I havent tried that myself I must admit.
  24. Defo one or the other. From detail that I have recieved in email and PMs from many other RMS sufferers, anIMS leak is a lot worse than an RMS leak. The latter typically weaps and usually leaves a coin sized drip on the floor maybe once a week at worse. The IMS can leak quite badly and show a worse oil leak But this is not definitive. The only way is to drop the gearbox and take a look. Best of luck and let us know what the phantom stuff is ;)
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