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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. My bet is the platstic hook has broken off the hook that attaches to the screen. All you need to do is glue it back on with some contact adhesive and all will be fine. The arrow in the 2nd pic shows where it breaks. Don;t worry about this, just glue it back on without taking the whole unit apart. Simply just pull it off. The 1st pic shows the plastic hook part separated from the metal hook part it covers. Once glued back all will be fine again.
  2. That's a real bummer! So if I read this right, the tech checked everything and said looks great. No oil leaks, busted hoses etc. You left the car with them for further diagnosis. Then they call you to say cyl #4 has no compression! This sounds fishy to me. I would have thought that no compression in a cyl would be totally obvious the first time they looked at it. The issue is, have they done this damage? Have they even checked the spark plug in #4? Time to get it to an independent if it was me. Best of luck mate.
  3. Because it was noisy as hell and whined in every gear. But it never missed or jumped a gear. Just noisy. The tech who replaced it said it was the noisiest gearbox he had ever heard in 25 years as a mechanic. He reckons I was lucky that it worked at all! The gearbox problem was spotted when the 1st RMS was done at 28,000 miles. Entire powerdrive system knackered at 28,000 miles. Not bad for £60,000 worth of German engineering hey ;)
  4. I did a fair bit of research before having my gearbox replaced in the hope of getting mine fixed. Alas, there were no parts available. The only parts that are available for the G96.00 (c2) and G96.30 (c4) are some bearings (not shure which ones), the drive shaft crowns and a replacement seal kit. Getrag is the manufacturer, there was some talk of them releasing the parts but nothing has come of it. Having said all that, I know of one company in Belgium that rebuilds them so they must be sourcing the parts from somewhere.....or making them ;) Check out: http://www.am-tc.be/porsche.shtml
  5. Yeah its a great joke p.viby, maybe I should have waited 'til Apr 1st to tell everyone. .......except I am serious. And I can reproduce it every time. How weird is that!
  6. Are you certain you don;t just have a bulb out? The cicuit is a closed loop. So any break in it will show up as a fault. This includes the brake pads and bulbs. Use your ohm meter set on low resistance. You should always get a low reading. If the meter on the portion of the cuircuit shows high resistance or open circuit then you have located the fault. Next you need to trace it further back to find out where it's open.
  7. If I park up on a hill, lights on, first gear selected (floored clutch pedal), pull hand break on and leaving my foot on the break pedal turn the engine off with the key......the car stays fully alive......I mean fully alive......even with the key removed!! Yup, radio, dash lights, headlamps, engine......everything....just like I never turned the car off at all. Happens every time. But only if "all" the above are true. E.g, if I don;t keep my foot on the break pedal or don't leave it in 1st gear it turns off as expected. Is this normal?
  8. Alas the warning lights came on again just driving down a good highway at about 60mph. So I am leaning towards a faulty connection. Time to get the wheels off.
  9. SLang, you may have a good point there. The first time the ABS/PSM lights went on was while I was driving down a hill that was absolutely full of pot-holes. I hit one and the lights came on. Then I pulled over for petrol and turned the car off. When I restarted it the lights were off but then they came back on very shortly after I left the petrol station. Now that I think of it, the petrol station did have an off driveway onto the main highway and I had to trun immediate sharp right to join traffic (we drive on the left remember). I didn't link them together until your post. So I think you may have something there. I have M030 kit to Euro spec. I am not sure the difference to the H&R coilovers but my car sits fairly low and it is extremely rigid.
  10. Wow what a difference. Personally, I think that wood always looks trashy/plastic unless its real wood. I remember my old Triumph that had walnut and the talking piece was the "real wood" interior. I just don;t think a Porsche deserves plastic wood. Also think that with gray it looks awful. Glad you went back to your old interior. That looks classy.
  11. Thanks Loren. As it happens, I started up the car this morning and took it for a ride. The lights don't come on now. My guess is a little water got in the ABS eletricals and it's now dried out. I think I will take the wheels off and clean up the connections. But do you have a diagram of where exactly these ABS sensors and their connections are? Many thanks in advance,
  12. Yup, I have had the blue bolts fitted and a new IMS to boot. Still it leaks. They have now told me that they "will not" fit any more RMS' to this engine. They said the only fix is to replace the engine. However they want me to pay 50% of costs which equates to £4,700 = aprox $10,000 to me. I have just paid for a new gearbox too :(
  13. Jeezus! Sorry to hear that johnnys. It's a bummer but I can't say I am not suprised. I am driving around on my 7th seal now and its leaking. Reading this thread and P.viby's comments worries me to no end. There is a lot of people who think this RMS problem is just all hooha and nothing to worry about. Many say just drive it with the oil leak and stop worrying. That's what I intend to "try" to do. But having read this thread it opens up for real that the RMS can and does cause engine failure. That realy worries me and it should worry every one. Your lucky as your in warranty. I am not. Not sure I will sleep well tonight :( And I am taking my 996 on a 3000+ mile trip to Northern Spain in May with PCGB. I better maker certain my breakdown relay insurance is up to date!
  14. Washed the car today and took it for a ride. About an hour into the drive, the ABS and PSM warning ights came on. Pulled over, turned car off, removed key. Then started her back up again. All fine. 5 minutes later same thing. Now the lights are on all the time. Anybody got any ideas on this? One thing, I have a feeling my brake discs need to be replaced as they are getting thin, deep groove around the edge. The pads are fine though. Lots of meet on them yet. If the discs get too thin could this cause these warning lights to come on? Or maybe could I have caused an electrical fault when I washed the car. I did give the wheels a real good going over with the power hose. Also, while on the subject, is it advisable to change the pads with the disks even if the pads are good? Cheers
  15. Is it a C2 or C4? If a C4, could be a drive shaft. If it's a wheel bearing you should be able to jack up the car, and freewheel the wheel and hear the bearing...especially if it's whining.
  16. My OPC broke my header tank when they replaced my 1st RMS, then had the gall to charge me for it. I presume when the dropped the gearbox, the engine shifted enough to cause the header tank to crack. When they showed it to me it looked like someone had taken to it with a hammer !
  17. And just for clarification, they are IMS (InterMediat Shaft) bolts not INS bolts.
  18. Run your VIN through the VIN decoder and it will tell you.
  19. Noise level greatly reduced and grip level greatly induced since I put Goodyear Eagle F1 GS-D3's on my cab. Not N rated either but after 9000 miles they sure look like they had just been fitted!
  20. Body looks funny to me but it could just be the photo angle. Is it a 993 in disguise?
  21. I've read this in a thread on rennlist sometime back. I am not convinced this is the case. In fact I would think that the tyre and all the jacking equipment would make more of a mess of your legs. In the later models you don;t get a spare. I have removed mine bacuse I am doing a long trip to Spain in May and need the luggage space. This is the answer: http://www.carnewal-europe.com/cpx_p010.htm
  22. Checked the cap and the O-ring is there....thank the Lord. It's weird, the cap seem to fit perfectly and the car drives perfectly normal (especially with the new gearbox ;) ) but it seems to have more punch with the cling film on. Weird!
  23. Here's one for ya... Started the car up to warm it up this morning (been freezing here lately). While it wamed I opened the engine bay and for some reason I took the oil cap off (I was checking for that horrible yellow sludge). As I did this the engine started to cough and splutter I so quickly put the cap back on and everything stabalised. It occured to me that the cap and the oil fill tube must somehow effect compression and that if a tiny bit of air was getting sucked in it could have effect on performance. So just for kicks I put a piece of thick cling film over the oil fill tube and placed the cap back on. Whoa! What an amazing difference. Seems my 996 just found a good few extra pony's. My cap is the new green type. Only got it last year. But me thinks these things still let air in. Any comments?
  24. There's a poster (I think its "Alon") on rennlist who said he's currently clocking 160,000 miles on his 996.
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