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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Thanks for the tips Don. I think I will be doing the exact same install as you. That is installing the pulley on the wall. My garage is 17th century. It was originally built for a blacksmith to store a horse cart. So there isn't much room to play with. However, the apex is very high. Almost the height of the garage itself. How much cable do they give you? Do you think I will have enough?
  2. Yeah. They are the ones I thought you meant. Just got confused. They are not avail for my 2000 C2S. I ended up getting the Cargraphics ones as you can see. Cheers anyway.
  3. Loren, Thanks for the great tip. I intend to do this mod this weekend. But it would be nice to do it toolpants way so that the handbrake is not required. Any chance of a wiring diagram that I could look over to see if this is possible? Incidentally, I have noticed on my UK spec Cab that if you have your foot on the footbrake, you cannot operate the top no matter what you do. Switch, keyfob. Nothing works. I found that out this past weekend when I pulled up to close the top and it simply would not budge. Then my foot slipped off the brake and all of a sudden the cab switch started operating. I then realised that my foot being on the pedal was the cause. I can reproduce this every time.
  4. Sorry to be so dumb but are you talking about twin exhaust pipes or twin exhaust tips or something entirely different. I was under the impression you could not get twin exhaust pipes for the C2.
  5. I just ordered one. It's on special!!! $151.96 :jump:
  6. .....but you posted the URL already B) I never did read tyhe small print. Cheers
  7. Don, $189 bucks is a good deal. Cargraphics are asking double that + tax and shipping. EZtop are asking even more. I found out that the Miata one is manufactured by IMG. They do a 996 one but it's about $250. So, I think I will just go for the one u used. Besides it comes recomended :clapping: So what's their URL?
  8. I have been looking around at these devices. The problem is all the ones I see for a 996 are expensive. Hundreds of dollars! I found this: http://www.miatamania.com/Shop/ViewProduct...teIndexID=33260 Its for a Miata not a 996 but I am wondering if it will do the same job and its only $80 and comes with the winch. The company Moss Motors are based in Goleta, CA. Is anyone handy that way to go check them out?
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