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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Loren my clutch pedal is making a strange spring tension like creaking noise when I depress it. I see the following TSB: 7/00 3041 Creaking Noise in Clutch Bell Housing Area 12-22-2000 Any Chance you could send it to me? Cheers, :drive:
  2. Both Porsche dealer and Tech9 told me that if you fit the spoiler to the back, you must also update the front. Porsche, I believe won't do the back on its own, they will only do the front/back together.
  3. Oh my G-d! As you probably know I had my RMS replaced a few weeks back. Well it's gone again! And the gearbox is knackerd and I am all out of ideas. Woe is me (is there a smiley for self destruction?)
  4. Vic, I was out at my dealer today. The technician and I took a 01 C2 Coupe out for a spin. We tried your 20Mph in neutral and then foot down trick. The sound is not there. If anything all I heard was some sort of sping noise coming from his clutch. But this happened in any gear change. Then we tried it in my 00 C2 Cab and did the same thing. Sure enough its there. Distinct whining. As I said befre I am scheduled to get a new gearbox in the next week or so. I think this answers your question. Your car is in warranty. Suggest you get a new gearbox asap. Best of luck Berny
  5. No probs Graham. I am very keen to know which bit your talking about though. I can only see this one part on my cab that has a hook on it that locks onto the screen. I don't see anything on either side of this. Don do you know what bit(s) Graham is talking about?
  6. I think this is the bit your talking about. I had problems with this. The brocken end (round bit) you see is what causes it. The result is thetop fails to catch and the top won't close properly. To test if this is the bit, press it home just as it is trying to latch to the window frame with your finger. It should then lock. What I did slide it out and put some adhesive on it. It has never given me problems since. Loren will tell you the part number. Also I think there is a TSB for this. Withoit this plastic cover hook thing, it fails to catch the microswitch and the top wont latch (unless you push it in while it tries to latch)
  7. :D I will be going back in January. I hope they will exchange it. Incidentaly, Jeff. Where is your DIY page with the Litronic retrofit? I can't seem to find it.
  8. Loren, Just got back from my trip to San Fran. Boy I was busy. I did get a chance to go to Calsen and picked up the switch though. However, there is a slight hitch. I forgot the switches are lef or right handed. That is the raised nobbly bit is on the left for the left side and right for the right side. Well guess wot? Silly me I picked up the wrong one. Ah well. Cest la vie! Thought I would post this to warn anyone else thinking of getting this switch. Cheers
  9. OK, I have had some good experience with this. I have had tree sap, grease (car axle), bird crap (bad stuff too), road grease (from tarmacadam) and wost than anything chewing gum on my roof. I have tried all sorts of things including old wives recipies like vinigar, apple juice, and so on. Despite this my roof looks like new (apart from two small slits where some malicious twit knifed it...can't do much about that). And it is totally waterproof. For grease and chewing gum: you need to find an electronivs shop. Realistic/Tandy etc. Buy a can of freezer. It is hard to come by nowadays as it contains freon (bad for the ozone). It's used to freeze board components in an aid to showing up faulty ones. Spray the freezer on the grease or gum and spray loads of it on. Let it go rock hard and scrape as much off carefully with a knife or similar sharp item. I have even used a razor blade but be very careful with this. You will find find the grease will come off easily. Chewing gum is a bit harder. Do not scrape. You may have to do this several times and may have to even use a sewing needle to get the fine bits out. Then finally, use a high grade industrial detergent agent on a bit of cloth and dab it not rub it to remove any final staining. For everything else, and after using the freezer for the above, use AutoGlym fabric hood cleaner. Give it a good saoking (real wet like) and leave over night. Best to put some plastic sheeting over the roof and turn up the heating in the garage. Make it sweat. Leave for a day or two. You may have to repeat this. Then go over the whole roof with Autoglym protector. Like I said it has always worked for me. Just one thing, I have a black hood top. So not sure of the effects of all this on anything light like gray.
  10. Yeah I agree. If you have a rear passenger and you are going fast enough and you hit a nasty pocket in the road, these things might eject and take your passengers head off :-) No really, if you imagine going along a strech fast enough, the back passenger(s) heads will be pushed back in accelaration. I read that they sometimes eject if you hit a whole in the road big enough. If their heads are far back enough. THwaaaack! Saying that, who would want to be a passenger in these cars :D Hey Don, I have this picture in my mind of your car on top of another in the back of a wagon. What's the story?
  11. Loren any chance of sending them to me too. I put my top back yesterday. First time in over 6 months...indicative of the sort of weather we have been getting here in the UK. I have got sqeakes and rattles all over the place. I seem to remember someone mentioning some sort of silicon yuck to put on the rubbers. Any ideas? Eric, if you down your rear quater windows does the noise stop? Mine does. I am convinced its where the rubber meets the roof in my case. Cheers, Berny
  12. Thanks Jeff. So I guess you can get them to work fully. I thought I read elasewhere that you can *never* get the rotate featuer to work witha retrofit. next question: in the ROW cars we have a little headlight adjustment thumbwheel. Do you know if this will still work if using retrofited litronics? Gotta get them there CDs of ya when I come over again next month ;-)
  13. Hi Don, thanks. I will do just that. I feel certain that the issue is not with Porsche Germany but with the Porsche UK network. I doubt Porsche ratingen heard anything about my problems. I just wish I knew who to write to to get the most effect. If Porsche would at least offer me some compensation like say, I have to pay a percentage or something then that would have made me feel better. Right now I think GM give a better deal. My daughter has a 4 year old Corsa, it went in for service. They had to keep it overnight. When we collected it they told us that there was a problem with the clutch master cylinder so had to order one up. They replaced it uner warranty! Re the GT3 gearbox. I contacted a local independent for advice (Tech9 Motorsport) and they said it won't work. The mountings are different but even if they were the same the gear ratios would kill the clutch and there would be other problems. These boys seem to know there stuff (British GT Cup Division 2nd place runners). I asked them about getting a refurbishe one and they said it's not possible to get them refurbished as they are sealed units. cest la vie. Cheers, Berny
  14. Jeff, just to clear things up in my mind, is it possible to retrofit *and* get the high-beam rotate feature working? My understanding is that you need to order two small wiring looms (one for each side) to get this to work?
  15. For thos that may remember, My RMS was to be done under the Porsche UK goodwill scheme and then I found out my gearbox is wining too. My car has now done just 29k miles and I have had it since it was about 5 weeks old. It's never been tracked and has been serviced by the book. Well Porsche UK have knocked me back on the goodwill scheme for a replacement gearbox. They really are pitiful in ths country. I have to say I am very dissapointed in their after sales service. They did the RMS on the goodwill scheme but I had to contribute £230 towards labour costs and to top it all they busted my coolant header while doing it and then had the cheek to say that I had to pay for it but they would put in for a refund for it by seeing if that can be done on goodwill scheme too.....guess what....they knocked that back too. So I just spent $600+ to get my RMS done and the gearbox is not considered. I am that dismayed by all this that I am absolutely certain this will be my last Porsche. I mean you buy a £60,000 car, *apparently* the best German engineering money can buy and barely 3 years later, on a low mileage car with FPSH it has major engine and gearbox problems and they won't fix it under warranty. What a load of crap. Sourcing a gearbox isn't easy but I managed to find a 2001 GT3 6sp manual gearbox up for grabs. Can anyone tell me if this will fit in my 2000 C2? Here is the wierd bit. Having had the car for 3 years now I figured it's time for a change. My dealer has the cheek to try to sell me a new C4S Cab (which I would have very much considered) while also telling me *NO* we won't fix our gearbox. So now I intend to fix the car up and sell it. I am very seriously considering putting my name down on a new Aston Martin AMV8.
  16. No the dealer tried that while I was there. I watched him punch in the A02 on the end. Even tried A05 and a few others but he still could not find it. I had him check the US PET too. But still no luck. Ah well, I guess Jeff I will try your idea when I am over there next week. I am only there for a week though. I am staying at the Sheraton in Menlo Park. How far is the dealer....Oh and what's the dealer called so I can look him up in the directory? Cheers guys.. Berny
  17. Oh, BTW, I arrive in San Jose on Sunday. Sort of short notice but just got travel aproval through.....<gr>
  18. Hi Loren, My dealer says he can't find that part number in his PET (he's running version 6). He also said he has never heard of this switch. Any ideas where to go from here? Cheers, Berny
  19. Hi I need a new gearbox. I found this site. They have "factory rebuilt" gearboxes. Not sure if that means Porsche Factory or their own factory but they seem cheap. $800 for a 996 refurbished gearbox. They are in Burlingame CA. Has anyone had any dealings with them? http://www.autoshoppingcenter.com/transmis...schemanual.html Berny
  20. Well had my car in to the dealer today for its yearly service. It's only just on 28k miles now but had the 36k service done anyway as the year is up. Dealer is still waiting to hear from head office "if " they wil do the RMS on goodwill terms. The service manager at the dealer reckons they will but can't guarantee it. But......it gets worse..... The service engineer pointed out a winining from the gearbox in 1st and 2nd. I am used to the sound and just thought it normal. I guess having a cab I just assumed you could hear all the wining and grumbling of the engine. So it seems the gearbox is now hosed too. As far as I am concerned this noise has been with car since new but he reckons its a new noise. To prove it he took me out in another similar cab. Sure enough it sounded much quieter than mine. So there you have it, I have had the car car 3 years now, terated it like a baby. never tracked it. Never really driven it like its supposed to be driven. Followed the book with services...even geting them done when the mileage shows that it isn't required. Its done 28,000 give or take a few and its got a busted engine and a knackered gearbox. I ask myself, are these cars reliable? I mean this is no Ford here......or ist it! Not feeling very happy at the moment..........
  21. Loren, Do you have any plans to sell a renntech decal? If you do something like "www.renntech.org" would be cool. Cheers, Berny
  22. With a cab have you got to be careful about how u jack the car up in case you twist the top frame? Just a thought.
  23. Jeff, when do you expect the DVD set to be available?
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