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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. Thanks Loren, Gee I have so many pics of my car but none of me seats. I am fairly certain they are comfort. At least I got the comfort package but never knew what that meant! They are all leather, electric adjust with lumbar and heated but not memory. I will try to take pics tomorrow and post. Cheers, Berny
  2. No the stud that sticks out the back isn't threaded but it looks like it is meant to be. It is hollow and ready to accept a screw. So that when you screw it first time it is a tight fit. I can only think of one way to screw it in and that's by dismantling the seat and screwing it from the front. Maybe it's not meant to be for my seat type. Could it be for a LHD seat :clapping: OK so let me ask another question: how do you dismantle the seat ;) The part number on the back says 369373. It is a porsche part as far as I know. The original has a part number 339318 (I think that's correct, I don't have it in front of me).
  3. No way will you get me twice Jeff :) Please take the yellow line off. It might confuse the mechanic and he may fit it back to front. Yes I think I got a good deal. And especially with the Dollar/Pound exchange rate being so good in my favour at the moment. It's being crated and flown out to the UK at a cost of about $300. I guess I won't know if it's a good or bad deal until I see it in the flesh and then have it fitted and tested.....I can't wait to get my porker back in shape. The seller certainly has a good ebay record and he seems extremely cooperative so far. He's got good raport with me "so far" at least. Do you know the guy who got the engine? I am interested in how his transaction went. He got a real good deal!
  4. Jeff, where have I seen that gearbox before?
  5. Removing the mufflers should take less than 20 minutes. Putting them back will cost you at least an hour, maybe two. I have done it twice now, I reckon I could put them back in an hour tops. And if the bolts are rusty at the cat connection end, it may turn out to be real laborious task. Checking that those cat bolts remain rust free will be a taks that I will perform as often as checking my oil. I never want to see them go rusty again. In regards to plug sockets. I have experienced that problem too (rubber holder fallng out the tube onto the plug) until I bought a real decent set of plug sockets. Still, what ever you do under that engine it ain't easy. Tiny fiddly areas and on jacks its a real pain in the back/neck. Yup DIYer it ain't. But I think PAG built that in to the design ;)
  6. Hi Don, Long time no speak ;-) Some time back I got all excited talking to you about painting the back of my seats like yours, only to find out I don't have the sport seats <groan> Anyway, peeling the leather must be the only way. I will investigate if I can do that without wrecking my seats entirely. Other than that, glue seems the only way to go. So how's Misty? Last time we spoke, you were on the move and you were without Misty for some time. Cheers, Berny
  7. Jeff, Loren, I also bought some seat back hook replacement crest thingimebobs off ebay. I have no idea what they are called but how the hell do you fit them? Short of peeling back the leather on the seat, I can't see how to screw them in. In the originals, the screw fits through the hook from the outside in. On these crest things the screw has to be screwed from the "inside" out! How is that possible? Do I really have to take my seats apart or is there an easy way to do thus? If I can find how to fit them, they should look real nice.
  8. I have to hand it to you, you bastards got me good and proper :lightbulb: I was in the shower just before thinking: hang on a minute, that has to be a load of BS. I mean the engine going the opposite way! What a load of horse crap. Holy cow. You got me. Then my wife shouted in to me "Hey Berny, what the hell you cackling and laghing at?". I was in total stitches. I mean really crying with laghter. I never laghed so much in my life. You bastards! OMG! the sheer embarassment of it all! I think I will have to sell my porker now. I could never face you guys again. Brilliant!
  9. :drive: ROFLMAO! at least that's cheer'd me up a bit. OMG! what a total f*ck up! So I just bought myself a LHD gearbox for my RHD car. Freaking hell! That'l teach me for trying to be clever. Thought a low mileage (3000mile) gearbox for roughly $2000 was really a cheap way out for me. But now I am stuck with a left hooking, backwards driving pile of cogs while my car's gearbox reamins wining! What a nurd! Now I have two unwanted gearboxes. You have to laugh :oops: Woa is me! :help:
  10. Holly mother!!! Jeff please tell me your kidding me. Are these things really LHD/RHD dependent? If so I just bought myself a doozy.
  11. Cheers Loren. I was hoping this was the case. Berny
  12. Hi Loren, Jeff, Do you know if a 2001 Getrag gearbox from a C2 6sp will fit my 2000 C2 Cab? What should I watch out for? Cheers, Berny
  13. I have noticed my seat belt warning light fails to come on when I don't lock my drivers side seat belt. I have checked fuses but can't see a fuse for it. Any ideas where I should look? Is there a wiring diagram I should check? Cheers, Berny
  14. Well fitted the bypass pipes on Saturday. I must have been nutz. Apart from the nightmare getting the maxflow system off (had to angle grind the 4 bolts attached to the cats).....and then back on again....alignment is not easy...... These bypass pipes are sick. No seriously. I mean you have got to be totally anal or brain dead or both to even concider them (hmm....is that me:-). No way. They ar rediculously loud. I can't believe people use them for street. They destroy the respect any bypasser would have for the porker. They sound like the mufflers have fell off down the road. Disgusting. At idle, the car sounds like a tractor. Head ache! what head ache. I can't hear any more. I gone deaf. Anyway, good to have my maxflow kit back.
  15. But where is the engine support brace? I know it sounds dumb but I look under the rear of the car and I see um, er, an engine. I have seen some good pictures of the underneath of the engine but I still don't know where to put the jack there. I saw in one post the mention of a seam where the two halves of the engine join. But I can't see it. I saw another that talked about using a flat 8" lip bt I can't see that either. I guess I need to see a picture with an arrow or something. BTW: I know where the jacking points are on the side of the car. Sorry fellas, just a dumb computer hacker here ;)
  16. Hmmm..... Well a few months back I bought a set of Fabspeed GT3 bypass pipes for £120! on ebay. And I am about to replace my Maxflow mufflers as soon as I can figure the easy bit.....how to jack up the car. From what I understand, these things are seriously loud and they are the closest you get to a GT3 sound. I want to try them for a few weeks just to see what they are like......P*ss the neighbours off ;) No seriously, I will put my maxflows back. I am just playing around.
  17. Could someone please explain "exactly" where to put the trolley jack under the engine to jack up the rear of the car. A picture with arrows pointing to where would be brilliant. I know this has been explained time and time again but I still am confused. My car has the 030 mod so its damned low. It also has an airkit and sideskirts so have to be careful with the jack points used for the stands. I can "just" slide my 2Ton jack under the rear of the engine. I chocked the front tyres and tried to jack the car up but, I dunno, I don't feel I trust jacking that high to get the stands under. And where (again a picture would be great) to put the stands? I notice the higher I jack the car, the jack starts to roll sideways! It looks too high to me and also I am not sure I am using the right location for the jack. Also, the flippin alarm goes off. grrrrrr....... Any help would be good. I am trying to jack up the rear of my car and put it on stands so that I can take the fabspeed mufflers out. I bought a set of bypass pipes on ebay and I just wanna try them for a few weeks :D Cheers, Berny
  18. Trivial info but you never know who will search for this in future.... Tech9 in the UK is the main TechArt dealer http://www.tech9.ms
  19. I have had my 2000 cab since new. Luv it. Had its share of RMS problems and it still has a gearbox issue. I think I was just unlucky. All in all it's a great car. Top gets a bit squeaky here and there but who cares.
  20. I think everyone agrees that the B&M is the way to go. Just be aware though that there is an Evo short shift that as far as I can see is the B&M rebadged but the ball linkage used is solid aluminium instead of plastic. So this may be a better option.....plus I believe it is cheaper. Jeff can you comment on this?
  21. Carcraft also has some similar (part number CARP96ER for a MY00 C2). I bought a set (for a small foirtune), had them fitted but hated them so sold them on. Have since fitted a set of stock MY03 4" wide oval flat bottoms to my MY00. Technically they should not have fitted for all the reasons mentioned obove but they did fit and they look great. But I do have a GT3 rear bumper kit and also a Fabspeed muffler to attach to. Maybe this setup has allowed these newer tips to fit.
  22. I don't think they fit somehow. Different engines entirely. But if you want the stock PSE and you want it cheap, I suggest you go see Europorscha http://www.europorscha.com/ Note that he has them priced here at £795. That's a massive mistake. But if you hurry and get onto it quickly he will have to honour the advertisement. Its a full PSE at a 3rd of the price new! I didn't send you there ;)
  23. Your after the same thing as me. I currently have a huge ugly base tube taking up my rear seats. There is a solution. For you it couls be an easy one since your in CA. But for me......:-( What you want is this: Car Audio Innovations. Go here: http://www.caraudioinnovations.com/ BTW: if you speak to them, do me a favour and ask them how much they would charge me to ship a pair of those baby's to the UK. Best of luck. Berny
  24. BMC F1 But I warn you, the dealership don't like these aftermarket filters. Iv'e had mine on the car for almost 3 1/2 years though. I just swap it out when it goes in for service then clean, re-oil and refit when I get it back. Dare I say it (tempting fate), my engine seems fine apart from the fact that I just picked it up today after its 2nd RMS. Touch wood, had no MAF problems because of the cold air intake grill but I did once have a large moth mangled in it. I often wonder where this would have gone without the grill.......also stops mice getting in the engine :lol:
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