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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. What can you use to clean up all the alu engine bits. Just been through a salt-road ridden winter :-(
  2. Yes I had to pay. My 996 was weeks out of warranty and the RMS failed. I had to pay £230 towards costs. The so called Porsche good will scheme apparently paid the rest. That was last year November (2003). Since then the RMS failed again. It was fixed 2nd time in Feb. at no cost. It has now gone for the 3rd time.....or it was never fixed properly in the first place. I am getting used to it now though. I now treat it as a permanent feature of my car. You know, kinda like the driving wheel or the horn. I have even begun to brag about it: Wow dude! look at your Porsche. Is it turbo charged? .....No. But it does have an RMS leak. Oh. man that's so cool! .....Yeah thanks. It drips, like 3 drips of oil on the garage floor each day. Oh man you'r kidding! I am so envious or your oil dripping Porsche! .....Thanks for the comliment.
  3. I have had this problem before. Since you can manually raise it up/down I would suggest you unplug the connector to the tail lift motor and clean the connection then refit it. This worked for me. its on the right hand side just behind the tail light. There is also a relay under the dash that may need replacing. I didn't have to do this but I read about it. Finally, have someone manually raise the spoiler and lower it while you watch it from the back. Make sure the wing isn't sticking at the sides or getting fouled on anything. I had to put a very slight smear of vaseline on the side of my wing. It was slightly catching.....but my rear spoiler has been slightly moded.
  4. I did have a very similar problem a few years back but I fixed it. Now don't get too excited cos I don't exactly know what I did...... Basically if jack your car up and look under the engine towards the back, about dead centre just behind the cats you will see some sort of sensor plugged into the engine casing. This could very well be the temp sensor, I don't know. At the time I assumed it was. Anyway, I pulled the wires, cleaned them and put them back. Since then I have never had the problem come back.
  5. My seat backs can't be painted cos they aren't sports seats. I have been down that path before. Yes I have seen some of kieth's work. Looks great but I am not convinced it would last long on interior bits. Yes got these crest thingamebobs on UK ebay. Cost me £14 for the set from a guy in Germany. They are actually porsche parts.
  6. Yup. We got similar sales here in the uk for 1997 996's http://www.911uk.com./car.asp?stockid=77199
  7. These may not be too modem friendly. here ya go ;)
  8. There are also 1997 996's here in the UK. I know someone who has one.
  9. ffelan, Sure thing. Also, If your over my way drop me a line before you come and we could meet up. Always time for a pint with a fellow Lancashire lad ;) Cheers, Berny
  10. :jump: :jump: :jump: I have that exact problem. But on all things not Porsche, her taste is more expensive than mine even! Shoes are her thing. She would happily spend $600 on a pair of shoes! But a supercharger for me would be out of the question. My next bit of fun is a Sat Nav system. I have my eye on a Blaupunkt DX-R70 single din system. Gee its getting that there are almost as many inline fuses behind the dash than in my footwell! I've noticed that you haven't AS'd your upper center console. I like that. It makes the interior look tastefull rather than too bling. Ther's a fine line between too flash and tasteful. Your 996 has it very tasteful. Ther's just one thing I would add and that's white dials. That might be my next project. BTW: this month's GT Purely Porsche mag has a really interesting article on VF-Engineerings 420bhp 3.4 996 supercharged at about $10 Large.
  11. For completness I am posting this here. (It's posted elswhere too.) Loren I guess this could be a DIY thread. Well today I went out and got some real good strong contact glue especially good for sealing plastic to leather. I ended up cutting off a 1/4 inch of the crest rear mounting tube plastic (where they would be screwed in from behind the seat back). Then I simply used the contact glue. The reason why you have to cut the mounting tube is because it is too long and would stop the crests sitting flush on the seats. Simply glue them onto the place where the coat hooks should be. They look great.
  12. Hmmmm... I guess I should have posted that in the crest thread.
  13. Without doubt Don, you cab is the most gorgious cab I have seen. I guess your like me but with more time (and possibly more money....I am running short :( ). I am obsessed with mods. Younger kids would call it bling I guess. But me I call it fun in me old age. But your 996 is bliss. As for the coat hook crests. They are definitely not made for the standard or comfort seats. Even if you stripped the leather of them you still couldn;t get them to fit properly. I can only assume they are made specially for the sport seats. Basically you have to remove the stock coat hooks and replace them with these crests. Well today I went out and got some real good strong contact glue especially good for sealing plastic to leather. I ended up cutting off a 1/4 inch of the crest rear mounting tube plastic (where they would be screwed in from behind the seat back). Then I simply used the contact glue. They look great.
  14. Tony, Yes two different tyre brands. But Porsche don't aprove the Goodyear. But then again they don't aprove of the 19" wheels either. I have had them on the car for almost 4 years and had no problems though ;)
  15. OK mine are as follows: Front: 650mm/25.6" - 235/35 ZR19 Pzeros 95% tread left Rear: 658mm/25.9" - 275/30 ZR19 Goodyear F1 GS-D3 99% tread left I can't tell if this is good or bad. Can you?
  16. Yes it is very expensive. But there are ways and means.................Take Stanly and his insurance policy. I never said that :ph34r:
  17. Yeah I figured. Seriously though, I think I might try to find some sort of contact glue as I like these things.
  18. Don, The crests you have on your seats. They look like bonet badges. Actually I think they look fantastic. But I am confused. You saw my post about these coat hook replacement crests I bought on ebay. They don't fit my comfort seats. I assumed they must be for the sport seats. Am I wrong? Cheers, Berny
  19. I recently asked this same question with my dealer. The answer is no you can't swap it out but yes you can replace the entire top with one that has a glass window fitted.
  20. I have recently swapped my rear axle Pzeros for Goodyear F1 GS-D3s. They handle much better and they are a hell of a lot quieter. They seem to be lasting better too.
  21. What do you mean beginning of the wheelhouse? Is this a wheelarch? and where is the beginning? Can you be more exact. Maybe a picture for example.
  22. Gee youv'e started something now. Meguire's.....my favourite.
  23. Or.....put these crests back on ebay <groan> glue looks like the way to go. Loren thanks for the doco. Much appreciated. You da man. Sadly even if I take the seats apart it won't work as there ain't no way to screw them in with the leather behind them. Obviously not for my seats. I would say they are for the sport seats. BTW: what seats do I have. Are they the comfort ones? Cheers. Berny
  24. Loren, here's my seats. I hope that peeling the leather off them won't wreck them..... Cheers, Berny
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