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Everything posted by Scouser

  1. I didn't have any part in it honest ;)
  2. Just to let you know it's now up and running live here at renntech.org. If you have any problems/questions please PM or email me. Please don't bother Loren he has enough on his plate ;) You can get to it by clicking "Scouser's VIN Decoder" at the top of the page. Cheers,
  3. I would prefer a glass window, but like I said I was told plastic is the only option. THat is wierd that the dealer offered glass to you. Maybe he promised something he couldn't deliver and then gave excuse after excuse till you changed to plastic? Dell From what you say, you could be right! It would not suprise me.
  4. Ummm......strange... A year or so ago some brainless no-hoper stuck a knife through the side of my top. When I had it replaced, the dealer gave me the option to go for the glass one. I said yes of course. But they had problems getting one in stock. So after waiting three weeks without my car I went for the plastic window. Cheers Berny <<<<<< whos Benny?
  5. Is there any way to remove the rear parcel shelf from the cab top to clean it? I can't see how it can be removed but there are a few bits of crud in there that I can't get to to clean. Any help/ideas appreciated. Cheers, Berny
  6. That's not right! They owe you a replacement stock factory top at no cost to you. If they damaged your breaks would you accept any other replacement but OEM? I think not. Make certain you get one with the glass window ;-)
  7. On a cab, I have heard that the rear side flap microswitch can cause this problem. I don't know abaout a coupe though.
  8. Hi Matt, I go down to Watford once a month. We must meet for a beer. Besides I want to see that Kenwood satnav system you installed. I'll be in touch. Cheers, Berny
  9. Good one. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the blue tac ;) BTW: where are you in the UK?
  10. Its easy to do but the micrphone slot in the console pod is not a good place for the microphone despite there being a home for it there. Best place is by the visor or by the reversing mirror. I have mine up the windscreen post next to my visor. It's held there using velcro and works great. (see pics below) Getting the console pod off: Adjust the steering wheel so that it is fully extended. Place a towel over the steering column (stop scratches) Use a butter knife: prize off hazard warning bezel and the switch cover. Prize off the microphone slot cover. You will see a torque screw in each side where you prized the bits out. Undo these and lift the console pod up. Rest it on the towel. May need to heave-ho on lifting the pod up. On the back there are 3 connectors (blue, black, white) There are flip-over holders over the connectors. Lift them and the connectors will come out. Under the pod, use a "plastic" screw driver and prize the hazard switch off its connector. The connector will then pull out and the console pod can be lifted out the car. Viola! I can do this in about 5 minutes max. Microphone on my drivers side upper windscreen post. (excuse the messy garage) Inside of my car:
  11. Cool. We'll make a body shop man of you yet ;) Can you post pictures of the bumper "in whole" so we can see its symetry.
  12. Phew! Good for you. So have you managed to figure out the bumper replacement?
  13. Ebay is the place. I am surprised you don't see one there. Wait a few days. Or.....buy one new for $330 here http://www.pelicanparts.com/catalog/shopca..._996tec_pg8.htm
  14. Wow! a brand spanker. Lucky bugger. Little chance of corrosion on the lugs, i would not bother. Take it back to the dealer to fix.
  15. Yeah you might get away with some hack to mend it but with the bumper off check that it at least looks symetrical. Anyway, as i said you need to slide it under equally on both sides and using a helping hand is a must. BTW: that's not what i think it is dribbling away on your garage floor is it? It looks a bit forward and an awful lot for an RMS problem.
  16. The first thing to do is to pull the switch, clean the lugs and replace it. http://ljgs.org/.ceemee/pcar/Scouser/diy/t...w/tailsw-04.JPG What car/year?
  17. There's a nasty crack there in your bumper (bottom right of picture). I could be wrong but by the looks of things you have tried to attach this side first then attempted to do the other side next. The result is that it left the bumper hanging on one side. Unfortunately you cracked it in doing this and it doesn't look safe any more. What you should be doing is sliding the bumber in on both sides. If you did that you'l probably find it aligns properly on both sides. You need some helping hand to do this. But as I said that bumper looks knackered. I would be looking to replace it if it was me. Sorry but...... :(
  18. Yeah. No doubt about it. That looks gorgious! Maybe a nice spoiler next ;)
  19. It always amazes me that Porsche don't supply this as standard. It is such an importantly required item. With the wind deflector up and the top down you don't have to glue your wig on. And you can actually hold a conversation with your passenger! Without doubt you have to get one of these but $340 is steep.
  20. I spoke to a nice lady at Corrosion X. She said they have no distributor in the San Fran area. The closest was in Sacramento. She gave me details. I ordered my Rejex from Sacramentoskyranch.com The order got lost and they went to the nth level to find out why. Anyway it arrived in three working days to my hotel in Palo Alto. It was meant to be next day delivery. UPS screwed up. I highly recommend them. http://www.sacskyranch.com/rejex.htm
  21. Actually I meant to do this at some stage. Stay tuned I will work it out and get back to you with the wiring/schematic. I do know there is a resister and diode in the curcuit. But need to look at it more to figure how they are wired. Cheers, Berny
  22. Have you upgraded the exhaust tips. I know that misaligned tips can catch the wind at some speeds.
  23. With my mod (and using the cable I put together in the picture further up this thread), the cd chager is rendered defunct. You can't use them both. And don't bother trying to but some sort of a/b switch in there either cos it won't work. Why? because to use my cable with a kenwood head you need to also purchase the kenwood CD-Changer replacement AUX connector and this connector has a small piece of circuitry that you can't a/b switch out. I Think the Kenwood cable is called a CDC-A02. In the picture showing my cable mod, the RCA connectors connect to one end of the CDC-A02. The other end of the CDC-A02 connect to the CD changer socket at the back of the head. I think this is true for the becker too. But I can't be sure (I got rid of that crap becker radio/cd years ago).
  24. This is probably one of the most questions asked. But hell..... I love my fabspeed. IMHO it sounds much nicer and deeper than the PSE. I especially like the Ferrari sounding raw you get when you give it bifters at 6000 rpm.
  25. www.dension.com The Dension ice-link is the answer.
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