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PAULSPEED last won the day on January 9

PAULSPEED had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 03/28/1955

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Time Trials

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  • From
    San Carlos, California
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2006 CARRERA 997 S with Tiptonic
  • Future cars
    2008 Austin Martin DBS
  • Former cars
    1986 NISSAN 300ZX TURBO
    1983 Mazda RX-7

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  1. The passenger part number is 3D1-837-016-C. Suset Porsche wants 175 dollars. When I replaced the driver's door about 5 years ago, the part was made in Poland if I remember right. About a two hour job for me.
  2. Have not checked the crank case vacuum. Will take it to dealer. The AOS is original. No squealing noises. Yes, it is parked on an incline. It is there on start up and then goes away. It then comes back on deacceleration when the car is warmed up. Thank you for your reply.
  3. I replaced the serpentine belt. I replaced the boot between the air cleaner and the throttle body but forgot to tighten the hose clamps. Drove the car over 100 miles and it started to smoke. Tighten the hose clamps and the smoke went away. A couple of days later the smoke is back. i think I might need to replace the air/oli separator. Maybe it just needs to be drained. Thank you for responding to my HELP issue.
  4. Took me 4 hours to get the water pump out and 6 hours to put it in. Good thing I don’t make a living fixing Porches.
  5. Wow. 7.5 foot pounds. I expected alot higher. Thank you Loran
  6. I read that the seven bolts that hold the water pump on are torque to 7 foot pounds. Is this right? 2006 997s tiptronic USA
  7. My spring broke last week. I will order the part from Sunset Porsche.
  8. I have a friend with this problem. A common problem is the drive shaft bearing. From whit I have read, You need to buy a $800 drive shaft from Sunset Porsche. The bearing is not sold by itself. Paul
  9. You should look for used cats. There are used Porsche junk yard in Los Angles and Arkansas. I am sure there must be Porsche junkyards in Germany. Paul
  10. Maybe your nav CD needs to be reloaded. Do you have any repair shops to go to check if you have any error codes. Paul
  11. So it is the gauge on the left. Looks like a large water container filer next to the needle. I will look at the radiators. I will also get a price for new radiators. I heard that you need a negative suction pump to fill it. I also heard that you can just fill it and keep adding fluid for a while. Thanks for all the replies. Paul
  12. Went for a spirited drive up to the top of Mount Hamilton. The car water temperature is normal at 210F. Near the top of the mountain I was looking at 240F. Is this too hot. I have cleaned out the radiators a few years ago. The car has 130,000 miles on it. I blew up the motor at Buttonwillow Race track. I had a new factory rebuilt motor installed around 60,000 miles. Should a 70,000 motor take these 240F temperatures. Luckie for me it was only near the top of the mountain. Thanks for any replies.
  13. Just tried the key in the ignition switch and unlock the doors. Key works fine know. Thank you for your post.
  14. Thank you for your reply. The oil sender is broken. He bought a new one for over $140 his costs. He is going to lift the car and then lower the motor. He hopes he can get his hands up on top of the motor to remove and install the oil sender. Wish there was a easier way to do this. Paul
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