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dammad last won the day on September 18 2019

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About dammad

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  • From
    Bay Area, California
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    1999 Porsche 911 Tip Cab in Silver/Black
  • Future cars
    2004 997
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    1996 Mazda Miata M-edition

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  1. Is there a good connection point for always on power in the engine bay? I've seen discussions on switched power, but I'm looking for always on. In older vehicles I know there's a power connection for charging, but don't see that in my 997.2 4S engine bay. Any pointers would be appreciated.
  2. I'm adding an aftermarket (Kenwood) radio to my 2009 997.2 Everything seems good, but the radio antenna is confusing me. I see three antenna connectors on the back of the PCM3.0. According to my wiring diagram the FM/AM and SDARS (Satellite) are in one connector (4-pin) and the other two are for GPS and Telephone. All the instructions I can find says there are only two antenna connections (Black and Yellow), but I believe these are all for 997.1. I can't find any reference to the 4-pin antenna connector online or any form of adaptor to connect to it. Anyone done an aftermarket install on a 2009 got any ideas?
  3. I believe I've read that if the engine is running and you remove the oil cap, then the engine should stumble because vacuum is lost. However, if the AOS is leaking, then the engine note won't change appreciably because of the much higher vacuums being generated. Also, if the AOS is leaking the cap should be hard to remove at idle.
  4. Ok, thanks. Looks like I need a coolant drain and new gasket then.
  5. My 2009 c4s has a leak on a connection to the water pump (see picture). I’ve put in UV dye and have confirmed it is at this joint. I’ve tightened the bolts a little (moved easily) but I’m still getting a leak. What’s the torque for these bolts? Is there a gasket? I had the pump changed 30k ago so assume they put in a new gasket. Any other suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks Loren. Is there a diagram of the CAN bus somewhere? It seems a common element in many. Perhaps the plug into the PDK is old/faulty? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sorry forgot. 2009 C4S cab. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was resetting my service reminder when I noticed the following codes on my PDK box: U0155: CAN timeout instrument cluster U0146: CAN timeout gateway U0418: CAN fault brake 1990: Positive engine torque intervention not possible U0423: CAN fault instrument cluster The car seems to run fine but I can’t clear the codes with the durametric and a battery reset didn’t help either. Any ideas? Thanks for any pointers you may have. Hoping I’m not in for a $$$$ bill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I’ve sold that car so can’t look but inside the top there’s a spring/elastic arrangement that has to be hooked on each side. I’ll dig back in my photos to see if I have a picture. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. In case others see this. In my case (997 4S cab) vacuum comes from the engine near the drivers side (left) rear wheel well. My vacuum pipe had broken off at this point. Doing so stopped the PSE/Tuning flaps but also meant at startup that vacuum was reduced to the brakes causing them to be less effective initially. From the design, it looks like this point is a weak point in the vacuum system and can easily break off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Anyone any ideas? Wanted to try to fix it today (US holiday - Veteran's day). I can't find a diagram of the vacuum system to see where to test what the problem is.
  12. My PSE is stuck in loud mode. 🙂 While this isn’t a bad problem, I would like to be able to make it quiet for calls etc. I pulled off the vacuum line before the changeover and can’t perceive any vacuum at idle. I’ve also checked at the input to the switchover for the airbox resonator. Same no perceivable vacuum. I assume this isn't that normal? Where does the vacuum come from? The vacuum pipe seems to head to the front of the car rather than to the vacuum pipe on the engine? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Many thanks for the suggestions. I put it back together and so far no new leaks. So I think it was leaking out of the plenum seals, I assume that was because the Indy shop didn’t put them back right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I changed the AOS at an local independent and drove it for about a month but then noticed oil pooling on the block and rough running again. I looked around for other leaks with dye but couldn’t find any. The oil pools were directly below the plenum seals so believe once the oil built up in the plenum it leaked thru under pressure. I figured the AOS may still be broken, so changed it again myself. Used official Porsche part and fully cleaned Plenum. Did a 25 mile freeway test journey and now the Plenum is oily (thick layer on finger) already. Since I fully cleaned the plenum I don’t think it is residue. I’m wondering if a vacuum leak or something similar might cause problems like this. At this point no smoke except the usual shirt period of light smoke on startup. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I've been trying to work out where my oil is coming from (see prior posts about oil pooling on top of the engine block). I've changed my AOS and looked for leaks with dye but I can't find any. Instead, it seems the oil is leaking from the plenum seals after it builds up and the air pressure allows it to slowly get out. Perhaps the shop that did the AOS didn't do the plenum clamps up tight, but they are now. I know some oil in the plenum is normal, so to test I cleaned it and did a 25mile highway drive. Even after this short drive, the plenum has a fair amount of oil inside and not a haze. Is this normal? What else could cause more oil than normal? Vacuum leak?
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