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About AviSalem

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  • From
    Cape Coral, FL
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    1999 Porsche Boxster

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  1. @Loren @JFP in PA @Ahsai I need help guys, please! Does the durametric even operate the regeneration valve under the intake plenum or is that activation for the valve by the carbon canister?
  2. Hey Guys, So I am slowly trying to get things figured out with the car when I get some free time (I have 7 month old twins). I built a DIY smoke machine I saw on YouTube, I just need a couple more barbed fittings to hold the tube into the vacuum lines. With the car in service mode, I activated the Fuel Evap Purge selection on the Durametric and heard and felt nothing from the valve under the intake plenum that goes to the TB. Could this be stuck open and causing the large evap leak P0455 and causing my issue? Is there a way to clamp off the hose and recheck the TRA values to see if they go normal with no Evap system? Thanks
  3. Hello All, I have a 1999 Boxster. I recently had fault code 34 for the Central Locking unit. I switched out the interior sensor and now I am getting fault code 22. Any help on this? I'm not sure what the difference is between the two codes. Thanks!
  4. Yep, TRA and TRA2 are at .37. FRA is .95 FRA2 is .97
  5. Yes I currently have P0455 and P1126, P1124 was pending.
  6. I cleared the codes and had the battery unplugged a while during a window regulator replacement, does that quality as a reset? I will get the values shortly...
  7. This I have not tried yet after cleaning!
  8. The gas cap was the first thing I tried, made no difference even with a new one. Also I completed this fix a couple of weeks ago, and checked the values. They are all within 3-4 of being perfect.
  9. Hi All, Sorry for the delayed update. I found a couple hoses broken and disconnected, I used the carb cleaner technique to find my vacuum leak. I am still having the same issue with the A/C on. I also have codes P0455, P1124, and P1126. I have seen many posts relating to P0455 and what can cause it, but I haven't found a write up on how to test the various components. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Avi Salem
  10. Thanks, I will have to try that when I get another chance, I did pull the oil filler cap with the car running, the idle seemed actually better and smoother with the cap off.
  11. Hey Ahsai, Last night I blew smoke into the J tube coming from the AOS to the throttle body, did not detect and smoke coming out anywhere, even manually turned the butterfly on the throttle to see if I could get anything coming out from that end. Also blew smoke through the J tube the other way, towards the AOS, and still didn't see any leaks. Should my next step be trying to pull the oil filler cap off the car to see how much vacuum it's pulling? On a side note, after reconnecting everything and starting the car, I kept get engine misfire codes with the CEL blinking, needed to clear these out and keep my foot on the gas to keep the car running smooth, eventually it ran ok by itself. The TRA/2 are still running .37.
  12. Thanks Ahsai, I hope I can find the leak, I don't have a smoke tester. I do use a vape, maybe a couple of puffs to the engine bay will help
  13. Hey guys, FRA is .99 FRA 2 is 1.00 TRA is .37 Tra 2 is .37 Load signal is 1.15 Air mass varies from 15.75 to 16.25
  14. I actually looked at FRA and TRA, sorry for the confusion. One was at .94 and the other was at .37, looked like the 2 banks had different numbers
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