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About tristancboyd@gmail.com

  • Birthday 02/22/1985

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  • From
    Moncks Corner, SC
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2001 Boxster S
    2003 Ram 1500
    1964.5 Mercury Comet

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Community Answers

  1. Just dropping in for an update. The car is still running perfectly. Cold starts aren't an issue, power is up and gas mileage is as well 1
  2. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Lol. Lesson learned. And on the brightside... there was some possibility that the AOS was on its way out... right? maybe? The tubes and boots where definitely bad, I have pics of those. I want to call this one solved! The cold weather start this morning was flawless! It has power and responsiveness I didn't know it had. This has been a long one, Plugs, tubes (leaking and cracked), boots (Cracked and torn), AOS, TB and intake tube cleaning (oily and dirty), lots of data logging and three MAF's (probably should have just been one!!!!) and I think its finally over! While there were some contributors that probably were not helping, I'd say the primary issue was the non-Bosch MAF. This should be a PSA or sticky, just because it looks identical doesn't mean its made identical. Bosch MAF's ONLY in these cars!!! A Big thank you to Ahsai and JFP for sticking it out with me, giving me feedback and reviewing my data! I would have been lost! Don't be down on yourself about getting the wrong MAF, a lot of people have learned the same lesson the hard way. I'm just glad it is finally sorted. Thanks man! I appreciate it!
  3. I want to call this one solved! The cold weather start this morning was flawless! It has power and responsiveness I didn't know it had. This has been a long one, Plugs, tubes (leaking and cracked), boots (Cracked and torn), AOS, TB and intake tube cleaning (oily and dirty), lots of data logging and three MAF's (probably should have just been one!!!!) and I think its finally over! While there were some contributors that probably were not helping, I'd say the primary issue was the non-Bosch MAF. This should be a PSA or sticky, just because it looks identical doesn't mean its made identical. Bosch MAF's ONLY in these cars!!! A Big thank you to Ahsai and JFP for sticking it out with me, giving me feedback and reviewing my data! I would have been lost!
  4. So far so good. It feels like a totally different car. I don't think it felt this good to drive when I originally bought it. The throttle is perfectly responsive and the engine runs very smooth. I hope tomorrow mornings cold weather start is just as good.
  5. Guess I didn't. I'll put those back into the recordings and log the drives to and from work tomorrow.
  6. The time must be off. I was definitely not home from work yet then. I thought that I had the o2 sensor's on there??? I'll take a look. I also took a reading with the manometer and its steadier even with revs. its holding a 5.2 in H20
  7. You are right. The MAF was replaced for me free of charge once the first one seemed bad. I figured the odds of the original Bosch, replacement non-Bosch then its replacement could all be the problems. I just took another longer drive into town and was data logging the whole time. The car feels much more responsive and never popped once. The idle was nice and steady. The big test will be Thursday morning, it supposed to be in the 30's around the time I leave for work so we'll see how the startup goes. Side note (i reviewed the carfax late last night and saw where it was noted that the dealer changed the MAF around 41k miles on the car as well)
  8. When I got home today I took the AOS back out to check the o-ring, I thought maybe i damaged it or that it wasn't seated right, then put it back in, I put the Bosch MAF in then took it for a long enough drive for it to hit temp. The issue may be solved. I will drive it to work tomorrow to see how it does. I also made sure to log the trip, its available with the same log in information.
  9. I may try that tomorrow, I didn't have the time with stuff going on around the house this evening. The Bosch MAF will be here tomorrow. I did start the car and just let it warm up so I could get a log of what its doing from a stand still if you wanted to check it out. towards the end I shut it off, unplugged the MAF, reset the codes (there weren't any though) and let it run for a few more minutes under the same log.
  10. I just ordered the Bosch Unit, it will be here tomorrow.
  11. It is not a Bosch. Should I unplug it and take it for a drive and see what readings change with it? I'll try to find some information on this and see if there is a way to clean it up. Someone on another forum thinks its the Variocam stuff.... from what I've read, I really hope not.
  12. This was with the car in neutral. clutch in or out didn't change it.
  13. Would you mind looking at the log from last night when I was having all of these issues and see if anything stand out? http://torque-bhp.com/ Device Id: 990005434631165
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHooRxkJUhM
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMti0wVf3zE
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