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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Most of the time a bad switch will give you many flaky lights.
  2. To bleed the ABS you do need a PST2 or PIWIS. Most folks do not think the at the amount of fluid in the ABS controller is significant enough to worry about. I agree, I own a PST2 and I usually do not bleed the ABS. Especially if it is just a normal flush and bleed. Unless you have replaced whole parts or lines there is not reason for any air in the ABS system. Most dealers that I have watched don't bleed the ABS either for a normal brake flush service.
  3. Did you check the connector on the headlight for bent pins? Likewise the connector that stays in the car body when you remove the headlight. Check of a broken connector or pins pushed out of the connector.
  4. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  5. On 996 Carrera's... A/C runs down the right side (passenger side on LHD). Brake lines run down the left side. As does the clutch line. Fuel and engine cooling run down the center tunnel.
  6. Try 5498 or 5496
  7. 996.555.557.09.A03 Light cover (in black) -- US MSRP $77.99 You should try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  8. Try 3680 or 3678
  9. OBC (On Board Computer) is the correct term. If your outside temp is showing on the tach display then your OBC is "on". To see the other displays you need the 4th steering wheel stalk that switches between the various functions - it goes under the turn signal indicator. A few folks have added a momentary switch on the dash that does the same switches between the various functions. Both mods have been covered here. But check first and see if you have the 4th stalk.
  10. Or there is the Porsche solution... As I recall these are not too expensive.
  11. 180 F is normal driving temperature (not below) - it will go up a little if you are stopped in traffic.
  12. Thanks Loren. Sorry for the late reply but I was waiting for an email notification but didn't get one. Is the forum set up for this? In the option button on the right side you select to "subscribe" to a topics or a complete forum. If you later want to turn that off - just go to your My Controls area and change it under "Subscriptions".
  13. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  14. My point is a few drops of oil on the ground does not make it an RMS leak - so isn't the cost irrelevant at this point? There is no way to tell where the oil leak is coming from without looking closer. There are other areas that can leak that are not RMS or IMS. If you don't feel comfortable looking closer or have the tools then find a good Porsche shop that can have a look for you. Where are you located?
  15. Call or email them and ask. We send a lot of business their way... but then they have an excellent product.
  16. Based on the age of the car - I would suspect the airbag light is one of the seat belt buckles. The only tools that can turn off (or diagnose) an airbag light are Durametric Software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Be sure to get the airbag code(s) before resetting them.
  17. My name is Loren - please. Try 4666 or 4664
  18. Take a picture of the underside of the car where it is leaking. A spot the size of a quarter could be many things that are not RMS.
  19. Removing the glovebox 1. Unclip plastic clips 2, Guide the insulation downwards out of both corners (arrows). 2. Unscrew fastening screws 3 from the glove compartment. 3. Unscrew fastening screws 4 from the glove compartment. 4. Disconnect the electrical plug connection in the direction of the arrow. 5. Lift the glove compartment upwards (arrow) and guide it out of the dashboard 1. Installing the glovebox 1. Connect the electrical plug connection in the direction of the arrow. 2. Swivel the glove compartment into the dashboard in the direction of the arrow. Note the position of the locating peg A. 3. Screw in the fastening screws 4 in the glove compartment. Tightening torque: 2.5 Nm (2 ftlb.) 4. Screw in the fastening screws 3 in the glove compartment. Tightening torque: 2.5 Nm (2 ftlb.) 5. Position the insulation, making sure that the corners are inserted correctly under the dashboard. Press in the plastic clips 2.
  20. I think this might give you some insite... United States Patent 7,278,389
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_4
  22. The ballast resister sells for MSRP $86.09 - but I sure Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can do much better than that. If you know how to solder this is not a hard job. Certainly under 1 hour. If not, then find a more reasonable shop.
  23. Well... a PIWIS does support the older cars. A PST2 only supports through MY2004.
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