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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Thanks again, juniinc! I took a look at the fuse layout tonight, and there was none specifically assigned to the passenger-side visor mirror light. The driver's side visor lights still work fine. In this case, I don't think it's the fuse problem. I've read Loren's explanation on removing the visor and also took a look my visor mirror insert assembly. Still not sure how to get it out though, and since it's pretty dark already, I don't think I dare try to pry out anything right now without risking the chance of breaking something. I wish Loren posted some pictures along with his explanation. Bunch of pics in this thread: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1512
  2. Fault code 9114 PCM2 timeout (if control unit coded) Possible cause of fault - PCM2 in production mode. - Due to a faulty component, the PCM2 system has switched off or is faulty Does your PCM work? If not, then make sure everything is properly plugged in. If it does work it could be a fault that has since been corrected and the fault was not reset. In that case just clear the fault and see if it comes back.
  3. Try 6483 or 6381 Hi Loren, I tried both but it did not worked. I am able to obtained additional info; R3297 W 5011 804 Many thanks, Linh Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  4. Model and year of car -- and wire colors please. Most likely someone might have had the airbag disable bar for the child seat.
  5. I'll have to leave this one to the Boxster folks... Perhaps a picture of the problem would help?
  6. 100 Time Units is one hour. So 1 TU is 0.6 minutes, or 36 seconds.
  7. Loren

    Sat radio

    :lol: NAV-TV says that product has an MSRP of $899.00 and Suncoast is selling it for $899.95
  8. Try 6483 or 6381
  9. I don't think so. Removing the front bumper cover is a 15 minute job. It is covered in detail in both the 3rd Radiator DIY and the Gas Flap Lock DIY.
  10. hello every one now after have few places check out my car, one said engine is bad and one said transmission, now at the dealer and they say it is the oil separator for $3500 .. any one knows if that is a good price ?? A new AOS is under $200 - even at MSRP! I suggest you get another opinion.
  11. Yes, the two factory horns are behind the front bumper and behind the air duct on the right front of the car. I have a 3rd radiator so it it looks a little more crowded than it actually is in there.
  12. :welcome: Please do a search this has been covered many many many times...
  13. :thankyou: Lots of good help here... from lots of folks.
  14. My homemade mount from metal strap. Using the existing bolt to mount the horn. Be sure to tape and tuck the wires up behind the bumper support and test before putting the bumper cover back on.
  15. Yes Not that I have seen so far. I've installed a couple of these (including my own car). I've got some pics somewhere... For me, they were easier to mount in the center behind the front bumper support. I'll look for my pics.
  16. :welcome: Have you asked them about a Porsche Exchange transmission (Porsche rebuilt)? I show an MSRP on those of only $8049.65 (with exchange).
  17. :welcome: Look at the first category Country Codes (all models)
  18. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  19. From what I can see it looks to be highly likely an RMS or IMS leak. Both should be checked - and if there is oil on the clutch disc you will need a new one of those too.
  20. Removing 1. Removing air cleaner assembly 2. Removing air cleaner assembly 3. Loosening belt pulley of the hydraulic pump 4. Relieving and removing drive belt 5. Loosening three-phase generator 6. Loosening air-conditioning compressor 7. Loosening air-conditioning compressor 8. Removing throttle body 9. Removing supply tank of the power steering system 10. Removing supply tank of the power steering system 11. Detaching steering return line 12. Detaching steering return line from the supply tank with tool 13. Detaching hydraulic pump and steering supply line Removal Procedure: 1. Removing air cleaner assembly. Undo the hose clamp on the throttle body. Remove connector from hot film mass air flow meter. Unclip electrical lead on throttle body. 2. Removing air cleaner assembly. Unclip oil filler neck. Undo hexagon-head bolt M6 x 20 and remove entire air cleaner assembly. 3. Loosening belt pulley. Undo three hexagon-head bolts (M8 x 12) by approx. one half turn. Note: The belt pulley can also be loosened with a restraining strap after removal of the drive belt. 4. Removing drive belt. Mark belt travel direction with a colored pen. Slacken belt by turning the tensioning pulley (wrench size 24 mm) clockwise, hold still and simultaneously take the belt off the drive pulleys. 5. Loosening three-phase generator. Undo right-hand fastening screw (in direction of travel) and unscrew. Undo left-hand fastening screw (with deflection roller) by three turns. A gentle tap on the fastening screw loosens the threaded bushing in the generator arm (use aluminum mandrel). 6. Loosening air-conditioning compressor. Undo front compressor fastening screws (2 ea.) and disconnect electrical plug connection. Lift generator up and out of the slotted generator bracket. Unscrew fastening screw and remove with deflection roller. Note: Do not disconnect electrical connections or plug connection. 7. Loosening air-conditioning compressor. Undo compressor fastening screw between the intake pipes of cylinders 4 and 5. 8. Removing throttle body. Disengage accelerator cable and remove throttle body. Pull off vacuum check valve. 9. Removing supply tank of the power steering system. Suck fluid out of the upper supply tank until the level is below the joint. Turn bayonet lock ring counter-clockwise. 10. Removing supply tank. Detach bracket from supply tank and B+ disconnection point and set aside. Pull supply tank up and off. Suck off fluid level of the lower supply tank and then immediately close the opening with a suitable plug. 11. Detaching steering return line. In order to detach the line from the supply tank, push the red unlocking ring forward (arrows) and simultaneously pull out the line. Use two plastic spatulas to press the unlocking ring. 12. Detaching steering return line from the supply tank with (special) tool. The line can also be detached using a commercially available tool. The removal tool from Snap-On, for example, is recommendable. Insert tool between line and the red unlocking ring and unlock. Pull line to the rear and simultaneously press the tool against the red ring. Carefully protect the line against dirt and scratches with a cap. 13. Detaching hydraulic pump and steering supply line. Undo steering supply line (wrench size 17); simultaneously counter at the body (wrench size 27). Undo three hexagon-head bolts (M8 x 12) and remove hydraulic pump to the rear. Note: If coolant hoses come into contact with Pentosin, clean them thoroughly without delay. 14. Removing bracket with tensioning element. Undo flange for oil filler neck at the left rear bracket fastening screw. Immediately seal bore on the crankcase. Undo four hexagon-head bolts and remove bracket with tensioning element. Installing 1. Installing hydraulic pump. Fasten bracket with tensioning element on the crankcase. Tightening torque 23 Nm (17 ftlb.). Insert hydraulic pump from the rear and fasten. Tightening torque 23 Nm (17 ftlb.). 2. Fitting steering return line. Insert line into the plug-in coupling in a straight line. Then pull slightly to ensure that the connection is properly locked. 3. Fitting supply tank for power steering system. Turn bayonet lock to its initial position. 4. Fitting supply tank for power steering system. Remove plug. Position tank (observe markings). Lock bayonet lock. 5. Fitting drive belt. Fit belt pulley of the hydraulic pump and screw in hexagon-head bolts. Fit drive belt. (See the DIY on changing the polyrib belt). 6. Fastening belt pulley for hydraulic pump. Tighten three hexagon-head bolts. Tightening torque 23 Nm(17 ftlb.). Note: The belt pulley can also be held and tightened with a restraining strap before the drive belt is fitted. Fasten air-conditioning compressor. Tightening torque 28 Nm(21 ftlb.). Fasten generator. Fit throttle body and air cleaner assembly.
  21. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (17 TSBs total): 987 - 1 Cayman - 1 996 GT3 - 1 997 - 1 997 TT - 1 997 GT2 - 1 997 GT3 - 2 Cayenne (gen 1) - 4 Cayenne (gen 2) - 5
  22. Try 4698 or 4696
  23. Loran, Okay, I've looked all afternoon and besides what Joost has posted, I haven't found much on making the OBC work in my car. As Joost has said, "the toggle switch is simple" but I can't find anything about a DIY on putting the stalk and related connections on? I know I'm asking a question that has be asked (maybe many times) before, but I can't find the answer in the search area(there is everything from exhaust to headlights when I put "install OBC stalk" or "OBC switch", for example). I've looked in your DIY area and can't find anything either, so any help would be great. Thanks, again, for your time, C'ya, Did you look at the two links he posted?
  24. You will need to cut the original connectors and you will only need two of the four wires - so tape the other two well.
  25. Look at the thread (further down on that same page - I posted a pic with both the Cab and Coupe drains. The coupe are indeed behind the rear tires and behind the front tires.
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