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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I have recently acquired a 2001 911 and bought the Durametric Diagnostic Kit. It reports a P0650 fault code. Does "open circuit" mean that the engine warning light has been disconnected ? Please advise Possibly. Check the bulb, then the wiring.
  2. Yes, you will have to pry the clamp off.
  3. Try 4964 or 4962
  4. Try 2322 or 2320
  5. Try 8777 or 8775
  6. Try 6878 or 6876 thanks for trying loren but had no luck with both codes, you help is appreciated ..many thanks.. Did you read the FAQ for other tips? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  7. Removal 1. Disconnect the battery and cover the terminal or battery. Remove the complete air cleaner assembly. 2. Disconnect the line from the tank venting valve and the electrical plug connection. Disconnect the electrical plug connections at the idle speed positioner and throttle potentiometer. 3. Disengage accelerator cable and remove throttle body. Pull off vacuum check valve. 4. Disconnect the vent line for the oil separator at the intake distributor. Undo all hose clamps (4 ea.) at the intake distributor and push the rubber sleeves to the side. Pull out intake distributor to the rear. 5. Pullback protective cap on the starter cable and undo cable terminal 30 (M8)and terminal 50 (M6)at the starter. 6. Undo the upper fastening screw. To do this, use the following 3/8 inch tool: 3 long extensions, cross handle, universal joint and hexagon socket wrench insert a/f 15. The joints can be secured using adhesive tape. 7. Undo the lower fastening screw from the right generator mounting side. 8. Carefully remove the starter from the engine compartment to the rear. Installation Tightening torques: Terminal 30 Nut -- M8 15 Nm (11 ftlb.) Terminal 50 Nut -- M66.5 Nm (5 ftlb.) Hexagon-head bolt -- M10 45 Nm (33 ftlb.) 1. The angled cable lug of terminal 50 (M6) faces in driving direction (transmission) after assembly. 2. Carefully center the intake distributor. Push both rubber sleeves onto the intake distributor up to the marking (line) and secure (2 hose clamps). 3. Check bore in the rubber sleeves for check valve and vacuum to the fuel pressure regulator for clear passage. 4. Engage accelerator cable and install throttle body. Fit fastening screw M6 x 20 at the bottom right. 5. Tighten the outer hose clamps of the rubber sleeve after securing the throttle body on the hydraulic pump housing. The throttle body must not contact the hydraulic pump housing. 6. The intake system must be checked for leaks after assembly (visual inspection).
  8. The TT uses are different transmission and clutch from the 996 - so that TSB is not relevant for the TT. It could be a worn throw out bearing or the clutch disc may be just about gone. How many miles on the car?
  9. These are Porsche Tequipment parts so Sunset Imports (Porsche parts at Dealer Cost) is likely your best source. Just tell them what you want a quote on.
  10. Power steering pump/supply (use on Pentosin per your Owners Manual). The tube is just a vent - it does go nowhere. Vent hose is: 986.314.545.00 Hose -- US MSRP $11.14 If you need the clip it is: 999.512.527.00 Clip -- US MSRP $2.02 I'm sure Sunset has better prices since you are already placing an order with them.
  11. 1. Yes. 2. I highly recommend the Porsche filter or one of it's OEMs (Mahl, or Mann). 3. Use the jack points for the jack stands. 4. Make sure you have all your parts and tools. Absolutely make sure the car is properly supported on good jack stands before getting under neath it. I never get under the car if I don't have too (i.e spark plugs can be change by removing one rear wheel at a time.
  12. Try 6878 or 6876
  13. Pardon my lapse of including information. Per the pictures of the plugs above. 2000 996 Cab There are 2 wires one is a light chocolate brown and the other is a lighter brown with an orange ish thin stripe. The end is a male 1 amp plug I was unable to make out the numbers on the plug. I saw 1 AMP 86####### Under it was BMW ###### Thanks again for your thoughts. --Tom Airbag disable bar for child seat option.
  14. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  15. Looks very nice but it is also not cheap.
  16. Porsche says: "Bedding in the brake pads New brake pads require a bedding-in period of approx. 200 km. Not until then do they achieve their best friction and wear coefficient. During this period, the brakes should be subjected to full stress when traveling at high speed only in emergencies."
  17. P1502 Throttle Jacking Unit, Spring Test – Above Limit This fault says that your throttle sensor (not MAF) is bad. The throttle body and sensor should be the same - unless he has updated to the new one. In that case you would need to get your DME programmed for the new sensor.
  18. The fastening parts ont he MY02 and newer are different.
  19. Most of the 996 DIY articles are identical or very similar for Boxsters.
  20. I think they are just bigger and more rectangular - if you are using stock pads they should just press into the slots.
  21. 1. Yes, they should be replaced in pairs. 2. Try Sunset Porsche (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for factory shocks. Factory shocks are actually very good. 3. Correct for R&R. You do not need a spring compressor for the rear shocks (in most cases). Just make sure you get the bump stop, washers, etc. put back on in the right order.
  22. The headlight mounting tray do need to be changed to pot MY02 or newer headlights in a MY01 or older car.
  23. Fault Code 1045 - Selector lever switch Possible causes: - implausible signal Could loose or damaged wiring, a bad selector switch. or even a bad Tiptronic controller. You are going to need to investigate the wiring and switch to be sure.
  24. 45 and 46 are the drivers belt buckle. 1 and 3 are would be a power interruption (like changing the battery) You should perform the actions in TSB 1/04 6924 Airbag Warning Light Comes On: Fault Codes 45, 46, 48 and 49 -- dated Jul 21, 2004
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