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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, the previous owner could have always hav changed springs to an after market. I can't think of a way to tell unless you look at each spring and see if it has Porsche's color codes or some other manufacturers part number.
  2. Which wire goes to positive voltage and which wire goes to ground. Since they are LEDs - once side has to be to ground. Conventional bulbs don't matter.
  3. Start by looking are your cars option codes list (under the front hood). Look for M030.
  4. The code calls out bank 2 only. As kbull88 said above check you Maintenance book for your car - as to emissions warranty.
  5. I think that top cap should come off because the accumulator just screws on like an oil filter does.
  6. In most cases O2 sensor "diagnose" a problem not cause a problem. P0430 TWC Conversion, Bank 2 – Above Limit If you erase this code and it continues to come back - then you have a bad catalytic converter.
  7. Hi there, Apart from whether this method described here is ideal or not, I have another problem with it. It generates unnecessary waste. Whether as a 50/50 antifreeze (mostly ethylene glycol = toxic, see :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylene_glycol#Toxicity) or as a watered down version, you still cannot flush it through your toilet, and it will need to get disposed of properly no matter what. Let's do the math: - Assuming you are able to evacuate the entire cooling system by removing under panels, hoses etc. you will end up with approx. 6 gal. of waste. - In the procedure above I count a total of 6 times removing 2 gal. = 12 gal of waste (albeit more diluted). I just ordered the UView Airlift II for $72 delivered from Amazon.com and will give it a try this weekend. Loren: Having mixed orginal Porsche coolant with Prestone premix (ooh ignorant me), would it make sense to use a product like Prestone Super Radiator Cleaner, high in chelating agents, before refilling with Dex-cool? Joost I would just flush and drain with water a couple of times. Vacuum fill is still the best method.
  8. Or find someone with Durametric software.
  9. Use the Mobil 1 synthetic 75W-90 or the Shell. The Shell is easier to find for some folks.
  10. Are you sure you have the polarity correct?
  11. Try 9591 0r 9589
  12. The new design started in April 2000 so he should have that. Per TSB 7/00 3041 Creaking Noise In Clutch Bell Housing Area "The modified release lever was installed in production on April 19, 2000 from the following transmission number: G9600 1018220."
  13. Try 5329 or 5327
  14. Try 6760 or 6758 These didn't work. Does that mean I am out of luck? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  15. Please do a search here - a cracked coolant tank is fairly common (unfortunately).
  16. Try 1778 or 1776
  17. I would appreciate it very much if you would NOT post your request 3 times. I have deleted your other 2 requests. Try 5234 or 5232
  18. I agree with Chuck - those sound like Max pressures.
  19. Try 6760 or 6758
  20. You have a modified cluster. Chances are you will need to open it up and see if it just a loose connection (or two) -- or worse.
  21. If your water pumper had failed then it would always be hot. 190 is not that high you have a minor problem. I suggest the following: 1. Are you sure both fans run - one in each front fender well. They have two speeds slow (when the coolant is hot) and fast when the AC is on (or the car is very hot). 2. If you have never cleaned the debris from the front bumper air intakes it is probably worthwhile to do that. Several folks have written up the process here.
  22. Check the electrical connection, coil and even the spark plug.
  23. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...=maint_menu_box
  24. Check in this order: 1. Fuses 2. Relays (swap with the other side). 3. Turn on AC - do they both then work?
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