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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996.512.988.00 Spoiler -- US MSRP $292.07 I am sure Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can do much better on price.
  2. :welcome: It would be very helpful (in the future) to give the model year of car when asking questions. MY2006
  3. Try 4845 0r 4843
  4. hello loren thank you in advance for taking the time to help us in unlocking our radio =) here are my specs cdr 220 becker 1 4462 x5025403 48/98 thanks again ! Try 7114 or 7112
  5. :welcome: You need : 996.613.155.00 A05 Thanks Loren. Great forum btw :D Sorry, is there something i have not understood ? Because in the first post, i read : "The switch is part number 996.613.155.00 A02 for a switch installed on the left side of the dash " Thanks. The finish on the early cars switches was glossy - later cars had switches with a matt (flat) finish. You need to get the one that matches the other switches ion your car.
  6. That is what I meant when I told you 640 xxxx is in two model ranges - 914-6 and 1980 911SC. I suspect it is a 914-6 engine (which is fine).
  7. The only place in the list (that I see) a 640 xxxx serial number used is on a 1970 1971 914-6 and 1980 911SC. So then it could be 2.0 liter or a 3.0 liter based on that. Does it have carbs or fuel injection?
  8. Try 4828 or 4826
  9. Try 4753 or 4751 Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  10. Well, hopefully one of them will see the posts here. Just do a member search for "Edmonton". But please also respect their privacy.
  11. Very unusual if a low battery caused an airbag light. I think you need to have the fault read out. I know we have members in Calgary and Edmonton.
  12. So my question is - what caused the light to go on? Did you remove a seat or the steering wheel with the key in the ignition? If not, then I would think it is in your best interest to find out why the light is on. BTW... there are quite a few private owners that have the Durametric software as well as independent Porsche shops that have one of more of those tools.
  13. Why not disconnect the belt (for a very period) and see if the noise goes away?
  14. You need to find someone with the Durametric software, a PST2 or a PIWIS tester. Most importantly you need to read out the fault code as to "why" it came on. Where are you located?
  15. P0301 Misfire, cylinder 1 You might also want to check the coil pack and spark plug on cylinder 1.
  16. Try 6049 or 6047
  17. Try 4456 or 4454 Loren, does it make a difference if the electronic model is 4362, instead of the BE6624 on the label? That is what mine says. No, only the serial number makes a difference.
  18. I know what it is - I was asking how you fixed it. Thanks.
  19. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  20. Try 5640 or 5638
  21. There are drains but they are likely pluged. Keeping those drains clear has been discussed here many times. IMHO a bad place to put a critical controller. It needs to be checked with a PST2 or PIWIS tester -- but it does not sound good.
  22. Have you checked the fuses? If there were internal shorts then the immobilizer\alarm\central locking control will likely have to be replaced. That will require IPAS codes and reprogramming with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  23. Loren, Is it o.k. if Kirk and I swap out springs if we use jacks and jack stands? - Kirk, I don't mind coming early at all. I have 2 jacks and 2 jack stands. I can bring those. If you would bring your spring compressor that would be AWESOME. I don't have too many tools either so if there is anything special that you used when swapping yours out could you bring those as well? As long as it can be done safely and within the time the Borden's have graciously donated their shop.
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