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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Then I guess Porsche's parts list is wrong. Here are the part numbers and the codes signifying they are for the rear.
  2. Remove the front bumper - replace horn(s).
  3. Hmm... haven't heard that one. As long as your cap is 996.106.447.01 (or later) and it does not leak - you should be fine IMHO. I bought a new cap from Sunset Imports a couple months ago and it was $11.80.
  4. Just follow the instruction in the OBD II manual or the service manual. Might I ask why you are changing your DME?
  5. Is the a CR-21 or CR22? I have no idea if this will work for your radio... Try 8469 or 8467 Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  6. Since this is your site - I think you need to re-read the rules here about commercial posting. This topic is closed.
  7. Is the a CR-21 or CR22? I have no idea if this will work for your radio... Try 8469 or 8467
  8. Here is the picture that is in the parts list. There is also a "Operating Instructions Multimedia Interface" 997.044.901.74 that I assume is some sort of manual...
  9. 997.504.573.02 Left rear wheel liner (RS) 997.504.574.02 Right rear wheel liner (RS) You will also need the plastic nut 999.049.028.40 (sorry I can't remember if it is 1 or more). And, tapping screws 999.073.231.09
  10. Try 6803 or 6801
  11. Another possibility is a very erroneous reading from your MAF. Can you check your TRA, FRA, and MAF air flow readings? If not you may want to try a new MAF.
  12. P0446 (Porsche fault code 95) EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit The task of the shutoff valve is to seal the purge air line to the EVAP canister during the fuel tank leak test (at startup). Potential causes: - Bad gas cap seal - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high. More here
  13. CDR22 - is wired radio -- CDR-23 is MOST (fiber optic) based radio. Sorry, they are not interchangeable.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=19983
  15. You can only buy the two repair kits. 951.352.917.01 30 mm kit -- US MSRP $10.82 951.352.917.00 28 mm kit -- US MSRP $12.57
  16. I think you will need to change the hubs too if you put GT3 brakes on the car. Some folks that just want red calipers just buy the one for a Boxster S - they are the same caliper as the 996 -- just red.
  17. Hi, I also did not get the code card with my used Porsche and the battery went dead over winter. Next year battery maintainer! Any help would be appreciated. It is a 2000 Carrera CDR-220 Type: 4462 Ser: y5040879 24/99 Thanks. Try 0857 or 0855 Tried 0855, 0857, 0856 and 0858 none of them worked but I will cycle through them a couple of times to be sure....... lots of waiting. Thanks for the effort. 0859 worked Thanks. Hi Iam from germany...i bring a boxter from miami to Munich(Germany9 but i lost the CODE from the Radio Model CR 210 Art. R3297 SerN. V5008018 Please HELP ME......Thank you greeting from Germany...sorry my english is not sooooo good. Try 1143 or 1141
  18. The only listing I see for RoW cars is for the rear bumper cover. It is: 987.505.993.00
  19. Do a search here for the reset procedure (which involves reversing the battery for a few seconds). If that doesn't work then you likely need a new remote (check with Sunset Imports for the best price I've seen).
  20. :welcome: Search is your friend. Please give it a try. Many discussions here on swapping motors.
  21. MSRP $18.71 from your dealer if you would like to scan one for us...
  22. 97_993TT_radio.pdf
  23. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=20176
  24. You are lucky if the fronts don't rub now - so I would not mess with them. The rears may need a trial fit for the same reason - if they rub drop back to a 285.
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