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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You can also follow the 996 instructions in the 996 DIY section. They will be very close to identical.
  2. Take the number 1 spark plug out and carefully put a plastic straw (yes, clean plastic straw) in it's place. Slowly turn the crank until the straw is pushed out as far as it will go. Cylinder 1 should not be at (near ) TDC.
  3. Sorry, my bad - I grabbed the wrong image the first time. It has now been corrected.
  4. Hmm... I am not finding those in the parts list. You might check with Jeff Clarke at Sunset Imports.
  5. That will depend on what the fault code is that turned the airbag light on. Well after the 3.4 install on my boxster, the airbag light came automatically. When I plug my ODBII it shows no error codes “using 996 odometer in my boxster”. From what I read here, it seems like a Durametric tool should clear the airbag light. I was just wondering would clearing the airbag light affect the airbags or disable them? No, clearing the fault does not affect the air bag performance. If the fault is still present it will cause a fault (and light) again until the fault cause is corrected.
  6. Try 0835 or 0833
  7. Turn the crankshaft (by hand) until you position is at TDC for cylinder 1. Align pulley with mark on crankcase.
  8. I would jack it up remove the plug - lower the jack so the car is level and let any excess drain out. Then raise it up and put the plug back in.
  9. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=102491 Have you checked for fault codes? If it still is not in a "Ready" state then something is still wrong. Well, the "Ready" process starts over if the battery is disconnected. So make sure you don't do that.
  10. That is correct. There is now one drain plug and it is on the rear side of the sump.
  11. If you look at their spec sheet they say it conforms to Porsche spec TL774C. So I would guess it is okay - but I have also never heard of it.
  12. Just a reminder... Time, directions, and map are in the link below. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=104018
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=102491 Have you checked for fault codes? If it still is not in a "Ready" state then something is still wrong.
  14. Follow the fault codes... they will tell you what is wrong. Search for P1124 and P1126 - that has been covered here many many times.
  15. If you mix the wrong two non-compatible coolants you can create a "jello" like substance. That's one I haven't heard before. How likely is that to happen? I just use the Prestone 50/50 "all vehicle" (i.e., non-corrosive to aluminum). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=18105
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=102491
  17. Loren

    GT3 RS

    997 GT3 RS has a single mass flywheel - some rattle is normal.
  18. Please do a search here - those codes have been covered many many times.
  19. If the car is sitting level when you fill it - then it can not be over filled because it will run out the fill hole.
  20. Correct. The C4S uses the sames M96 engine that the Boxster and Carrera use.
  21. If you mix the wrong two non-compatible coolants you can create a "jello" like substance.
  22. That was point before... you need a CAN based system on the newer cars.
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