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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Thank you RFM. We know you can reset it with a PIWIS - do you know if you can change the interval (from 1 year to 2 years)?
  2. Yes, it could have been added afterward. 09991 = manufacture from the exclusive-programme This just means the car has one or more Exclusive options (X options)
  3. Thanks for the response, Loren. So, is PST2/PIWIS the only way to reset my service indicator? Durametric's website doesn't have a tool listed for the 997TT... only the base 997 and the 996TT are mentioned. Can the dealer reprogram my service indicator to go off in 2 year intervals? Interesting... I just got back from Wally Mart with a case of 15-40... j/k!!! :D I think they have added that - check with the folks at Durametric - they are always adding new stuff. I don't know if the interval can be reset with a PIWIS. I would like to give it a try.
  4. I wish I did... I'm still trying to figure out why 15W-40 Mobil 1 came off the approved list after being - practically the only approved oil for 5 years. I guess further testing of oils and engine wear must lead to this (along with Mercedes and BMW having longer intervals too).
  5. Will the Carrera GT keyhead's transmitter work with my '99 996? Thanks Yes, Design key work on any Carrera MY1999-MY2005 You put your blade, transponder, and circuit board in the Design Key.
  6. Yes, I do not think is any harder than a 986/996 but you have to remove more - especially if it is a Cab with the BOSE woofer in right front tunnel. Coupe would likely be quicker (I would guess 30-45 minutes for those experienced) but I would say with a Cab and BOSE add 15-20 minutes to remove and then install the extra parts. Of course we know this now since Martin's car was a Cab with BOSE.
  7. You might check with Todd Holyoak - I think he went from throttle cable to egas on a Boxster.
  8. Buy your keys from Sunset Imports then take them in with the tags and have the dealer cut the metal part and program the button part to your car. If you have any keys left you should take them in also - because you can only program 4 keys total into the immobilizer.
  9. No, I think that means that this is the third occurrence and the DME reset the first 2 or perhaps it has occurred 3 times with no DME correction)
  10. if you don't clear the alarm code they will stay there until someone with a PST2 or PIWIS clears them. No I have never seen anything strange ;)
  11. Hi Loren, i knew i could count on you to reply! Is the flashing light indicative of anything in particular? I cannot find any reference to a flashing light only to steady light. Since i hear the relay in the cab top control unit click should i assume that all non-top related microswitches are operable; such as parking brake, etc? I do not have access to a PST2 but i thought to check some pinouts on the connectors. Well, a PST2 or PIWIS will tell you what motor or microswitch is failing to respond. Without it you are just guessing. here is a list of what the tool can check/test.
  12. Try 6472 or 6470
  13. My understanding is that it is the times the fault has triggered since last reset. In the case of the DME - it can reset it's own faults if the preset drive cycles have been met and the error has not occurred again. PST2 and PIWIS report the same.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=42414
  15. You are likely going to need a PST2 or PIWIS to see which microswitch is not closing (or opening) that is causing the fault.
  16. Model year 99 C4's had DME 7.2 but they also had egas. Might be possible...
  17. A special Thank You to both David and Mary for graciously hosting us at your lovely home (in beautiful El Dorado hills). And, for providing the excellent lunch! I think we had an excellent turn out for our first "big" Work On Cars Day. I counted 15 total cars that came and went during the day. Short shifters to bumper cleaning to airbag lights to suspension changes to just a lot of Porsche talk- a good time for all.
  18. An airbag code will only show up on the Durametric software. a PST2 or PIWIS -- not on most generic readers.
  19. Try 0616 or 0614
  20. Check you Owner's Manual. The brake fluid is under the front hood. A low fluid level would trigger a warning light (as would pad wear). Either there is air/water in the brake fluid or something else is wrong.
  21. 1. According to Porsche's book time it should take 7 hours. 2. You will need to break the engine in just like a new engine. 3. I don't know about where you live - but in the US you can not change the odometer unless you file paperwork with your local government as to the true mileage on the car. Unless you never sell the car.
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