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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sounds like someone changed them out. Got a pic?
  2. :welcome: It is the same as on MY02 and newer 996's. Been covered here many times. Please try our Search function.
  3. The signal from CMP sensor 1 identifies the first cylinder. If both the crankshaft position (reference mark) signal and the CMP sensor signal coincide, this signifies the ignition timing for cylinder 1. The recognition of cylinder 1 is necessary for the purpose of sequential fuel injection and knock control.
  4. 47 Central locking synchronization - Central locking not possible Possible cause of fault - Short circuit to ground/open circuit between alarm system control module and door locks - Door lock faulty 61 Central locking limit position, Unlocked not reached - Central locking not possible Possible cause of fault - Incorrect country coding - Short circuit to ground/open circuit in wiring between the alarm system control module, central locking switch or door locks - Door lock (driver's/passenger's) faulty - Control module faulty I have seen fault 47 on a number of cars and one of theories is that you can cause this fault by trying to lock the door before it is closed. We usually erase the faults (which unfortunately you can't do with the Durametric software) and see if they come back. If locking/unlocking is working on the car I would not worry about these two faults. If not, further investigation is needed.
  5. WWM-210-300 leather wallet for sports cars for $17.32 (Sunset Imports price). These are very close to what originally came with the car (which I do not think are still available). Since these have to be ordered it may take a week or two.
  6. P0410 Secondary Air Injection System - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 1 - 3) but no P1411? usually you get both together. Potential causes: Secondary air injection pump does not work. Air supply lines restricted. Electric change-over valve does not work. Air change-over valve does not work. Vacuum system leaks. Possible fault areas: - Relay - DME control module - Air supply lines - Secondary air injection pump - Electric change-over valve - Air change-over valve
  7. Have you thought about trading them for the correct rear wheels. WheelEnhancemnt.com will take your used wheels and give you a credit towards new/different wheels. I did that for my car when I went from 7.5 " front wheels to 8.0" fronts.
  8. Porsche does not make a 7 mm spacer (only 5 mm and 17 mm). But yes, the wheel bolt patterns are the same.
  9. Yes, with the pan and filter off the hydraulic control unit is exposed.
  10. Changing the fluid and filter should cause no harm or change. Once the pan is off the valves are exposed so I guess they could have accidental damaged one or more. I guess I would ask why they reported no faults before their service work and now have faults (I'd like to hear this one). Just changing fluid and filter should not have caused this. If they balk - you might want to get a second opinion.
  11. The US and RoW shocks for 996TT have different part numbers.
  12. Motive is the only way to go in my book. http://astore.amazon.com/renntechorg-20/de...5485578-9630454 If your fluid is very bad you will definitely notice a difference. The idea is to change it before it gets that bad - at least every two years.
  13. tried it - not the battery. if i reprogram the car, does it mean the other key will stop working? do both get reprogrammed? When you program a key you must have ALL the keys present. There are only 4 key slots available in the immobilizer - so max keys is 4. When you replace a bad key you need the good keys so you know which key code is the bad one to program over. If don't have all the keys present you run the risk of programming over a good key and leaving the bad key program in the immobilizer (wasting a spot or disabling another key).
  14. The ebrake uses shoes and drums inside the rear hub. The ebrake in the car should hold the car firm at 4 clicks. If it does not then it needs to be adjusted.
  15. well if it were a relay wouldn't the ac have trouble with the fans as well? if the fans worked in high speed just not low speed wouldn't that point to the ballast? is it a different sensor that causes th fans to kick on vs the hvac hack readout? is there is something else that would prevent the fans to work? something that the ac system would bypass? There are 4 relays for the fans on a 996. 1 each for low speed and 1 each high speed on each side.
  16. Try a new battery first. If that does not work you might have to have programmed to the car.
  17. I would do it yourself. The 911 is the easiest oil change I have ever done. The filter and plug are right there when you crawl under behind one of the rear wheels. No need to jack up the car. I have done it twice on my 2008 C2S. The hardest part, literally, is taking the 8 1/2 quarts of oil to the recycling center and having a big enough drain pan. I purchased filters, an oil filter wrench (used with a socket wrench), and replacement plugs from Suncoast. They were great and the prices are right. I don't have the part numbers but you will get the right parts if you select your car on Suncoast's web site (http://e-partssales.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?) Here is some info on sizes and torque settings: Oil drain plug: 8mm hex Oil drain plug tightening torque: 37 ft-lbs Oil filter canister size: 74 mm Porsche oil filter canister removal tool socket size: 27 mm (1-1/16 socket fits perfectly) Oil filter canister tightening torque: 19 ft-lbs You also need a torque wrench to be sure and get everything tightened down properly. Ummm... Oil Change Instructions DIY
  18. 00072196190 Shift Adj. Bridge -- US MSRP $3.60 This will only work on stock shifters (no B&M or clones).
  19. Try 4722 or 4720 Loren...., Thanks but when i pressed the 3 first buttons on the radio with the 472...the 3 first star on the radio disapeared but when i pressed the last number 0 or the last number 2 all the star reapeared and i had to start again....i stoped trying after two times. Could you provide me a new number and how many chaces left. Thanks Robert There is no "new number" there is only one code for your radio. Please re-read the Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST I pointed you to.
  20. Then check and see if the door hinge is loose.
  21. Try 4722 or 4720
  22. Ok folks back on the subject of this thread and what the original poster asked. If you want to debate dealer oil changes please start another thread.
  23. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  24. Please put all links in the Links section - Thanks!
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