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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 7729 0r 7727
  2. I think you are looking at a lot of work (including wiring for a very old - not very good) NAV system. There are much better after market NAV systems available today.
  3. HI Lore, I would like to request for a radio code for my 1999 996 coupe. Thanks in advance. CR220 type BE4466 serial number W5008009 Try 1071 or 1069 Hi Loren, The numbers 1071 or 1069 did not work. Any other ideas? Also, howcome the model says cr2200 instead of cr220? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  4. Are you sure you are not just under the trim instead of the console it's self? Trim piece is item 29 ( and held in place with clips)
  5. HI Lore, I would like to request for a radio code for my 1999 996 coupe. Thanks in advance. CR220 type BE4466 serial number W5008009 Try 1071 or 1069
  6. As long as the antifreeze is organic antifreeze made for alloy engines.
  7. If you were in stop and go traffic then it looks about right. It should come down to 180 - 190 with speed. You might want to make sure your radiators are clear of debris (leaves, paper, dead birds, etc.)
  8. No SHOUTING here please (typing in ALL CAPS). I don't think anyone here has flamed you - just asked you why.
  9. Motorcycle mode: 14.4 Volts at 0.8 A (Primarily for batteries of the less than 14 Ah) Car mode: 14.4 Volts at 3.3 A (for all batteries greater than 14 Ah)
  10. What is VSS speed signal? If so, it is the violet green wire on the OBD II plug under the dash (on the left). The speedometer signal is any Gray/Pink wire from the cluster or NAV.
  11. What are you trying to do? Hook up a shift light? Both the speed wire and shift monitor wire have been discussed here before.
  12. Could have been just a vendor change - but there was no TSB or no update to the previous TSB which says to use .03.
  13. Try 9095 or 9093
  14. There is a TSB that describes all of the "approved" tires, wheels and spacers.
  15. You will need to dig up a CD-2 manual and find out how many digits in the code. Based on that I may be able to help.
  16. The Wurth Silver wheel paint is dead on from what I have seen and heard. Cover it with the Wurth Gloss Clear coat for a same look. Home Curb-Rash Repair
  17. 948.602.104.05 has (quietly) replaced 948.602.104.03. But both are still okay to use.
  18. You need to make sure you don't have any other fault codes. If you got an aging sensor fault code also then it could be a bad sensor not the cat. If there really are no codes then you may have a bad cat.
  19. Try 8642 or 8640
  20. I have never seen bad gas cause anything but multiple misfires - never just one cylinder. If it were my car I would change the coil pack and spark plug on cylinder 3 and see if the problem goes away. (Check the wiring on the coil pack connector too.)
  21. I was not aware you could turn RBDS on or off - I thought it was always on and stations that did not use it just show normal station info.
  22. It said somewhere in this forum that its stock height when PSS9 in maximum level..? Im going for this setup because in case there is rubbing I could just adjust it higher, and isn't the stiffness adjustable too on these suspension? thanks I don't think so - good luck!
  23. I have only used my Durametric software on a couple of 993's but it worked flawlessly for me. Did you take advantage of updating the software - for free from Durametric? Any fault codes?
  24. Try 1034 or 1032
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