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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yes, BMC will improve engine sound some. No way any air filter gives 8 to 10 HP - sorry that is just marketing hype.
  2. Had one - sent it back after numerous CELs. A good BMC air filter works just as well (IMHO).
  3. I've done it with a couple of screwdrivers - be careful to not scratch the paint.
  4. Would you know of a place that sells porsche parts online? So i can hunt for the best price if i can not find anyone to weld the casting back together? Thanks again man. Where are you located?
  5. Rennlist is subscription. RennTech.org is supported by donations. Certainly you mean RennTech.org ;)
  6. so then im screwed. Would a porsche dealer try to fix that by welding it or would they send it out? And if they have to repair it by getting a new one, how much would the part cost and the labor? Thanks again. That will depend on the dealer. Prices vary everywhere... get a written quote. I would suggest a really good independent shop.
  7. It is questionable whether the key was ever programmed to the car. Was there a tag with the key with a 24 digit code?
  8. Your case is in two haves and it would require removing many major components (heads, cams. crankshaft, intermediate shaft, pistons, etc., etc.). If you could find the missing piece it would likely help the welder. Like it or not this is major damage.
  9. The bad news is that you did not crack just the pan. The pan cover is just above the engine protection shield. You cracked the crankcase - unless you can find an alloy welder to rebuild the bottom of the crankcase - this will mean a new engine or rebuild. If you shut it off right away (since all the oil came out) you should be ok for a weld job. If not... it will be expensive.
  10. The nozzles are: 996.628.333.00 Left nozzle -- US MSRP $165.31 996.628.334.00 Right nozzle -- US MSRP $165.31
  11. Try 8763 or 8761
  12. I just had a cat-back AWE Tuning system installed on my 987 Boxster S. The system adds almost 20 FWHP and sounds GREAT! If you stay off the throttle, it sounds almost stock, but get in the throttle and it sings. Had I not chosen the AWE system, I would have gone with REMUS. Exhaust sound is subjective, meaning, what sounds GREAT to me may not sound good to you. Try and hear the systems first hand before you buy... I am with White987S on this one. 20 RWHP increase with just exhaust - I don't think so... See my blog comments here for more of my thoughts on this.
  13. Remove a drain plug and clean with soap and water.
  14. Try 0744 or 0742 Thank you! Do you have PayPal so I can send some appreciation your way? Thanks again. Sure, just click on Donate at the top left (or bottom) of any page.
  15. Sorry, those are not valid part numbers - they may be sub-assembly part numbers. Porsche part numbers are usually xxx.xxx.xxx.xx.
  16. You will need the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS to reset the airbag code. Where are you located? - perhaps someone near you has one of these.
  17. Check your engine oil level. If it is at the full mark you might want to drop down a couple of bars.
  18. Try 0479 or 0477
  19. Try 0744 or 0742
  20. You have an alarm fault that is preventing it from arming. You need to investigate with the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  21. Sounds like the after market pipes are undersize...
  22. Look in your maintenance book for the wheel lock key code. If you do not have that then ask your dealer to look it up. If that fails, your dealer should have a set of wheel lock keys - and they try them untill they find the right one and then order that one.
  23. LOL - No dealer in their right mind would refuse to fix a safety issue.
  24. The service manual says: "Side-airbag sensor (sensor for airbag) Fault codes 85, 87" "1. There is an open circuit in the wire to the sensor. 2. There is a short to ground / voltage between pin 3 (sensor for airbag) and control module pin 20 or pin 21 3. The sensor or control module is faulty. Check wire to the sensor for open circuit / leakage resistance. If no fault is detected in the wire, replace sensor"
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