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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Item 5 is 999.631.140.90 6W bulb -- US MSRP $14.18 each
  2. Which item number please?
  3. If it comes and goes it is not the fuse - if it always off then it could be a fuse.
  4. 999.631.032.90 5W bulb -- US MSRP $1.10 each
  5. Most of these problems with CDR-23 and BOSe turn out to be bad amps.
  6. Hello Loren, Can u please help me how to remove the passenger airbag cover , is not in my notes! :huh: That (and the precautions) are covered in the service manual - Section 69 68 19 Removing and installing the passenger's airbag unit
  7. The Porsche exchange parts list shows both engines for MY06 - so I think you likely get a 3.2.
  8. Try 5498 or 5496
  9. Your car, VIN and all existing keys are required to program a new key.
  10. 480 is the option code for 6 speed transmission 495 is the option code for Carrera S The list calls out Canada specific parts with the (CDN) in the model column. If a gauge is non-country specfic then it is the same for US and Canada.
  11. 997.641.503.00 Sensor -- US MSRP $21.95
  12. Sounds like another cracked coolant tank to me...
  13. Try 2893 or 2891
  14. If you are noticing a power loss at higher RPM then you likely have a bad MAF. Try unplugging the MAF and driving the car - if it drives the same and has high RPM power loss - then you need a new MAF.
  15. Since you don't have a second key perhaps now would be a good time to buy one.
  16. If you remove the seat -- Do not put the key in the ignition while doing this or you will get an airbag light. The airbag circuit is activated when the key is put into the ignition (even in the off state). You are looking for water damage to the central locking/alarm control box.
  17. The lists for a MY03 Boxster are here
  18. Correct, the coupe, and cabriolet (and Targa) all get different RTS kits.
  19. The first question is - is that really where the oil is coming from? I suggest you clean it off and then look again after a drive and make sure that is the source.
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=13256
  21. Usually a bad ignition switch gives many electrical anomalies.
  22. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
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