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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Take the belt off - check each pulley for wobble. There should be none.
  2. Try 2470 or 2468 Thank you for the fast reply! I tried the codes and it locked me out with the "WAIT". So now do I have to wait for an hour before trying a few variants? Or is there another way to enter multiple codes without being locked out? Like try one, then turn the car off and remove the keys before trying a second variant? Anything like that? thank you! Did you read the FAQ? You have to wait 1 hour - with the radio on and ignition switch on (or the car running).
  3. Try 2470 or 2468
  4. As a Contributing Member you can read the TSB 10/04 4440 Winter Tires and Wheels -- dated Sep 15, 2004 here online. It has all the information...
  5. I would do it yourself. The 911 is the easiest oil change I have ever done. The filter and plug are right there when you crawl under behind one of the rear wheels. No need to jack up the car. I have done it twice on my 2008 C2S. The hardest part, literally, is taking the 8 1/2 quarts of oil to the recycling center and having a big enough drain pan. I purchased filters, an oil filter wrench (used with a socket wrench), and replacement plugs from Suncoast. They were great and the prices are right. I don't have the part numbers but you will get the right parts if you select your car on Suncoast's web site (http://e-partssales.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?) Here is some info on sizes and torque settings: Oil drain plug: 8mm hex Oil drain plug tightening torque: 37 ft-lbs Oil filter canister size: 74 mm Porsche oil filter canister removal tool socket size: 27 mm (1-1/16 socket fits perfectly) Oil filter canister tightening torque: 19 ft-lbs You also need a torque wrench to be sure and get everything tightened down properly. Your torque values don't agree with others I've seen, which are 18 ft lbs for oil drain plug, and 1.8 foot pounds for oil canister. These are what I torqued mine to today when I changed my oil. According to the 997 Porsche Service Manual Drain plug: 37 ftlb. (50 Nm) Oil Canister: 19 ftlb. (25.8 Nm) So, rdevillers is correct.
  6. 996.201.423.00 Cap -- US MSRP $0.75
  7. The fuel door does have a lock and it is part of the factory alarm system.
  8. The longer your car sits (and oil drain down out of the lifters) the longer you will hear lifter noise at startup. It's normal.
  9. Usually 2 beeps means more than one fault or some other alarm problem. If you get 1 beep after fixing the fuel door catch - then you have one more zone to fix.
  10. Still I suggest a stainless steel screw.
  11. I beleive MY03 and newer should be the same.
  12. Ok, if it comes on when you turn the key then it is likely the brake switch. Spoiler Light - it should stay on until you reach 5 MPH (forwards or backwards).
  13. They should start by re-bleeding the system using a PST2 or PIWIS. Check and clear any fault codes and test before delivering it back to you.
  14. or more likely the bulb is burnt out in the cluster.
  15. As RFM said check the belt and check the pulleys. Pulleys have been known to go bad.
  16. Try 4150 or 4148
  17. Have a look at TSB 11/98 6827 Automatic Dimming Rearview Mirror (Int.) -- dated Jun 24, 1999
  18. Replacing the Gas/Fuel Door Actuator
  19. You can get an exchange C2 6 speed from Porsche for about $5500.
  20. My guess would be that the offset is not what you think it is.
  21. :welcome: 1. You can buy an owners manual for a MY 99 at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for under $20. The part number is WKD 996 110 99 2. Sometime the contacts get dirty from lack of use - try rotating back and forth a few times. If that doesn't help then check the relay under the dash. 3. I think that is normal - but someone without an Aerokit will have to answer. 4. P0420 Catalytic Converter Conversion Too Low (Cylinders 1 - 3) You may have a bad cat on that side. P1124 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 . 6) - Rich Threshold This means that the DME can not make your mixture rich enough and it thinks it is too lean. Start by cleaning the MAF and looking for intake air leaks. 5. Fogs are all Halogen. Main headlight are either halogen (standard) or Xenon (optional Litronics). 6. Yes, at least 4 pounds more in the rear than in the front. 7. Does it come on at all when you apply the parking brake. 8. I think you are asking about the oil level measurement at start up. It should be between the min and max bars.
  22. Might help if you tell us the wheel size and offset - and tire size and brand.
  23. This is likely a common problem. They need to enter the model order type in the DME vehicle data in order to change any programming. (They really should have known this).
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