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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Narrow body cars have the same brakes - so as long as it is not a C4S you should be ok. The pads may already be burnt into the shape of the old rotors. They might be reusable - but might take some burning in to bring them back to full stopping potential. Torque for the caliper bolts is 63 ftlb. Some folks reuse them if they are really good shape - Porsche says to always replace them.
  2. 1. Yes, they seem to go bad or wear out. 2. Yes, they are a thin wire film sensor. They both get damaged and dirty pretty easily. The egas cars got a new MAF that has a Z pattern that seems to help keeping the dirt out but older non-egas cars (MY99 C2) can not use those MAF's. 3. Yes, you will need to look at the air flow over the sensor, TRA and FRA. You will likely need the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS to monitoer these readings. 4. No, not usually. P1602 says you disconnected the battery.
  3. IMHO - small changes are impossible to see on 1 dyno run. See my blog entry on dynos. There are many variables that can change HP and torque - including air temp and engine and cooling temps.
  4. Any day now - certainly before August (we hope).
  5. The car horn and alarm horn are two different horns.
  6. Radio/Cassette/CD Manuals
  7. Isn't there some button you can press that will automatically search for stations with PTY and preset them for you? Not to my knowledge.
  8. As I recall you don't need to program anything. If the radio station supports PTY then it displays - if it does not support PTY then it does not display. From the radio owners manual: "The PTY is broadcast by the RBDS transmitter, provided that the transmitter is equipped with this function."
  9. Try 0408 or 0406
  10. You need to match your rotors - so, if you have gen 1 then stay with gen1 (unless you change them all). Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) should have a much better price for you.
  11. Please do a search here - this has been covered many times.
  12. The threads I posted said how to solve your alarm going off after a dead battery and how to replace the ignition switch. There are many many threads on releasing the front bonnet latch. So, I guess I don't understand what problem has not been addressed...
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=57629 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=65050 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=82153 Replacing the Ignition Switch
  14. Please try our Search function - these topics have been covered here before - UK cars are special in this regard.
  15. How do you know when the sensors are worn into? Is it just increased brake noise or is there an actual warning light? The brake sensors are just a wire. When the wire wears through it breaks the connection and the light turns on.
  16. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  17. M6 x 12 They are only $0.65 at your dealer - 900.269.047.09
  18. That looks like the rollbar to me.
  19. Try 9271 or 9269
  20. :welcome: For your future reference the OBD II fault codes (for your car) can be found here. P0133 Signal Period for Oxygen Sensor Aging, Bank 1 – Above/Below Limit Potential causes: – Oxygen sensor ahead of TWC – Wiring (oxygen sensors exchanged) P1275 Signal Delay Time for Oxygen Sensor Aging, Bank 1 – Above/Below Limit – Oxygen sensor ahead of TWC – Leak ahead of TWC or in the area of the oxygen sensor after TWC – Wiring (oxygen sensors exchanged) Looks like the O2 sensor on bank 1 ahead of the TWC is not responding within limits. If you have more than 60,000 miles chances are it is worn out.
  21. Depends on the pulley that broke and whether it boke the alternator mount.
  22. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=46877
  23. Perhaps a brake sensor wire has become disconnected or broken.
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