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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, if it is not the knob itself then there is bad news. Porsche does not sell parts of the shifter mechanism (i.e. shaft and housing). Like the 6 speed housing you can only buy it as an assembly.
  2. You've got mail...
  3. 180 to 190 is normal. In spirited or track driving maybe up to 210 or 220. A third radiator will help some in spirited and track driving.
  4. Antonio, That is many TSBs! Do you want start with just the hardtop?
  5. 4/99 6420 dated 7-13-1999
  6. Perhaps the bulb is burned out? Have you tried swapping bulbs?
  7. There is a thread on the Optima battery here. Any group 48 or 47 battery should work. Just make sure it has the connection for the vent hose (remember our batteries are inside) and the terminals are on the right side, ;)
  8. Scott, If you have not been having any electrical problems it is likely just the battery. When these "new technology" batteries go... they pretty much die all the way. That is, it is not uncommon to have a cell failure with a very low state of charge. I would get a new battery (you would need one within a year anyway) as that will likely take care of it.
  9. Kevin did this write-up on installing the TrafficPro Navigation system in a 2002 TT. You can download the PDF version below (about 550 KB). TrafficPro_Install.pdf
  10. :welcome:
  11. You've got mail...
  12. There is a 14 page TSB with fixes for a number of hardtop noises. I can email you this if you want or you could make your dealer fix it. There is also a TSB about new latches - do you have those?
  13. Are you asking about item 5?
  14. Patrick, Contributing Members can view actual TSB online here. We have no set amount for donations, whatever you feel is appropriate. To donate, simply click one of the PayPal image links at the bottom of any page or on the Donations link at the top.
  15. I do not have a copy of that TSB. I did check the parts list and the thermostat part has not changed. So, it could be a selective replacement (by VIN) TSB. I'll ask around and see if other folks with subscriptions got this one.
  16. Contributing Members get access to the TSB Listing with links to the actual TSB. The approved oils list is a TSB there. The most popular approved oils are in the Oil Change DIY sectrion also.
  17. Which piece the knob or the part of the trim below the knob? (and color?)
  18. It is already available here to Contributing Members ;)
  19. You will need to: 1. Open the convertible top half-way. 2. Apply lubricant (krytox) thinly onto the rubber spacer only.
  20. Well, they may fit but they were made for the MY02 and newer cars. I don't really care for how the new ones attach though. The older Aerokit Cup sideskirts attach using epoxy and screws where the new ones use a few screws and double stick tape. Either way find a quality installer. When they are painted and attached you should not see any gap where they meet the body (i.e. less than 1/16 inch). You can get either from Carnewal.com or Sunset Porsche.
  21. Ok, you've got mail...
  22. Are these for the Aerokit Cup or the newer Aerokit II? They are different instructions...
  23. PCA Tech Specialist Allan Caldwell answered this once before. Here is his reply:
  24. It is pretty much identical to what ninerguru did. His DIY has pics here
  25. Brown = Ground Red / Green = Switched 12 volts Green / Black = Unswitched 12 volts Yellow / Black = Telephone Mute Some early Boxster's had only 3 wires I believe. Perhaps Jeff has the connector info?
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