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Everything posted by Loren

  1. An RMS leak is dead center under the car right between the engine and transmission. Sounds like a valve cover to me if it is near a wheel. Either way a good dealer will check and fix any and all leaks when you take it in.
  2. Well, the hinge kit would have everything you need and could be better (stronger) than the newer factory pieces. The hinge kit includes: hinge plate, two U-brackets, two 4mm pop rivets. All pieces are metal. Depending on the new console you got it may or may not work with the factory parts (which use self-tapping screws). Here are the factory parts (you may not need all of these): 996 552 691 00 retaining belt with retaining pin (console side) 996 552 507 00 hinge MY02- 999 073 228 09 self tapping screws 4.8 x 13 (2 needed) 996 552 795 01 spring 996 552 605 00 hinge pin (cover side)
  3. Have a look at this thread
  4. The filter is inside a cannister. A strap wrench will likely work for removal. You will want to be extra careful putting the filter back on. It is made of plastic and it can be broken. That is why most folks buy the removal wrench and then put it back on using a torque wrench.
  5. I use the ph cleaner followed by the leather conditioner on my Boxster Red interior and it works great. 2-3 times per year. I used this on my previous Porsches also with good results. IMHO if you want your leather to last you need to treat it like your own skin. Avoid to much sun, moisture and rough treatment and it will last a long time. :D
  6. Good - glad it was nothing. Wonder how it got overfilled?
  7. Have a look at the thread here The fan is not a concern the leak near the cap is. The cap AND the tank should both be pressure tested by your dealer. If either or both fail the pressure test then they need to be replaced. A fairly common problem on the earlier 996's.
  8. If your car is new then all updates should have been done at the factory during production. If a TSB came out while the car was in transit then the dealer should perform the work before the car is delivered. Congratulations! :clapping:
  9. Tony, The parts don't show up in the current price list - which likely means you can't get them any more or they must be special ordered. I'll look through my old price lists and see if I can find the numbers so you can have a dealer see if there are some in stock anywhere. Option 2 is to remove them and paint them. A couple folks have said that is not too hard to do. Option 3 would be to find a Carrera (or Boxster if you don't mind black ones) at a parts yard. Found these is the RoW price list. Maybe someone can get these from Europe still? For LHD cars: 996 551 511 07 V01 Handle (silver) (front release) 996 551 512 07 V01 Handle (silver) (rear release) or contact Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) above as they may have more information...
  10. My understanding is that once a fault code has occurred the light will stay on until it has been cleared with a PST2 or scan tool. This is true even if fault corrected itself during the next ignition (on). Some faults could cause the airbag not to deploy but in most cases it still should.
  11. Loren

    Thanks Loren

    You are welcome... but also a thank you to the first folks that helped test the procedure. I don't have all of these cars you know... right now I'm down to just one Porsche :lol:
  12. 1. Using the tip of a screwdriver, carefully lever out the right-hand corner segment of the lens glass. Remove the corner segment from the lock. 2. Turn lock of additional brake light counter-clockwise by approx. 90 degrees and remove. 3. Disconnect electrical plug connection and disengage all fastening tabs of the bulb holder.
  13. I traced Ed's work as it pertains to a Carrera and the wiring specified in Ed's post are the same for a MY2001 996. You should be able to use Ed's instructions as they are. The only difference will be that you will be running the 3 wires to the DME under the center console carpet to the rear of the car. Here is how you get to the DME.
  14. Do you have the details of what Ed did? Could you post them here or email them to me?
  15. Most Walmart's and Target's carry it.
  16. That will likely work. I would use a coat or two of Wurth Clear Coat over them.
  17. I think that is the right stuff but my understanding is that the silver is covered with a few coats of clear. Have a look at NASA Racer Pete's DIY repair here
  18. I have some new TSBs coming... they are being mailed to me. As soon as I have the info I'll post it here. All I have right now is the NHTSA (US DOT) Recall notice:
  19. Tony, The parts don't show up in the current price list - which likely means you can't get them any more or they must be special ordered. I'll look through my old price lists and see if I can find the numbers so you can have a dealer see if there are some in stock anywhere. Option 2 is to remove them and paint them. A couple folks have said that is not too hard to do. Option 3 would be to find a Carrera (or Boxster if you don't mind black ones) at a parts yard.
  20. Hmm.... both the original Aerokit Cup and Aerokit Cup II parts lists show the 996 612 070 51 Wiring Harness. The 996 612 070 04 Wiring Harness does show up as a valid part in another kit. The -04 kit looks like the one for no stop lamp and the -51 looks like it does support the stop lamp -- but I do not really any other know the differences. If you are getting the smaller "Carrera" style spoiler like Don's then that is the one for that kit (but it should have come with the kit). Also, interesting that the -51 part shows a price of $40.70 (retail) and the -04 shows $94.70 (retail).
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