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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche specs say - 18 MPG city and 26 MPG highway. Sounds like you are right on spec.
  2. If you look at my 3rd Radiator DIY (Loren's DIY pages link at the top of this page) I cover removing the front bumper. You will see that you likely will need to slightly loose all the front bumper screws... then move the bumper and tighten them down again.
  3. Please list them here or try the list at: Kindel Option Decoder
  4. Not to my knowledge - not on the 996. There are however 3 different MAF sensors depending on: C2 or C4 (MY01 and older) or 3.6 liter (beginning in MY02).
  5. Unless you damaged one of the oxygen sensors (not likely) then I doubt this is related. Have you had the gas cap or oil cap off recently? ...these are the two most common causes of a CEL.
  6. Well, the springs are just little brass clips (as Glenn showed in the first pic). So the problem is likely finding just those pieces or making your own. The plastic hinge pins are very fragile so be careful. If they break you will need replace the whole visor. ...or drill a small hole where the pin was and glue in a metal one (don't ask me how I know that - :lol: )
  7. I mean the pins on the headlight assembly and the socket they plug into in the opening. You may need a flashlight to see the socket well inside the opening. I usually give a slight tug to see if any of the wires are loose in the socket too. If they are then they push out and don't make contact when you push the headlight in.
  8. New front brake thickness is ~28 mm. To remove the rotor you take off the caliper. Then remove the 2 phillips head screws holding the rotor on. See my DIY brake pad section for more detail.
  9. Doug, I've seen this happen a couple of times before. Take the light out and double check the pins on both the plug and socket. Make sure none are bent or pushed out of their holders.
  10. Do a search for Homelink here... there are a couple of guys working on this. Porsche is (unfortunately) not a Homelink customer.
  11. I think you just remove the snap ring and pull the pin out. I think Don (DonCapeCod) has done this himself so you might try an email to him if you are still having problems.
  12. I don't see anything more than that in any of the manuals. Give Horst a try at The Becker Board
  13. I don't see anything that in any of the manuals. Give Horst a try at The Becker Board
  14. Something is on the either the rubber window to body seal or the plastic window guides inside the door. You can try cleaning and lubricating the rubber pieces and if that doesn't help then the door would likely have to be taken apart. Then clean and or replace the internal parts.
  15. Could be a rock or pebble caught in the splash shield. That is fairly common.
  16. I guess you mean like this? I'll send you details via email. Be very careful not to break the plastic hinge pins on the mirror cover.
  17. The muffler pipe does not go into the cat pipe they are joined by the cat sleeve (4). Your kit should have had new sleeves. If not then you will need to loosen the sleeve bolts and spread the sleeves (not the pipes).
  18. 1. Carefully pry the clothes hanger up and off the top of the B pillar. 2. Pull inwards until that C pillar piece comes off. You may have to replace the sheetmetal clips if they get bent or break.
  19. Did you try this? The little speaker in the display should then have a slash through it.
  20. To my understanding the thermostat has not changed since introduction (including the 3.6 liter update).
  21. The number I gave above is for the pre MY02 (3.4 liter) cars so it should fit fine.
  22. In MY99 a C2 could have nothing or Traction Control. All MY99 C4s had PSM (and egas).
  23. Might I ask what you are planning to lube? Do you have a problem with squeaking or ? Pad replacement is covered in 'Loren's DIY pages" link at the top of each page.
  24. Have a look at ninerguru's DIY with pics here 996 106 147 56 is the tank that is shown for cars prior to MY01. Double check with a dealer as they have changed these 3 or 4 times and my parts list is Nov 2003. The cap is: 996 106 447 01
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