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Everything posted by Loren

  1. No, the dealer must do this with a PST2/3. The idea behind the airbag control is that when the child seat is present it shuts off the airbag - and when you remove the child seat it turns it back on. Sounds like a safe solution to me...
  2. Not as long as you keep the cats and oxygen sensors.
  3. Have a look at this thread to see how to mod the switching... If you don't have the full (factory) install instructions -- PM me and I will email them to you.
  4. The studs (M 8 x 22) that come out of the turbos are: 900 081 059 00 The gasket is: 996 111 217 70 The nuts (for the studs) are: 999 084 052 02 and the washers are: 900 031 032 02
  5. The gray item in the center of your picture is the solenoid. If you follow the black vacuum lines one should go to the check valve.
  6. One of our members, CoreyNJ, has written an excellent DIY for the PCM 2. This is for the MOST equipped cars only. We have posted in the DIY section.You can read/print the PCM 2 DIY here.THANKS Corey!! :clapping:
  7. On Scouser's car there was a TSB for seat belt contacts making poor connection. That problem was (supposedly) fixed on production cars in Sept. 1999. AND, that fault caused the airbag to go on all the time -- not off. There is a ground under the drivers seat but you must remove the drivers seat to get to it. To remove the drivers seat you need an E12 (external Torx) socket and to be safe you should disconnect the battery so you don't trigger an airbag accidently. Or, since your car is still likely under warranty you could let the dealer trace this down.
  8. I sent you an email with the TSB. It has all the details.
  9. The air bag and seat belt circuits are different so this is odd. So, my first question is whether any electrical work has been done on the car recently (stereo, OBC hack, etc.). This sounds like something is mis-wired or the instrument cluster has gone bad.
  10. 96 ft lbs.
  11. The control unit for mirror memory is only in the seats with seat memory option M537 (left seat memory) and M538 (right seat memory).
  12. No not yet. I have some TSBs on their way to me now though. When there is a problem such as this the NHSTA usually gives companies time to find a fix, test the fix and then implement fix. We don't end up hearing much until stage 3.
  13. Changing the check valve just reverses how it works from the factory. So, to have full control via the switch you need to perform the mod here
  14. If your car has the full electronic and vacuum install then just reverse the white/black check valve... or install the switch and mod to control it with the switch. (sorry don't remember who gave me this photo)
  15. Have a look at this thread and then let me know if you want the instructions. Also, Porsche recently introduced a new type ignition switch (TSB 4/03 2804 Replacement Ignition Switch dated 11-24-2003).
  16. Here is what they use in the TSBs: 999 911 606 40 Teflon adhesive tape (20 mm wide) 993 555 545 00 Narrow felt tape (15mm wide)
  17. If you want I can send you the two parts lists and you can compare them. Inside the door is different because the windows are different but the panel side parts may work. PM me with your email address if you want the parts lists.
  18. Same routine - required by law I believe. Should be an exchange part though.
  19. :lol: :lol: :lol: $6.00 plus $5.50 S&H = $11.50 these are $1.80 from Becker North America
  20. Have a look at this thread and you have got an email also...
  21. With GT3 adjustable control arms you can likely get to -2 degrees (with available shims) -- which would work well on the track but not so well on the street.
  22. No. The headlight and front bumpers are shaped differently - so the factory part won't work. There are some aftermarket bumpers available. The changes that would allow this were the MY02 Carrera and on.
  23. The term "secondary air pump" is really referring to "secondary air" pump. The OBDII/DME provide the following (for US cars) - Oxygen sensing plus post catalyst sensing (4 sensors) 3-way catalytic converter system with one cascade catalyst both left + right (with two metal supports) secondary air system. Purely for exhaust system emissions monitoring. The DME performs a self-test each time you turn the key as do several other control systems within the car. Besides ODBII engine codes the car can also produce error codes for transmission problems (Tiptronic), PSM, and ABS. The secondary air turns on only when the sensors sense that it needs additional air to meet emission standards. So this is normally during warmup and occasionally after high speed driving and coming down to idle (like at a stop light). The secondary air pump is electric so it just turns on and off on demand. There is also a solenoid valve, air change-over valve, non-return valve and vacuum reservoir in that emissions circuit.
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