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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) - for that "real" Porsche sound. Mine is open all the time. ;)
  2. Well, there is rarely a problem over reving while accelerating - Porsche has taken care of that with the rev limiter -- called stage 1 over revs in the DME memory. (Yes, your DME is recording over revs!) The real problem is over-reving on down shifts or by spinning the car and running the engine backwards -- these are recorded in the DME as stage 2 over revs -- and they can damage the engine severely. Lots of stage 1 counts but no stage 2 counts will not usually cause warranty issues with dealers/PCNA. Any stage 2 counts can mean a denied claim based on abuse.
  3. There should be a number code for your locking socket - either on the plastic bag or written in your manual. You will need that number code to order a new socket.
  4. There is an alarm contact where the radio slides in. It hits sticker on the Becker radio and then loses contact. You need to put some tape in the same position on your new radio.
  5. If you carefully mask off the silkscreen area they can be cleaned and painted. I understand Wurth Silver wheel paint followed by Wurth Clear Coat wheel paint work well. There is a DIY for removing them for painting/replacement here.
  6. I wonder if the added the relay. The kit includes a "wiper interval relay". Also, the interval delay will only work with the wiper switch in position 3.
  7. No, no necessarily. Oil can also leak from the front pulley or the valve covers or the oil seals around the spark plugs. The RMS (rear main seal) is the only oil leak that requires engine removal to repair. IMHO none are very common.
  8. Have a look at the thread here. If you want I can send you the procedure - but since your car is under warranty you may want to go ahead and let the dealer do it. Just let me know...
  9. The two most common problems are a misaligned clutch switch and a faulty ignition switch. For the clutch switch - You should be able to hear a click when you press the clutch all the way down. You can also test is with a volt/ohm meter. For the ignition switch there isn't much you can do but replace the switch. Porsche introduced a new switch as of Sept 5, 2003 production.
  10. Ok. Just sent it again. Let me know if you got it...
  11. I did, yesterday. Did you get it?
  12. Thank Ralph Nader :lol: This is because of a fresh air (anti carbon monoxide) law he helped pass that requires fresh air in the passenger compartment on all vehicles.
  13. Is your "Auto" button pressed on?
  14. They will fit fine - as long as it is a C2 or C4 - not C4S.
  15. You will need either your cars VIN or the radio serial number to get the code from a dealer or Becker. Both require some for of ID so they know you are the rightful owner. If your dealer knows you well they might do it over the phone - otherwise you will have to go to a dealer with proof of ownership.
  16. If the 997 is like previous PCM systems - yes. But we won't know for sure until we see one...
  17. I did look in the RoW both and US/Canada parts lists... To my knowledge the Bi-Xenon has never been introduced in the Boxster (at least not yet). Litronics have been a Boxster option/retrofit since MY99.
  18. Are you sure about the part number? It is not in my price list. There is a 996.631.158.01 though? Another possibility is that that number has been replaced with a newer number (but quite some time ago as my list goes back to 2001).
  19. The piece is horseshoe shaped on the early cars and it snaps off/on. Try using a dull knife and some cloth to protect the dash as you pry an edge up.
  20. Try using the search feature here... it works pretty well. Here is a thread (I got from the search) Jack Stands
  21. Yes, unless there is damage. Torque the 10 mm stabilizer mount to stabilizer to 34 ft-lbs. and the 10 mm stabilizer to side member to 48 ft-lbs. Also, check the stabilizer to shock mount should be a 12 mm bolt torque to 63 ft-lbs. Chances are only one is loose but it's best to check them all.
  22. The most common cause is a loose sway bar. I would suspect that first and the top strut bolts second.
  23. Here is what I am aware of (as of this date): ABD is the same as is used on the current PSM. ASR is the Limited Slip Differential (LSD) option. The optional PASM adds an electronic adjustment to the shock absorbers. It allows you to set Normal or Sport. Also, if it senses - uneven (bumpy) road it softens the the shock absorbers to give a more comfortable ride - likewise if it senses sporty driving it firms the shocks.
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