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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Some of the early MY99 cars had leaks from the oil tubes (o-rings) and/or valve cover gaskets. There was a part number change for the o-rings. Also, make sure the oil level is not too high as that will also cause high RPM smoking.
  2. If you mean 996 505 986 01 G2X Aerokit (TT) Spoiler lip; primered; material: PUR- R RIM Then you can order (it is in the parts list). But, I do not know if it will fit a standard bumper.
  3. If you don't want to pay for Porsche factory manuals (more than $2000) then try http://www.AllDataDIY.com. The first car is $24.95. Renewals and additional cars are $14.95 per year.
  4. 955 426 069 00 RLT Sand Beige
  5. Is the immobilizer warning light on (key position 1 or 2) ?
  6. Yes, except for the "open" zone. ;)
  7. If the horn beeps then you have an open zone. Most common causes are the center console not closed, a bad microswitch in the front trunk, a bad microswitch on the center console lid.
  8. You can get a cable here. He also has some good references for books on OBD II.
  9. If it does not shut well it is likely that your hinge is broken or bent. In that case you will need to have the hinge TSB performed. The TSB replaces the original plastic hinge with the current metal one. Some dealers will do the TSB for free and some will want to charge for it. You can check the microswitch when the hinge is replaced. If you want to do it yourself send me a PM and I'll send you the TSB. Tools you will need are a Torx drivers, a drill, and pop-rivet gun.
  10. Try our neat search function... That is discussed here and here and likely several other places too. :D
  11. There is a 9 page TSB (1/00 7018 Noises in the Dashboard) dealing with quieting dash rattles (it is available here to contributing members here). Send me a PM with your email address if you want it.
  12. I would buy the whole piece that includes the connector. Have the dealer check as I think sometimes they sell this as all one part (under the first number). Then all you do is unplug the old one and plug the new one in. Or you may need to buy both and have all new parts. 996 602 101 01 Ignition Coil ($36.73 as of Nov 2003) 996 602 103 01 Socket Extension ($11.11 as of Nov 2003)
  13. Yes, it is the same.
  14. TT wheels will not fit a narrow body car because of the offset. Late model GT3 wheels (same width) will fit a narrow body car (brcause they have the correct offset). Now with that said - putting wider wheels on the car without changing the front wheel width also will give you quite a bit more understeer - in a car that already has quite a bit. If you are considering 11' rear wheels then consider at least an 8" front and better yet an 8.5" wheel with a 235 or 245 width tire (the 245s may rub a little in tight turns). The car will handle much more predictably (IMHO).
  15. I suggest that you solve one problem at a time. The horn beep when you lock your car means that you have an alarm zone open. Most common causes for this are a bad or broken microswitch in the front trunk or a bad or misaligned microswitch in the center console.
  16. Yes and Yes. It may not miss now but when it gets wet it likely will.
  17. 996 505 553 04 01C is for manual transmission cars and does not have the opening for the 3rd radiator. 996 505 553 05 01C is Tiptronic cars OR cars with a 3rd radiator. (parts numbers are for MY98-MY01 996 - as the bumper changed in MY02)
  18. Can you tell us which part?
  19. Have a look at the Brey-Krause site. They have instructions and all the mounting kits.
  20. Have you had your transmission out lately? Like for an RMS replacement? In at least a couple of cases dealers have forgotten to reconnect the reverse switch wires after an RMS replacement. If not, check the fuses (B5) and the wires (loose or disconnected).
  21. This is the first request. If there is interest I will be happy to create one for 356 (or 914, 924/944, 928, etc., etc.).
  22. Here is what the service manual shows for tools: Their method requires removing the wheel hub to press out the bearing - so, their method would require removing the lower strut mounting.
  23. The clutch on the 996 is hydraulic which means it operates just like the brakes on fluid displacement. So, the first thing I would suggest is having the clutch bled. If that does not fix it then there is a small amount of adjustment in the clutch push rod but I don't think as much as you describe. Also, there were some TSBs for some of the early cars (MY99-01) for pedal modification and new clutch springs so that could be part of it also. Have a dealer check your cars service history and see if any of the clutch TSBs have been performed.
  24. There was a problem on earlier cars that might be occurring again. Difficulty filling the fuel tank can occur if the flexible fuel hoses in the fuel tank obstruct the inner flap of the fuel filler neck. On earlier cars this was caused by hoses that were not tie-wrapped down and they would work their way up and cause the pressure problem. Since your car is a 2004 your dealer should be able to inspect for this and correct it.
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