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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I don't know the original thickness but the wear limits on 996 and GT3 is 0.6 mm.
  2. In the SF Bay Area (a good shop) will run you about $800 - $1000 for the install and another $180 - $200 for a four wheel balance. YMMV...
  3. 1. No, when used with the proper wheel bolts (Porsche sells a kit) they are fully approved by Porsche. 2. A slightly wider track. You may notice a very slight improvement in low speed cornering - 5 mm is not very much.
  4. For my 2 cents... I'm not sure of the quality being a problem on the PSE. What I have seen is two or three PSE's delivered in a box that looked like it was run over by a truck. I don't think the shipping packaging done by Porsche is very good. If you compare it to say the Litronics that come double boxed and foam lined. Considering the cost they (or their vendor) really should package them better for shipping. End of :soapbox:
  5. Have a look at this thread
  6. Looks like there are 5 screws on the inside of the glovebox lid and 3 more on each side to remove the inner liner. Then there are 2 screws on the inside of the lock.
  7. MY02 on C4S (cast iron brakes not PCCB) Front - Pads: 996 351 949 12 (1 set) Damping Plate: 996 351 089 00 (4 needed) Wear Sensors: 996 612 365 00 (as needed) Mounting Parts Kit (bolt, spring clip): 996 351 959 11 Rear Pads: 996 352 949 02 (1 set) Damping Plate (28 mm): 964 352 096 01 (4 needed) Damping Plate (30 mm): 964 352 096 00 (4 needed) Wear Sensors: 996 612 365 00 (as needed) Mounting Parts Kit (bolt, spring clip): 996 352 959 11
  8. Most of the oil leaks were fixed by the MY2000 builds. Some common locations (besides the RMS) are valve cover gaskets and cam sensors. You need to have a look at where the oil is dripping down at.
  9. Most oil leaks can be repaired with the engine in the car. The most common exception being the RMS (Rear Main Seal). When repairing the RMS the transmission is removed and the engine is supported in place. What year and model car?
  10. Can you post a picture? Still not sure what part you mean.
  11. To my knowledge - not without going to a racing fuel cell.
  12. Sunset Imports in Oregon has all of mine except one (supp 87) we are waiting for.
  13. For the most part yes. The coat hook slides up and off. Then you will need to take the bolt out of the seat belt slide and remove the screw in the B pillar. Then that part of the B pillar will come off. The rest comes off by pulling inward along the roof (C pillar) and the windshield (A pillar).
  14. Tom Morris has a great DIY for this. You can find it here
  15. I don't see graphite gray in the parts list so that headliner will likely be a special order - and without sunroof. To relace it you will need to remove the A, B and C pillars. There are 8 clips that hold it in place. I do not know if they can be reused or not.
  16. Okay, the link is fixed.
  17. Yes. Any of the factory rockers switches will work. Which switch do you want to use? Here is a few of the common ones Yoseif's Switch page
  18. That does not seem to be a good part number. Are you talking about the dome strut supports in the front trunk or the shock struts?
  19. Down in the footwell where the spoiler switch is. Pull the cover off - use the hole. (Jeff's pic - I think)
  20. Here is a block diagram (click to expand the image)
  21. Have a look at this thread. Is this what you need? (edit corrected link)
  22. Have a look at this thread
  23. Cast iron or Ceramic? You will need rotors, calipers, and front wheel carriers from a MK1 GT3 or GT2. The TT front wheel carriers (hubs) will not fit on a C2 as they are for 4WD cars. So you need the front wheel carriers from a 2WD car.
  24. The correct part number and supplement level for the Carrera (996) Service Manual is: Carrera (1999 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 94 supplements -- 17 volumes -- WKD-483-721
  25. Most engine mods are tested with the engine only type of dynos. Roller type dynos are not known to be very accurate and can cause damage to the car. Here is an excerpt from a TT TSB on dynos:
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