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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You sure the code states [via OBDII] that your MAF is going bad. Off the top my head P101 is a bad MAF. Even then you need to check voltage before that assumption is made. Tool 9616 to pin it out. Scott Correct P101, P102 and P103 are all MAF faults.
  2. :lol: If you are "slamming" the center console cover - then it is broken.
  3. The kit for the 997 is: 997 044 600 63 Ceramic Brake Kit (retrofit). Interesting that the 997 uses "regular" parts and the GT3 ceramic kit uses Porsche MotorSports parts.... hmm.
  4. No, not if you currently have PCM 1. MY2002 was a little different since most cars got PCM1 and only the last build or two got PCM2.
  5. Only an inspection can verify whether it's needed or not. Could save you some money (not having to pull the transmission a second time) if the wear is significant.
  6. From what I see there is no adjustment. This means you likely bent or pulled something loose. I will email you the procedure.
  7. Did you read the DIY here? They are accessed from under the car.
  8. 996 731 619 30 Left Door Mirror (Carbon) 996 731 620 30 Right Door Mirror (Carbon) There does not appear to be any special "RS" mounting hardware in the parts list.
  9. If there is a rattle then it is likely a broken weld inside the muffler (in my experience). You might be able to find a used 3.4 (original) PSE muffler at wrecking yard or on eBay. If you can't then you will need to replace both mufflers with the newer type.
  10. That is correct. Where the rollbar support goes behind the seats is different. The coupe has a greater distance to the rear mount points (as I recall).
  11. You will need to remove the original additional brake light. Then insert: 996 504 981 01 G2X Cover trim for installation opening of additional brake light (prime coated). There is a note in the C4S Aerokit instructions on this that says:
  12. Normal. The oil drains down to the sump when the engine is stopped so it takes a few seconds to get it back to the valve lifters. Yeah, it likely does cause a little wear - but you will also likely get 150,000 miles on a high performance engine. Only Porsche can do that!
  13. Yes, and my price list is a year old :( Are you talking about item 5 (996 504 129 01)? Also, don't forget to look for missing plastic rivets (item 6) and plastic nuts (item 2).
  14. Sounds like item 10 (996 423 113 05) in the image below. If it is further forward then it is item 9 (996 423 109 10). Each line is about $75 - $85 each (retail).
  15. White gas is gasoline without the additives in it. VERY dangerous to use. I use citrus based cleaners like P21S Total Auto Wash or Wurth Citrus Degreaser. No matter how you look at it - a messy job.
  16. I'm pretty sure the CD22 is the same as the other Becker radios. You will need the becker radio removal keys (also work on most most Mercedes). About 2 USD here. Slide them in until they lock and then pull the radio out. You will need to press the tabs on the sides of the radio to remove the keys. (photos courtesy of Tom Morris)
  17. Sounds like your clutch has air in the line or the slave cylinder is leaking. Check the brake fluid level as the clutch and brakes share the same reservoir. There is a clutch/brake bleeding procedure here in the DIY section.
  18. RS rear calipers 993 352 425 80 Left Rear Caliper 993 352 426 80 Right Rear Caliper 993 559 241 02 70C 'RS' Script (in Rally Black)
  19. Should be pretty straightforward (and messy). The oil to to crankcase bolts only get 7.5 ft/lbs (10 Nm) so do not overtighten them.Also Porsche says use only Drei Bond Silikon - type 1209 -- within 5 minutes of applying.
  20. Well, my friends X50 TT exhaust has 996 111 987 76 written on it (thanks Joe). So the GT2 uses 996 111 987 72 and a standard TT uses 996 111 027 75. I still don't know the difference between them or why the 76 is not in the parts list. Unless the 72 has been upgraded to the 76? Perhaps the next parts list will show the change?
  21. If it smells sweet and tastes extremely bitter - then it is coolant.
  22. The manual doesn't say but I think the bolts have to be removed and the solenoid will slide through the valve cover when you take it off (after disconnections the wiring cable). Sounds like your are talking about the oil extraction pump. I'm not sure - I don't think so. If you do take it off note the orientation as is has markings for correct rotation (markings should face the crankcase).
  23. According to the ODB II Manual the potential causes for a P1123 are: - Fuel pressure too high. - Fuel injector leaking. - EVAP canister purge valve open. Other possible causes (per past experiences) are: Water in the air cleaner housing. Crack in the oil filler hose.
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