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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Ok - I'm confused whether you have PCM 2 or not? Here is the info if you do: TSB 12/03 9110 PCM2 With Bose Sound System: Sporadic Sound Failure (dated 11-24-03) describes to your dealer what they are supposed to do to fix this problem. It involves an amp update (new different amp) AND a software update (that must be done once the new amp is installed). Currently PCM2.1 says it is only for MY05 and newer... but you could always try.
  2. There is a DIY pinned in the DIY Forum here
  3. There is no recall per se... Ask your dealer to see: Cayenne Quality-Improvement Workshop Campaign Fall/Winter 2004 Campaign Check #3 W503 Workshop Campaign (for Kessy and without Kessy) Door Handle does not return to rest position after actuating 4,469 Vehicles involved BTW... there are 18 total campaign fixes for Cayennes with specific VIN numbers
  4. Aileen was an exception since last time she stayed and cleaned up the mess others left...
  5. On a single cylinder - I think you have to look at bad spark plug, bad coil, or bad wire on that cylinder. Only other possibility is a sticking fuel injector (on number 6). Anything else would throw a fault code elsewhere.
  6. I suggest you get it replaced by a good glass shop or dealer - You really don't want water in your Porsche. The sealant is a special epoxy-like sealant that takes 3 to 4 hours to dry.
  7. Maybe a little more tire wear... but improved handling.
  8. I used a Q-tip to push the "rubberized" sticker material until it would peel off in sections. You need to be patient and work on a small section at a time. Probably about 30 minutes per visor.
  9. Uh... the Boxster has a higher percentage (60%) German parts that the Carrera (55%)? (Even though the Boxster is made in Finland and the Carrera in Germany :lol: :lol: :lol: )
  10. 1. Usually the car will run very rough and likely throw a CEL. 2. For a MY99 C2 (no egas) that is the correct part number. (Current retail price is $433.38). 3. Without excess oil from over-oiled aftermarket or other debris damaging it. Most likely 5-10 years minimum. When my car was under warranty the dealer replaced the MAF when they didn't need to. Problem was actually something else - so it can be mis-diagnosed.
  11. XKN - speaker covers in root grain maple, dark (my list says RoW only) XKS - center nozzle bracket in root grain maple, dark (my list says RoW only) ;)
  12. Just go to the "MY04/MY05 Order Guides" link near the top of the page and pick Boxster. You will get a PDF of all the standard features and options.
  13. Have a look at the DIY here it has everything you need.
  14. Depending on the manufacture date of your car you may not need the triple square. It's best to crawl under and have a look before you buy it. Try Sears first for the 17 mm allen wrench if not there try Wiha Professional Hand Tools. MAF removal
  15. Hmm... was $65 a year and half ago. When I looked it up just now in the December 2004 price list (current) it shows retail $124.09. Still high but not what you were quoted. Why don't you try Sunset Imports? They are the link at the top of the page "Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost".
  16. And the A9 and A10 fuses are 15A not 7.5A? Right? and the ground wire on the passenger side (in front trunk) has a clean good connection?
  17. Only Contributing Members can view the TSB content. If you would like to become one then just click on the Donate to RennTech.org link at the top of any page.
  18. They shouldn't be related - the backup lights are on a different circuit. For the backup lights it's pretty much the fuse and the backup switch on the transmission. Have they had the engine or transmission out recently? If so, it could be they forgot to hook the backup switch wires - it's happened to a couple folks. For the headlight issue - get your headlight removal tool from the car's tool kit and remove that headlight. Look at both the pins on the headlight for bent pins and/or corrosion. In the socket inside the car look for corrosion again and/or for a pin that has pushed back out of the socket. These are the most obvious things we've seen before - good luck!
  19. Have a look at the air filter change DIY here
  20. Chances ae they are held on the same way the 996 are - double stick tape. First mark on the door seal (the rubber part) with tape so you know where to locate the new ones. Most folks find a combination of hair dryer (to warm the surface up) and dental floss to break the seal of the tape work well. Be careful that you don't get the dryer too hot and melt something. Once they are off clean the surface with some 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner and then once dry apply the new one to your marks.
  21. 1. Have a look here 2. 96 ft lb. 3. All the bulbs are listed in your Owners Manual. 4. There is a kit that has everything you need. Have a look here
  22. XMP=Leather Visors with lights and Vanity Mirror? Correct! As stated in PET: "Sun visor in leather, 2 illuminated vanity mirrors"
  23. Front parking light (up to MY '01): Shape W, Output 5 W Front parking light (Litronic, Bi-Xenon headlight as from MY '02): Shape H, Output 6 W
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