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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, some options could have been added after the car was delivered. For instance my car was delivered without Litronics or a CD Changer - I added both (factory parts). The Certificate of Authenticity is good and likely worth the money if you want to prove what was originally delivered with the car. I have one for my car. If you can look at your transmission while it is on a lift sometime try and find the part number. A LSD transmission has a part number like 996 300 020 xx. A normal transmission (from MY99) would be 996 300 010 xx. P72? P72 hasn't been used since the early nineties (as I recall). There is an X72 which is a walnut and aluminum shift knob. X369? how about M369 comfort seats?
  2. We have added the MY04 Cayenne, MY03 GT2 and MY03 TT Owners Manuals. They are available to download here.
  3. If the curve matches the bumper (which I think it will). It's just soft plastic - I have a spare standard aerokit one in the garage and it's amazing how much money they want for bent piece of plastic. :lol:
  4. Thanks! The rivets are the same size - the number of them is the same. So it's just whether the holes line up or not.
  5. Yes it can be retrofit. The package you buy for retrofit will depend on what (MOST) options are already on the car (i.e. CDR23, CD Changer, Amp, BOSE). There is a 10 page TSB with installation instructions and it estimates about 3 hours of work. You will also need to have a shop or dealer turn on and configure the PCM2.1 option with a Porsche PIWIS tester after the install.
  6. I think so. Someone was going to do that and report back here... but I never heard. Perhaps now you can... ;)
  7. If you have PASM then changing springs would also likely include changing the PASM programming. The PASM chassis is already 0.40 inches lower and programming adjusts the shock stiffness based on Normal or Sport setting. If you have the Sport Chrono package it will adjust the accelerator response, high speed cut off, PSM and PASM. All the triggering levels for PSM and PASM are lowered for optimum response to steering and handling changes. The 997 RoW springs are different than the US so that might be a good place to start. Perhaps with 997 RoW springs and a changing a PASM setting with a PIWIS tester??
  8. I would try a 996 505 986 92 Spoiler Lip as used on the mk2 GT3 it looks pretty much the same as the Cup car spoiler which is 996 505 986 91. Anything that ends in 91 usualy must be ordered through Porsche MotorSports (and costs 5X). You will also need 999 507 557 40 Plastic rivets to hold it on place (11 of them). This is the spoiler on a Cup car - I think it looks a lot like the mk2 spoiler. It might wrap around the side a little more than the mk2 spoiler.
  9. No bluetooth. Just the prep kit inlcuding: Parts List (parts included in installation kit) Part Number Qty. Description 955 647 106 00 1 x Telephone antenna (Item A) 955 642 310 00 1 x Hands-free microphone with lead (Item B ) 955 647 206 00 1 x Antenna lead, rear spoiler (Item C) 955 612 952 00 1 x Grommet for roof rail (Item D) 955 612 951 00 1 x Grommet for rear spoiler (Item E) 999 607 004 00 2 x Fuse; 5 amps (Item F) N 908 401 02 1 x Screw M4 x 14 (Item G) 999 650 356 12 2 x Pin for cross section 0.52 (Item H) 999 650 398 12 1 x Cable lug, A6-1 - DIN 46225 – (ring eyelet) (Item K) 955 647 212 00 1 x Interior lead for antenna (Item M) 955 612 950 00 1 x Electric wiring harness (Item N) 955 552 715 00 1 x Holder including mounting (Item O)
  10. We would need the wheel width and offset to tell you.
  11. Even though the part numbers are 997 numbers the parts diagram looks just like the 996. So the answer based on that would be no adjustment for the brake pedal. The clutch pedal should have a very small amount of adjustment by using the the threaded rod on the clutch master cylinder.
  12. For what it's worth, on my XP Home laptop I had to rename the 'porsche.scr' file 'ssporsche.scr' for it to show up in the list of screen savers for me to choose from. This may save someone else some time if it happens to not show up in the list. Dwayne Give me a few minutes and I'll upload a new zip with the filename changed to ssporsche.scr. Done.
  13. If you are on Windows XP you can just right click and choose install (once the file is renamed to ssporsche.scr).
  14. Lots of folks have been asking for this so it has now been added to the Porsche Manuals section.
  15. Okay, thanks to drpaulmarsh you can download it below: Screensaver (about 12 MB) Unzip and follow Paul's instructions above. I could not find any copyright information on the screensaver. Naturally it will be removed if it is proven otherwise.
  16. I think the only fault type that can throw a CEL is the DME (Pcodes). P0501 is a type 1 fault and will definitely cause a CEL. Why that is considered an emission fault is beyond me. The other faults should cause an ABS and or PSM light (if you have PSM).
  17. We have added the following new TSBs: Boxster (987) 3/04 9191 Passive Handset For Telephone Module (I No. 668) (dated 1-14-05) Carrera (997)/Carrera S (997) 10/04 9191 Passive Handset For Telephone Module (I No. 668) (dated 12-15-04) 9/04 9112 Navigation Module For PCM 2.1 Installation Instructions (dated 01-10-05)
  18. Try Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost at the top of the page (Sunset Imports). Sunset Imports can likely get them for you but it could take a few weeks.
  19. Do you have part numbers (look on the inside of the wheel) or offsets?
  20. The 8.75 liters (9.25 quarts) in the DIY comes from the Porsche Carrera Service Manual. This section was updated in the service manual in 2001 - the last year of 3.4 liter engine. I always put in 9 quarts when I change my oil - as this puts me well within the marks. There is just as must danger (if not more) in having too much oil as there is in having too little. My advice is don't worry about the top and bottom marks - just keep the oil level between them.
  21. The fixing instructions (and cautions) are here in this thread. All I have sent folks is some additional disassembly instructions.
  22. I think the brown wire is ground. All the switch does is bring the signal at the instrument cluster to ground to raise or lower the spoiler. Power for the spoiler motors is switched through the relays.
  23. I got my Torx E12 (for the seat bolts) here.
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