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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Item 27: 996 701 801 00 Left spacer retail $0.89 996 701 802 00 Right spacer retail $0.89
  2. Tell us which items numbers you need (I assumed a US car but you didn't say).
  3. I am not sure what the "SM" code (next to your paint code) stands for on your code tag. For instance my car has a Boxster Red interior and the code on my tag is "MA". Perhaps someone else here knows?
  4. :oops: forgot the X45 X45 - Instrument dials in interior color Sorry, I meant a pic of the interior. Is there more than one color used or special order trim? A pic would really help
  5. XRB - 18" Sport Classic 2 Wheels 236 - 18" Tires 689 - Prep for CD Changer 695 - CD Radio CDR 22 I have no idea what SM refers to. Do you have a pic?
  6. Yes, 000 044 200 21 will work on either a 3.4 or 3.6 liter car.
  7. Yes, 04 replaced the 03. The 03 is no longer available to order. I haven't seen one yet. Speculation would lead one to believe there was a vendor/design change when they did 997 PSE. The 997 exhaust is supposed to made of thin wall tubing and also supposed to be lighter. Perhaps they applied that to the new 996 mufflers? We can only hope...
  8. The sensors are the same for all conventional (steel) brake systems on the 986, 996, GT3 and TT. Not the GT2 or any of PCCB brakes. The new cars 987 and 997 use same but different sensor also. Same holds true for the sport and PCCB brakes on the new models - yet a different sensor.
  9. If you want the light to go out - yes. The sensor is just a wire that when worn through creates an open circuit - turning the light on. If you check your pads often (you should since you track the car) then you could just use a wire to bypass the sensor and then use a tie-wrap to hold the wires away from the brakes/wheels. Most performance pads do not have the holes for the sensors anyway.
  10. :oops: only Contributing Members can view TSBs online. I sent you a PM.
  11. Have a look at TSB 3/00 7059 Noises In The Door/Door Trim Panel Area (dated 6-30-00). It is likely one of the items below (all are covered in this 7 page TSB). Complaint 1: Rattling and knocking noises from the entire door area (left or right side). Complaint 2: Creaking noises from the front or rear of the door area (left or right side). Complaint 3: Clicking/crackling from the area of the side airbag. Complaint 4: Creaking in the area of the inner door release. Complaint 5: Grating from the door lock. Complaint 6: Clicking from the area of the inner door (power window).
  12. Clarification - Including the original small tube design there are at least 4 part number/design changes to the PSE. The early small tube is obvious but the later 3 changes seem more minor. I know there were some weld fracture problems on some of the early large tube design so perhaps they changed the weld patterns. The latest large tube design just came out so I have not seen one yet. Perhaps it is using some of the 997 PSE design like thinner wall tubing and reduced weight? But like I said I haven't seen one yet so it's hard to tell.
  13. Fuel Filter Replacement DIY
  14. Actually they are on the 3rd generation for the 996. ...and the 997 got yet another new design (thin wall tubing and much lighter).
  15. Well the relay and the dash switch seem to be the only intermittent wiper functions that are not shared by the standard wiper function. Try another relay (position 16 - 3rd row down 6th relay from the left) (996 615 103 00) . And/or check the continuity of the switch with an ohm meter (it should vary as the knob is rotated).
  16. The Turbo lid is a longer - so the theory was that you would need to remove the reflector below the C4S deck lid to make it work. Someone else was asking about the differences a couple weeks ago. Have a look here.
  17. Litronics MY2003_Litronics.pdf Scouser and some of the other UK folks might have some tips on buying parts...
  18. You didn't say whether the headlight assembly you want is Litronic or Standard Halogen? MY2003_front_bumper.pdf MY2003_front_wheel_liner.pdf MY2003_front_wing.pdf
  19. For a MY98 Boxster they show the following colors: 996 552 096 00 B12 Black-grey 996 552 096 01 C02 Metal-grey I would should pulling out your ashtray and check the color code on the end of the number. It will either be B12 or C02. Order accordingly.
  20. Is the switch broken? You can test it with an ohm meter. Other common areas are the front trunk microswitch and not having the sunroof or top closed all the way.
  21. Glad I could help... (little bit that I did). Hope your back gets better! :cheers:
  22. From the 997S Technik Book:
  23. Although the clutch slave cylinder is a -90 (Porsche MotorSport) part I believe it is functionally the same. I don't think you can tell them apart without looking at the part number. Perhaps the internal bore for the GT3 is larger.
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